Well...I finally found my hair hater!

Probably mad cause you know hair care anyway and here in lies the proof. Just something else to hate you about IMHO.
Gurrrrrl, please! All THAT hair....she SAW you!:yep:

I know that you were disappointed, but don't let it phase you. Only God knows why some folks do what they do.

Your hair is beautiful! Continue to enjoy it and act like nothing even happened.

I don't want to sound insensitive about your friend, but unless she's passing out money with her conversation- her thoughts, comments, praise for your hair don't matter! YOUR hair is fabulous and YOU know it!:yep:
I'm SO glad that one person didn't come to start the "How do you know it was even like that" thing.

Yes, it IS like that...a person you considered a friend...even helped with her DAUGHTER'S hair and her hair with splits...she helped you with a DC etc...couldn't even say "WOW, your hair looks great?" Sitting TWO cubicles across and couldn't come say"hi" when I'm sure she was in your face all the time when you were offering help, laughing it up when the jokes and countdown was going on.

No, that's just a bit hurtful and you KNOW she saw you. She choose not to say anything...and you know why.

Your hair is GORGEOUS and that is my goal. Keep up the great work. All of that protective styling pays off, ladies!! When you feel like you can't stand another twist, bun or updo, remember this post!
If I was a coworker of yours I'd get in trouble for always being at your desk with a notepad trying to jot down your how to's. lol! Your hair is divine honey!
You should play a trick on her. Wear your hair up in a bun, tucked away, and when she comes smiling in your face because she isn't as threatened, take the pin out, and wave your hair around like that Pantene commercial.
wow, her hating was loud and clear! her face was definitely green!!

thats a shame how some people are, well you found out her info. now you know the real her.

eta: and your hair looks straight up the BOMB!!!
You have some Big Bodacious Hair :yep:. Don't let her insecurities stop you from enjoying your hair. The fact that she has not said anything to you about your hair lets you know that she saw it and she's jealous.
hmmm how will day two at work go today?.... she'll probably call-in sick being that she must have turned green from envy, she'll hope that by the time she returns you're back in your plaits and then y'all can laugh about it and talk hair again lol!

Beautiful hair btw!
She didn't miss all that lush hair - she was hoping that you'd trip and go bald:grin: She's got a bad case of Hateone-Ain'tOne virus, there is no cure!
Very, very pretty! She must have been so green with envy that she couldn't get past her own issues to give your props. Well, you've come to the right place. Your hair looks beautiful!
your hair is gorgeoussssssssssssssssssssssss. maybe she was blinded by the length lol. anyway its lovely.

I have no words to express my disappointment in this person.

A latina co-worker of mine whom I always talk to about hair care, helped her with her splits issue, her daughters hair etc. has not said a WORD to me all day and sits 2 cubes down from me. Today would be the first day she sees my hair.

There are 6 women in my team and they were all counting down the days until I actually blowdried my hair (now the joke is the flat iron lol) since they hated my plaits so. I went from plaits and twists to this (see pics) so believe me this big hair cannot go un-noticed.

Can I only share my joy with you ladies? Wow....

Maybe she didn't see me :perplexed
Do you have a fotki? Or something, anything with pictures will do, lol...

Far as the coworker, what's funny is she'll probably be all smiles once you put the hair back up. Hopefully she just had a bad day...
How much should one tone it down?

If you have to "tone down" your happiness then that's a huge sign that this person is not your friend. Why should you tone anything down? Its just hair and if you never wear it down for your own personal reasons then obviously you're not going around flaunting it.

If you go to exoticmommie's thread "can I live vicariously through you" You'll find that people sometimes can't handle beautiful long hair :grin: They get all silly and act a fool. Whatever, just flip your hair and keep doing what you're doing.
Pretty hair and it looks soft in the picture. I don't know about the coworker but if you want her to say something or notice your hair why not go ask how does she like it?