Were You Taught Or Do You Teach Your Children Not To Date People With Certain


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physical characteristics?

I would tell my children not to date someone who is fat or has fat running in their family because fat runs on one side of my family HARD. Their kids have to have hope:look: *being shallow*
The only thing I could not bring home is a bum. According to my dad, that's anyone with sagging pants with visible underwear exposed. Someone that curses a lot, smokes or drinks. Or a man that kept the corner warm 24/7 even DURING extreme weather. Other than that, nope.
"too dark" and "kuckabuck" hair....you have to have naturally looser curls cuz relaxers don't come off in the genes to the next generation...


Disclaimer: I find this thread ridiculous...it's total sarcasm based upon recent threads. Don't flame me :lol: I apologize beforehand, OP.
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"too dark" and "kuckabuck" hair....you have to have naturally looser curls cuz relaxers don't come off in the genes to the next generation...


Disclaimer: I find this thread ridiculous...it's total sarcasm based upon recent threads. Don't flame me :lol: I apologize beforehand, OP.

:lachen: You know I love you, right?

I will tell my kids not to date people with connected ear lobes. It's the ones with the connected ear lobes that cause all the trouble! :nono:
I'm tellin the boys not to bring home any skinny women...they're always full of rage.:lachen::lachen: I was taught to always carry around a sandwich, and a yoohoo to ward off shinny ***** attacks. :lachen:
Both of my parents told me not to marry a broke man and my father told my brothers not to marry a stupid woman.

Not technically physical imparments, but close enough.
Yes, my Dad always tossed out random guidelines to narrow my dating pool. Usually, his warnings were the result of some trait Dad noticed about a guy he had locked up that day. (Dad was in law enforcement.)

My Dad told me not to marry a black man who didn't have facial hair. He said they can't be trusted.

He also said, don't marry:
A man who wears pinky rings or bracelets.
A man who carries a bag with him to the bathroom.
A man who directs a church choir. (Sorry, but, yeah.)
A man who sniffs, coughs, or spits a lot.
A man who smokes - anything.
A man who calls bacon, pork chops, and ham "swine" while we're eating it.
A man who works in law enforcement. :lol:
Both of my parents told me not to marry a broke man and my father told my brothers not to marry a stupid woman.

Not technically physical imparments, but close enough.

Yes...I wasn't allowed to bring home the uneducated, or the ignorant. My family will play the Hell outta you, if you can't hold your own in a Socio-political debate. When I was into "thugs", my mom told me straight up not to bring that trash home. Likewise, my home will be a "Bird Free" zone.

Eta: I would joke around with my Dad, and tell him I was going to bring home a Jewish Cop one day....he staggered around clutching his chest like Redd Foxx :lol:
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My mom wasnt much for advice but she did tell me never to date a man who didnt take care of his kids. Nothing physical.

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My mom told me to never date a man with Peyronie's Disease.

She never said why, but she said that they will mess me up, in a bad way. I didn't believe her until I tried it and I WILL NEVER date one again.
My dad told me not to trust a black man that didn't have any facial hair. His advice was dead on though .

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Aside from telling me that me and a Latino man would make a pretty baby, my mom (and dad) care about character more than anything else and have never really given me that kind of advice.
Anyone without a stable, legal, job or if not pursuing a higher education in a "legitimate" position (not a music producer, artist, actor, dancer etc.) would get a side eye for my parents.

As for physical attributes...primarily if I dated a fat or disabled person it would get them upset. If they were of another race, they would be alarmed as well. I could get away with a hispanic person, or possibly an Indian, but a YT person would be made to feel very uncomfortable if I were to bring them to my parent's house :look:.
My mom had a thing against short men. Talking 'bout "look out for your children" :lol:
My first real love, handsome Iranian, was nearly 6'5 :look:

There were some other gems from my grandmother when I was a teen. She could be super harsh.

My mom still has a thing against short men. :lol: She despises them. They better not even look her way. She will shut them down in a heart beat. I have to ask her what's her issue.