Were You Taught Or Do You Teach Your Children Not To Date People With Certain

My mom has repeatedly told me no black American men.

Now she is telling me no black men at all.

My dad has no comment. He admits to me that black men like him seem to be very rare these days.
My parents never told me who I should or shouldn't bring home. They just wanted me to be happy. As far as I know, they weren't concerned about the physical like: too dark, bad hair, another race, etc. As long as dude was treating their baby right.
My mom has repeatedly told me no black American men.

Now she is telling me no black men at all.

My dad has no comment. He admits to me that black men like him seem to be very rare these days.

Wow...sorry to hear. What is your mother's background? Is she just weary of popular culture that many black men subscribe to?
:( How sad.
That isn't about physical characteristics is it :lol:?

No, It's about how she feels about the way black men treat black women in America. In general, they are not family-oriented, marrying men. Also many black men have strong prejudices against women with afrocentric features like mine. Do I even need to say what these features are? She doesn't like most black American culture (the most prevelant negative aspects of it) that seem to highlighted in the media. She even knows from my own experiences with black boys/men from childhood to adulthood have not been very good at all. She strongly believes that I need to broaden my horizons and date outside of the race and I will meet better men. Maybe, but it's easier said than done.
My mom told me not to date short men and not to date old men either. Oh and evaluate their family history and if they have signs of crazy or mental illness, keep it moving
Don't bring home a man with less than a bachelors degree. No guy with kids, drug abuse, thuggish, tatted up, underemployed.... As Africans, they're not too fond of American black men either.
Dont bring home a muslim... my mum was brought up muslim though but she says they dont respect women. She would cut me off if a brought home a religious muslim, especially a middle eastern one! Woo.. Dont even wanna think about it.
Stay away from angry men, broke men, a man who wont defend your honor, and stick with your own faith. My mom and dh's mom prayed over us and our future spouses when we were little kids to keep us safe. Thats about it.
My mom told me to never date a man with Peyronie's Disease.

She never said why, but she said that they will mess me up, in a bad way. I didn't believe her until I tried it and I WILL NEVER date one again.

I had to look this up but when I went to wiki it included a picture of a penis and I'm at work so I had to exit that fast.

Please can tell us why / more?
My mother just said that if he's ugly, extremely overweight, or has a mean stutter and I love him, don't bring him around the family because they won't be able to control their laughter. And I've seen it. One of my sisters exes was built like the dud:e from Despicable Me. :nono:
Mom's only request to my sis and I was No white /Indian guys...She's iffy on the spanish guys as well.
From my Mom: Don't date a man who isn't a christian

From my Dad: Don't date a man who makes less money than I do

From my Aunt: Don't date a man with a head shaped like an orange

From my granddad: Never trust a man who wears tight pants
my mom and add to my list I would prefer someone with no body hair my dad side of the family curse me 5'8 or taller no history of "big" mental illness, no glasses, no africans
From my Mom: Don't date a man who isn't a christian

From my Dad: Don't date a man who makes less money than I do

From my Aunt: Don't date a man with a head shaped like an orange

From my granddad: Never trust a man who wears tight pants


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Round? What's wrong with round? I'd be more fearful of a watermelon, banana or lemon-shaped head myself. :lol:
This was told to me to. And "we aren't better than people...but" :look: Luckily, I am a rogue :lol:

Sent from yacht with Beyonce & Blue

My mom told me to never cast my pearls among swine, but I was told to have compassion for other people. It left me a little confused at the time, but I understand what she means now. :yep:
Don't bring home a white dude. That was rescinded several years later, but I think there is still some seriousness to that statement.

Don't bring home a broke dude. If he doesn't have at least what you have, *** him.
My dad didn't want me to date someone with a widows peak or "nappy" hair. I'm not sure why. He also told me that I probably wouldn't marry a man with good credit because no black man has good credit. Well, my husband doesn't have a widow's peak and I would never call someone's hair "nappy" and fortunately for us he has EXCELLENT credit....and he is black.
physical characteristics?

I would tell my children not to date someone who is fat or has fat running in their family because fat runs on one side of my family HARD. Their kids have to have hope:look: *being shallow*

I tell my son that all the time. I tell him to look at the mother (her size/how she carries herself) and if her house is dirty and she is overweight then the daughter will be just that so don't bring her home. My son already told me he does not like any stupid girls so I know at least she will have brains. Moreover my son's pediatrician is always encouraging him to find a woman who is rich. On every visit he'll ask my son what type of woman does he like and every time the pediatrician says “she must be rich” so I hope my son is taking notes.
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