Were you always into hair care before the forum?

I've ALWAYS been into hair.
I just didn't have the knowledge. I used to be loading up at the hair store like crazy, buying anything that said moisture and panthenol on the bottle.

Funny thing is I was more of a PJ pre-LCHF. I don't spend as much either. :ohwell:
Mostly because I usually only buy Henna and Amla, oils, honey, Elucence and VO5.

It's wayy cheaper when you practically make your own hair products....
Yes, I've been taking care of my hair since I was 9 years old. I learned alot thru trial and error. It's interesting to be able to converse w/ some many people who have the same interest. Long before this board happened in the form we're now using, I was active here and at other boards some of which are still around (such as as Hair Talk).
I didn't know anything about hair until after finding this board and other hair websites. I am happy that I did. I only wish that I knew about this site sooner.
Yup! I just really didnt know what I was doing. First off, from when I started doing my own hair until junior yr in HS, all I did was wear a bun: PROTECTIVE STYLE!!!!! :blush: Man, if I would have known what I was doing though, I would have been cowashing, DCing, sealing, and wearing my bun. My hair would have been to my bootay! :lachen: Instead, I was hardly washing or conditioning, or putting any moisture in my hair for that matter. I was just putting gobs of gel in my hair everyday and bunning it. :perplexed
Then I found and old website blackhaircare.com and really got serious. That's when I started "cowashing", I didn't know what I was doing though, so I still wasen't sealing and my hair would still be dried out. At this point, my hair is the healthiest it has been prob since I was a child. :yep:
Were you searching for that miracle product, taking advice from others, admiring other's hair, doing what you thought would provide you long, thick lushious hair before you found LHCF or did LHCF light that fire?
Yep:yep:.....that was me all the way. I've loved hair since I was a young girl. Even before I found hair boards I did research and soaked up all the knowledge I could. I've found more here than I ever could IRL.
I've always been into hair, but I researched the internet to search for ways to transition to natural hair. By the time I paid for my subscription I was already co-washing, not using too much heat, etc... but this website gives me thousands of pages to read and have the opportunity to be surrounded by women with beautiful hair. Its hair porn or internet crack for me LOL
Definately not! I stumbled onto LHCF because I was trying to find a solution to my extremely thinning hair.............LHCF has been a Godsend
Were you searching for that miracle product, taking advice from others, admiring other's hair, doing what you thought would provide you long, thick lushious hair before you found LHCF or did LHCF light that fire?

I was never into haircare before, but LHCF opened my eyes! Before LHCF, it never even occurred to me that I COULD HAVE long, thick healthy hair, so I never bothered to search for info or advice. Growing up, I had been told (and believed) that my hair was "bad" so I just dealt with my dry, damaged, neck-length hair.:nono: I've always admired other ladies with beautiful hair...I just figured they were the "lucky ones.":nono:

Two years ago, a fellow member of a fitness forum that I frequent mentioned this website and provided the link. I clicked and was immediately amazed when I saw all the beautiful heads of hair...on Black women! I thank God for LHCF!:grin:
I can't remember the members name anymore, but I had a very bad breakage from perm and the heat intake from going to Dominican Salons. Infact, back in 2004, my hair was chin length, broken off and in the back I had patches of bald hair. I was devastated.

I simply was tired of my hair growing just to break, so I started my research on achieving healthy hair and came across a hair blog which, the member also was an old member to this site.

My initial interest was to get my hair healthy. I wasn't thinking about the length. Infact, I didn't know so many women had this interest or hobby into growing long hair.

Now that my hair is healthier and with the motivation of this board...I want longer hair.
hahahahaha. Oh I was doing what I *thought* would help, but I was nowhere near successful. That's a whole 'nother thread right there.
Not at all. I didn't pay any attention to my hair. I mean, it was on my head and stuff, I washed it and combed it out once a week, put it in a puff, and that was it. I might have put some Luster's Pink Oil on it. I didn't notice anybody's hair. That's why I'm so weave-dar impaired now. I never paid attention so I don't know the ques or anything. That's also why it's all so fascinating to me now.
I was totally ignorant about hair care :yep: and hair care products even though I was doing some things right, but I wasn't aware of it until I read Wanakee's brochure.

Plus I've been going to a salon all of my life; so when I stumbled on this board, I learned other things that were helpful. :spinning:
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Absolutely! I used to do my friends’ hair, collect “black hair magazines”, spend hrs @ the BSS, but nothing compares to LHCF….the truth!! :worship2:
I was ALWAYS into hair stuff.

I had NO idea what I was doing until I was around 18 though :lol:

In my childhood and teen years I would save my allowance for hair products (never bought any CONDITIONER :wallbash:)

For the most part I always would wear buns or braids. I never was into hair "do's".
Now, I still do buns and braids, but I know how to moisturize, condition, etc.
Yes; I wanted nice, healthy hair, not so much length because I never considered it. I had a million and one products, but just didn't know how. I had 1000 oil sheens and greases, and maybe 1 shampoo and conditioner.
most definitely, absolutely, and irrevocably... yes. found hair boards and found a new found..... obsessiooon :yep:
I was always in Hair, just not Hair Care. I figured that my hair wouldnt grow, so I used to create different styles with weaves (short and long). But I would sacrifice the health of my hair to sport a different weave every week. This was when glueing weaves was the norm.

Thank Jesus for LHCF
It's funny there is a thread about this because this was just on my mind ! I have always been into hair care. Waaaaay before the forum I would always buy sophisticates black hair magazine and read the articles concerning hair growth .
Absolutely not. I didn't become seriously interested until I discovered how much I didn't know, which I discovered by studying the wealth of knowledge to be found on LHCF.

I totally was! Didn't really know what to do with my hair, but I was a serious PJ! I'm just finishing off stuff I bought pre-LHCF almost 2 years ago. It wasn't till I got here that I finally got healthy, not extremely dry hair :)
Not really. Probably because I didn't understand what to do when my hair was showing symptoms of damage. :perplexed

I always wanted beautiful hair though.