How much of the info on LHCF did you already know?


New Member
Before You came to LHCF, how much information did you already know for your hair care maintenance or you were already doing?
IntelligenceisBeautiful said:
not to use too much direct heat, use a satin scarf, and deep conditioning.
Everything else i learned here, and believe me that list is very long.

Pretty much the same here
Maybe about 60-70% of the info I already knew, because I have been a hair book/hair magazine fanatic for years now. I didn't know about the supplements (have known about biotin and have taken that for 4 years now) like Flaxseed Oil, MSM, Silica, L-Cysteine, etc. Didn't think hard about protective styling. Knew about trimming. Didn't think of the benefits of stretching a touch-up. Knew about the dangers of heat, hair colors with peroxide/ammonia (<-- that one by trial and error, :lol: ), alcohol in hair products. Didn't know mineral oil and petroleum were bad for hair. Knew about CO washes, and on and on...
Jewell I think I'm like you, I knew about biotin but not the other supplements. I didn't know about trimming. I've faithfully been trimming or more like cutting my hair for the past 5 years every six weeks or even less if I felt like it. I also didn't know about CO washes. I was surprised that so many people used EVOO in their hair b/c I used it before I came here. Strecthing relaxers, I was doing it but I didn't know that there was a name to it :lol:.

Jewell said:
Maybe about 60-70% of the info I already knew, because I have been a hair book/hair magazine fanatic for years now. I didn't know about the supplements (have known about biotin and have taken that for 4 years now) like Flaxseed Oil, MSM, Silica, L-Cysteine, etc. Didn't think hard about protective styling. Knew about trimming. Didn't think of the benefits of stretching a touch-up. Knew about the dangers of heat, hair colors with peroxide/ammonia (<-- that one by trial and error, :lol: ), alcohol in hair products. Didn't know mineral oil and petroleum were bad for hair. Knew about CO washes, and on and on...
I knew about a lot of it but I wasnt doing it. My mother is the type that thinks spending a lot of time on hair or skin is trival and vain so I would do it for a while, get good results and then slack off. This forum has helped me be more consistent. If I hadnt found LHCF I probably would have kept dragging my feet about being natural. It was my inspiration to do what I have been wanting to do anyway. Some of the supplements I knew about but didnt, and still dont take consistently. I had found out about msm before this forum, but tought of it as a detox not the hair growth. I probably would never have known about surge, or tried the different products like bilolage detangling solution that has become my staples. Most of the information that has benefited me has been product info. And it has caused me to be more gentle with my hair. I also want to start making my own products but the info is so overwhelming I havent decided where to start.
90% of what I see here I've picked up from other sites like nappturality, naturallycurly etc... and magazines and hair books as Jewell mentioned...

But I didn't know about steaming :grin: which is why I posted for the first time today.
Enchantmt said:
I knew about a lot of it but I wasnt doing it. My mother is the type that thinks spending a lot of time on hair or skin is trival and vain so I would do it for a while, get good results and then slack off.

To an extent I start to feel this way if I over indulge, which is why I made an effort to simplify my regimen and stop being a PJ. I make everything I use on my hair myself, which may sound like a huge effort, but it's actually better than buying new products month after month trying to see what works and what doesn't (Less EXPENSIVE too.)

If I decide to buy a steamer, this will be a big indulgence for me...I already feel guilty :ohwell:
Hi Hair Buddy!:wave:

I didn't know didly squat except to use a satin cap at night. Very sad:sad:. I consider myself to be a relatively intelligent person but it took me until the age of 32 to figure out how to properly maintain my hair! BUT I am a reformed hair abuser! Having raggedy tore up broken damaged dry brittle hair is behind me now!

Thanks to all the info here and on other websites I've absorbed in the past six months, I think I could right a disertation on black hair care!:grin: People actually come to me for hair advice now. Go figure:ohwell:
I knew the majority of the info on LHCF but it was good to see "end results" from people who used products, & techniques that I was always wary of! :grin: Now I know what to weed out!
I knew almost all of what i know now except a few things. I was very afraid of cutting out my damaged hair and when i came here I realized it had to go.
Uh...I'm like a lot of you I knew to do somethings and also that some other things were damaging, but just didn't do it.

I knew about build up and clarifying(just didn't know the name for it).

I knew the overuse of direct heat was dangerous.

Knew certain products where drying out my hair but didn't have enough knowledge to go out and find products to combat the dryness.

I learned a boat load of info here....
I knew about stretching out my relaxers, mostly because I refused to shell out $70 for a touchup every eight weeks. I was stretching to 12 weeks because I thought that the cost of a touch up was too much.

I already knew about sleeping with a satin scarf. I knew about deep condtioning with heat. I knew rollersets were better for my hair but didn't do them often cause it took so long to dry. I knew to use a heat protectant when blow drying. I knew that braids were a good way to give my hair a break from relaxers and styling.
natalied said:
Hi Hair Buddy!:wave:

Thanks to all the info here and on other websites I've absorbed in the past six months, I think I could right a disertation on black hair care!:grin: QUOTE]

HAHAHA!!!:lachen: I feel the same way!
I knew about wearing silk/satin scarfs....I also knew that moisture was the key to keeping away split ends and having cut, I just didn't know what to moisturize with (I was using Pink Oil :eek:)
I knew about roller setting, deep conditioning, and protective styles - even though I rarely wore my hair up. That's about it really.
I have to say 95% of what I know about hair care and growth is due to my own trials and error. But when I stumbled accross this site, OMG have I learned alot about the many products that can be purchased to get different results. I was a relatively simple girl when it came to products, but I have my arsonal of products now. I am trying to stay in control so as not to fall prey into becoming another PJ :lol:.

I benefit the most from this site due to the comon goal that we all have. Healthy Hair. I enjoy reading the successes of those that reach their goals.
I knew a lot of stuff, but I didn't really apply it. I knew about biotin, but didn't like taking pills. I knew about apply a heat protectant, but didn't know exactly what a heat protectant was, so I used spritz. I did do pre-poos, deep condition with heat, and rollerset.
Rollers etting instead of hot curling I learned from a friend back in 99. Then I found out about Wanakee and everything changed. So I knew a good bit, but honestly coming here and finding out about the baggy method changed my whole game plan up! I :love: LHCF!
I already knew most of the information from reading on the internet, from hair books, from friends and from my own trial and error. But I didn't practice what I knew consistently. It was only after I came to LHCF and could read the other experiences of people with hair like mine who were treating their hair well on an ongoing basis, that's when everything fell into place for me.
I knew about a lot of the basic info - washing at least once a week, D/C, moisturize, protective styles, etc, only because I had read a book on black hair care about 6 months before I joined the forum. But I learned all the secrets (the good stuff :grin: ) on the forum....Like co-washing, what products to use, how to rollerset, and so much more ;)
Before ever getting on hairboards, I started wearing my hair up after deciding never to go back to the salon again. I would wash it everyday, and put it up. I was not using any heat since I was putting it up. There fore no heat, less manipulation, protected ends, I knew about satin pillowcases already.

My hair really started to grow like crazy, I then began to search for sites on how to take care of it. I found this site among a couple of others.

I learned so much from this website what I did not know I learned from Cathy Howse's UBH Book. This site has been very informative and inspirational. Its one thing to talk the talk, but to see everyone walking the walk and producing beautiful results is very inspiring.
I knew about 5% of what I read hear, no more! This site has thought me so much and the great thing is: it really works. I'm so grateful to all y'all members.
To be honest, the only thing I was knowledgeable about was the use of heat causing breakage because I experienced it first hand. Other than that, I knew nothing about stretching relaxers, protein treatments, sealing in moisture, when to trim, protecting ends, or the difference between deep conditioners and regular conditioners.

LHCF has taught me so much and I continue to learn new things everyday. I will be forever thankful for the women of LHCF.
I've learned so much..... oh my the dangerous things I used to do to my hair when I didn't know WOW.....glad I know better now:)