Were you always into hair care before the forum?


Well-Known Member
Were you searching for that miracle product, taking advice from others, admiring other's hair, doing what you thought would provide you long, thick lushious hair before you found LHCF or did LHCF light that fire?
Kinda. I always wanted long hair. I tried to do protective styles with my hair. I really didn't become a hair fanatic until LHCF.
I was into taking care of my hair before LHCF, but all I knew to do was to not use heat. I grew my hair to BSL, but it looks healthier now that I've learned so much from the forum.
I was into trying to take care of my hair. I have always been a PJ. But now that I happened upon LHCF I am learning so much more.:grin:
i always admired hair and wanted to have nice, healthy, long hair but i didn't have a clue. when I found cathy howse book, i started getting the answers i had been looking for
Yep always been into hair care! I have photos from years back where I was just taking a pic of my hair :lol:
Absolutely not. I didn't become seriously interested until I discovered how much I didn't know, which I discovered by studying the wealth of knowledge to be found on LHCF.
yeah I've always been a hair fanatic. Before I found the forum, I had some knowledge about hair. Since I was a little girl, I was always into hair. I hooked my kenya doll up :lol: And I was always amazed at girl with long hair. I just didnt know how to achieve it until I found the forum.
Since I was in grade school and that was a very very loooooooooong time ago!

I use to do press and curls and relaxers in junior high and high school and get paid for it!

Have always had a love affair with hair.
Yelp! I have ALWAYS been obsessed with hair. I used to take prenatal pills because I thought it would make my hair grow faster, stretched my relaxers for 2 months instead of every 4 weeks. I washed and conditioned it every week. But it wasn't till I started lurking on LHCF that my hair really took off and thickened up! I know way more and even more obsessed now!
I used to admire long hair on others and wonder why my hair couldn't/wouldn't get any longer. I had no idea how to care for it to ensure that it grew longer but I definitely wanted to find out how to. I knew it was possible, at least, I felt it was possible for me to grow long healthy beautiful hair because it didn't make any sense otherwise, I mean other people had it. So I sought the info and I found it here!
I was always into my hair but did not know how to take care of it. Since finding LHCF, I have become an addicted.
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Were you searching for that miracle product, taking advice from others, admiring other's hair, doing what you thought would provide you long, thick lushious hair before you found LHCF or did LHCF light that fire?

No and yes. I always wanted long hair again like when I was a little girl. I used to love reading hair magazines and when I went to the library or bookstore I admired the women on the covers who had long pretty hair especially on all those old romance novels :giggle: I always tried miracle products one after another that never worked for me but now I know why they didn't work lol I wasn't taking care of my hair anyway :spinning:. I have always admired women with long beautiful hair on tv and in real life. LHCF lit the fire of desire and determination: I decided I wanted healthy and long hair-- lhcf help me to see that I could have it if I wanted it; I just needed to make some corrections and have a plan for acheiving my goal.
kind of. When I was natural or even the times when I would only relax once or twice a year, I would always do the things my mom did (healthy hair practices) Sometimes Princess4real would give me products to try (she started me with WGO and CON). Once I started visiting the dominicans (in my junior year of HS), and I started listening to my god sister who kept telling me my hair was going to fall out by relaxing once a year that's when my hair started doing bad.
I always took care of my hair as well as my daughter's hair, but I was constantly searching for the right products. Since LHCF, I have learned so much. I have been blessed with a wealth of information right at my fingertips.

You ladies here are wonderful!!!
Yeah. My mom grew my hair when i was longer and tought me things like wash every 2 weeks, grease daily (with regular grease and pink lotion), hot oil treatments, trim, dont relax the ends, and leave it alone either in twists/braids or in a ponytail and my hair was always long when she did it

Then when i started doing it, it broke off to about neck (which i still thought was a decent length) and i thought i knew alot about hair and to me it was just up to doing what she said to a T and finding the right hair products to make it grow.

I always asked people with long hair (To me was a healthy little bit longer than SL) what they did to their hair, i was convinced their was some "secret" they werent telling me, that they were mixed, or a stylist that really knew how to grow hair that i needed to have, I was also really consumed with how to get the wrap look to your hair....I couldnt understand why my hair didnt look like a wrap after i washed it and blowdried or airdried. Had no knowledge of anything besides a brush and never thought about how you set and style hair and that hair grows from the top not the ends. :sad: :sad: :sad: I was searching for hairgrowing vitamins and prenatal pills because someone told me that when i was 16/17, then i found exotic allure vitamins, cathy howse...then hair forums. I was so amazed that their was actuall hair info online that i was missing out on and that black women could actually grow hair.
I thought I was. So many mistakes committed in 5 years as a natural. WHen I finally got on forum, I started to make a headway even though it took about 6 months!

Thank GOD for SamanthaJones. She did it for me. The woman is amazing.
Definately! I even practice forum hair care methods w/o even knowing it. When I was relaxed, I stretched, never greased my scalp and I bunned for nearly a year...all without knowing that I was actually helping my hair. I just did those things out of convenience, I stretched b/c relaxers messed with my scalp, I hated any build up on my scalp, so I never put grease on it, and I hated my fine tresses, so I kept it bunned...

Plus, I can pick up on any style after only seeing it done once or twice, so family members would mooch off of me when they wanted their hair done (damn free loaders :boxing: :giggle:)
I've been into hair ever since I saw a commercial for cabbage patches with "corn silk" hair when I was little. :lol: I really got serious about growing longer hair when I was around 9 or 10 after a serious episode of breakage from relaxer damage. But lhcf has given more information than I would have ever imagined regarding hair care (and fueled my hair obsession even more :lol: ).
Hey Bubbling! :wave:

I was always into styling hair 'cause I grew up in my mom's salons. Two out of my 3 sisters are stylists too. So hair was always a big thing in my life.

I went through a period where my hair was damaged. Even though I would style it to make it look nice, it was to camouflage damaged overprocessed hair. When I first got serious to nurse it back, I decided to stop relaxing indefinitely. I had my sister braid my hair every 5 weeks for about 4 months. I was pleased with the growth and thickness that I gained during that time.

I had read Cathy House's site and Carolyn Grey's book. I found LHCF around that time.

For about 8 months, I wore a wig (4 months transitioning. 4 months w/my TWA). When it grew to about chin length, I relaxed on my one-year anniversary after being natural. A few months after my relaxer, I joined LHCF. I remained a lurker for a looong while, but I read a lot of the important eye-opening threads, and that kept me on track.
Were you searching for that miracle product, taking advice from others, admiring other's hair, doing what you thought would provide you long, thick lushious hair before you found LHCF or did LHCF light that fire?

I have ALWAYS been into hair....just not like THIS!

I ran into one of my dad's Ex's and she was talking about how into hair I was when I was a kid :lol:

pre-LHCF I did things that I thought were good for my hair...like minimizing heat, relaxing only 2x per year, using lots of conditioner, air drying, using EVOO, cool water rinses, bunning and regular stylist visits

but pre-LHCF I didn't think that my hair could grow longer than APL...and it never would have if I'd kept my every 2 week appt at the shop :ohwell:
I always wanted my hair to grow and wondered why it kept breaking so I guess I was into my hair, but proper hair care became a priority after joining.
Yes, I was always into hair. And I always wanted to retain length with relaxed hair (I was only able to do it with natural hair). I knew that there were some things that I needed to learn but had no clue what I was doing wrong to my relaxed hair.

But what I did learn on this forum, is that haircare is NOT easy or simple! It takes a lot of work and dedication. I've always had the dedication to take care of my hair, but I didn't have the knowledge. Now that I have both: I can achieve more goals and help others as well. :grin:
Yes I was always into hair care before, however the forum has enlightened me so much more though. I have definitely benfitted from wearing protective styling, keeping my hair moisturized and stretching relaxers.
helllz nah i wasnt into hair. I had 1 bottle of poo, 1 bottle of conditioner and 1 bottle of pink oil moisturizer and i was set. Now i have 65 different choices. i never paid attention to hair including natural hairstyles and always wondered why someone would CHOOSE to be natural. Now ive learned that all hair is beautiful including our natural texture. Im so much more aware of hair now and its a beautiful thing