Well...I finally found my hair hater!

It is very disappointing when someone who's been otherwise supportive ignores your achievement.

Anyways, keep doing your thing, lady godiva! Maybe it's simply a matter of the all-consuming beauty of your hair having her temporarily verklempt! :look:
Ok, OP..:wave:...I want to know how the day turned out...did she ever make it over to you today and has she said anything about your hair yet? What did she say/do? Updates please.

Also, I saw your second post and I don't think you should be worried about whether OTHERS think you are "showing off" and it doesn't matter how long you have been working to achieve that hair or if you have always had it. You are entitled to wear your hair anyway that you please at any time that you please and if insecure, envious women cannot handle it, that does not make you rude, obnoxious or inappropriate. It's not your problem how people feel about your gorgeous hair. That is their opportunity to soul-search, not yours.

So, please, don't let this incident bring you down to the point that you hesitate next time you want to wear your hair out/down. It's YOUR HAIR. It's GLORIOUS. It's GOD GIVEN. You SHOULD GO FOR IT! :yep:

*sitting back waiting on the updates*
That sucks so bad. If a friend ignored me when I looked nice and didn't offer me a compliment or even acknowledge I would be devastated. You don't expect that behavior from friends. I'm sorry she was so catty by ignoring you, maybe she was PMSing. :bighug: Anyway, your hair is stunning!!! Definitely wear it down at work more often!

She was probably shocked that your hair looks better than hers...:sekret:

Ya, that's what I think. Truth be told, other ladies are just not used to being topped by black ladies when it comes to hair. :perplexed How does her hair look?
Your hair is looking fabulous:gorgeous: You can always come here & show off your gorgeous locks:yep:

As others have said, she definitely saw you & YOUR hair in all its glory. However, I would not trust her to ever touch your hair again:ohwell:
Ain't no way in the world she didn't see that cloud of hair following you around. :lachen: You can show us all the pictures of your hair you want. I am a big fan.

btw, how did you get it like that, with the curls at the end? it totally reminds me of the hair of Tiana from the original storyboards:

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Your hair looks great, sorry your friend didn't support you. And please don't worry about showing off. You are only enjoying your hard work. :yep:
Girl, you're hair is GORGEOUS!!!! It's what mine aspires to be. She noticed. I think sometimes envy rears it's ugly head and that sucks. I'm sorry it upset you.
Wow - be nice to her - she probably gets a lump in her throat every time she see looked at you!!!!!!!! LMAO . . . it's so hard to hide hate.
Oh, she SAW you! LOL!

I'm sorry she turned out to be a hater. I'm sure someone already asked, but what does her hair look like?
Ok you KNOW I've told you that you're one of my hair inspirations. My goal is to have thick luscious glorious kinky curly gootness like yours. Your hair is BEAUTIMOUS. I could talk and listen abour hair all day. Girl I'd let you pick my twa lol.

Seriously though, I'm sorry about your associate (because if you're sensitive like me, it probably stung just a little)... but atleast she showed her true feelings. I'd enjoy my grass and let her sit and sulk in her saltiness. :yep:
OH MY GOSH...!!! YOUR HAIR IS SOOOO BEAUTIFUL...!!! Please share more pics with us. We don't mind.

Reminds me of Isis.
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If this is a friend, her response can be hurtful. She might be feeling ashamed that she didn't congratulate you. Hopefully you guys can go back to talking again. Your hair is very beautiful.
Envy is real! I hate that a "friend" made you feel like this though...Enjoy your hair. It's gaw-geous, really!
She saw you. I would actually nicely say hi to her when I'm passing by.

Don't need no drama at work - watch her closely but don't get to chummy with her.
:thud: :thud: :thud: Naaaaaaaaaahhhh She SAW you. She most definitely saw you. I see you on my cell phone screen so she saw you! lol GORGEOUS Hair!! :drunk::drunk::drunk::lick::lick:
she saw you, for sure.
she's probably not a hater.
just intimidated and feeling sheepish. :yep:

gorgeous hair!! :grin: