Hair Care Commitment: How Long Before You Were Fully "On Board"?

It took me about 18 months to get my haircare act together. I first discovered hair boards (but not this one) in Oct. 2004 when I first started transitioning. But boards were confusing, so I turned to books which helped a little, but focused more on styling. So I really didn't do anything to my hair.

In about March/April of this year, i found several hairboards and all the information on the net combined with what I had learned in the books started to make since. The only thing that I've been consistent with from day one is probably co washing. No heat is kind of hard because I still go to the salon. I've never been too keen on protective styling and probably never will be. I finally decided to transition last month and I really am going to stick with it this time. I've been a PJ all my life and I'm not really looking for any holy grails or anything because I like variety.

Most people in my life are not very supportive of my journey so I am going to start keeping it to myself.
brownsugababe said:
I actually just joined the site this week and boy have I learned a lot. It started off with me doing some research a month ago. Then I purchased Cathy Howse’s 2000 edition book. I learned so much and wanted to know more, which is what lead me to LCHF. I can not believe how ignorant I was when it came to black hair care. Heat was a part of my daily routine. Deep conditioning…what’s that? Sleeping with a scarf, never…and I didn’t even own a hair moisturizer. But all that has changed! I have no problem letting go of all those bad habits because I have witnessed for myself through LCHF what a good hair care regimen can ultimately lead to.

Welcome to LHCF! I'm a fellow newbie, myself. You sound a lot like I used to do with using heat seven days a week!

I started changing my evil ways a couple of months ago, first by trying the Ojon treatment, noursishing shampoo and the conditioner. My hair felt so rejuvinated that I recommitted to taking better care of it. So, I started reading black hair care books and then I stumbled across this fabulous site. I'm still learning, but I won't turn back.
I started off transitioning because I was tired of one side being thinner than the other one. I thought that perming did that. Later on I realized that I had been wrapping it in the same direction for years. I lurked through the winter and joined in May. In August I decided that I would try relaxing one more time. I have been bunning consistiently and using heat very rarely. I have seen a HUGE difference in the thickness of my hair and it is starting to grow again! It's taken awhile to nail down a routine, so I was definitely a PJ for a minute, but now that I have one I know I'll reach my goals in time:grin:
I was immediately a pj when i joined the board over 2 years ago and moved from one thing to another with no real progress. Its only been since my last 'cut' in April that I truly committed to 'doing the right thing' and my hair has responded nicely:D
January of this year. Hair care was never my problem. I burned half of my hair out trying to press it, it burned down to the scalp, which caused a lot of problems. Since then I am more consious of how I care for my hair.
I found out about the site a week ago and joined the following day. As much as I thought I was doing right by my hair, it's easy to see I could have been doing much better.

There's a ton of info. on this site and honestly, it was a bit overwhelming. Within a weeks time I've probably already spent $100.00 on products and I've quickly learned that what works for some will not necessarily work for others. For every person who absolutely loves the product there is another who detests it. Lesson learned!

I'm cowashing, moisturing, sealing, bagging, etc. But as far as the products go, from hereon out, I'll take my time to see what works for ME!

I'm just happy that now that I know better, I can do better and can look to you all for inspiration and help along my hair journey.
