Well...I finally found my hair hater!

She saw you and she was mad jealous...and hell so am I....
your hair is B E A U T I F U L...

Your hair was so pretty it made her Speechless is all....o-0
Don't worry girl. I have the same "non-problem" with this latina lady that I work with and my hair isn't even anywhere near the point of your's yet. Whenever I change my hairstyle or wear my hair out, I get compliments from every single one of my co-workers except her. She just stares. I think many latinas are conditioned to think women with afro textured have hair that can not grow or be thick. Just like most black people. Thus when they see someone with hair that contradicts their beliefs, they are at lost for words or compliments. They really don't know of anything good to say about afro textured hair, because all their lives all their thoughts or words about it have been bad.
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Of course you can share with us!!!! ((((hugs)))) Your hair looks gorgeous!!! I love it. She def. SAW you, but now she's in hate mode. Shake it off. That's how you know if someone's a real friend. :yep:
Welcome to the wonderful world of hair haters...it means you're doin somethin right ;) :yep:

Hold your head high and know that we all think your hair is gorgeous and you have made WONDERFUL progress with that hair of yours! It is simply BEAUTIFUL and you deserve to be proud of it. You don't have anything to prove to her regardless.

It is disappointing that she didn't say anything but whatever. Just continue to do you and don't let her ways influence your behavior. If it's in your heart and spirit to continue to give hair advice to her and/or others who want/need it then continue to do so willingly because we need more women who are open to sharing "good haircare practices", even if a small percentage of the ones we give it to don't appreciate it or can't return a complement in the end...because there will always be people like this. But on the flip side of that, for every one that acts that way, there's at least 100 people that will appreciate you giving advice and who will sincerely admire your hair and praise you for a job well done in taking care of it.

This thread is a testament to that ;)

Lookin GORGEOUS girl! :drunk:

I have no words to express my disappointment in this person.

A latina co-worker of mine whom I always talk to about hair care, helped her with her splits issue, her daughters hair etc. has not said a WORD to me all day and sits 2 cubes down from me. Today would be the first day she sees my hair.

There are 6 women in my team and they were all counting down the days until I actually blowdried my hair (now the joke is the flat iron lol) since they hated my plaits so. I went from plaits and twists to this (see pics) so believe me this big hair cannot go un-noticed.

Can I only share my joy with you ladies? Wow....

Maybe she didn't see me :perplexed

Did the photo disappear with the upgrade?
Revisiting and I want to see your pic.
awwww man I don't even remember what picture I had up :(
I tend to delete pics and posts hence my often "please do not quote" notes...
Maybe my Fotki has something?
I doubt it. Sometimes people delete their pics after a while... that really annoys me lol. I wanna see this beautiful blowout. Heck if someone isn't speaking to her it must've been fab!
It really wasn't all that lol
Ironically she said " look at all that fabulous hair" the other day but I'm wearing crochet braids that could look like my blow out. Let me take a pic...