Well...I finally found my hair hater!

Maybe she fits the definition of "frenemy?"
Or maybe she thinks it's not your real hair and doesn't want to say anything?
Either way, I KNOW she sees your hair. In fact, if she's anything like me, she'll be seeing your hair long after you're out of view.

Just Gorgeous!!
Why she gotta say a word?

Your hair is doing all the talking my friend. :lachen::lachen::lachen:


I have no words to express my disappointment in this person.

A latina co-worker of mine whom I always talk to about hair care, helped her with her splits issue, her daughters hair etc. has not said a WORD to me all day and sits 2 cubes down from me. Today would be the first day she sees my hair.

There are 6 women in my team and they were all counting down the days until I actually blowdried my hair (now the joke is the flat iron lol) since they hated my plaits so. I went from plaits and twists to this (see pics) so believe me this big hair cannot go un-noticed.

Can I only share my joy with you ladies? Wow....

Maybe she didn't see me :perplexed
Girl you have to :heart2:the haters!!! lol! Your hair is fiyah and she can't deny it.
Simply gorgeous. Don't pay your co-worker any mind. You worked hard for that hair and it sounds like she's a little jealous. Don't let her steal your light.
Better that the hater is revealed now.....now you don't have waste any more time or energy on that coworker. You hair is beautiful.
She saw all that lush, thick, beautiful hair. She is just tripping. Ignore her. Just bask in the glow of all your beautiful hair.
She did not miss that Big, Bunch of Beautifulness! Chile Please! I am very familiar with those types, I have a cousin that never compliments anyone for nothing in this World, it can be anybody, Women of course, but when it comes to giving credit, You won't get it from Her, and We all know why, it's only one reason, that Green-Eyed Monster got that voicebox on lock. :nono: Terrible!
Ur hair is just lovely fine4s!

she will have to just get over it but she sees you and all your lushiousness! My work I wish I worked with you so I could touch your hair lol :yep:
Your hair is absolutely lovely! Do you, 'cause like the ladies have already said, haters gonna hate--that is what they do... Your co-worker is used to seeing you a certain way, with your protective style. Once she saw you take that hair down, her true colors showed. Simple as that. If I were you, I would let it down a little more often (but not too often) and just represent!
Did you say you walked by her cube????? You did, didn't you!?!?!?!?!

Girl don't worry about her; she is laying in her cube unconscious.:dazed: When you walked by, the breeze knocked her out.

She'll comment on your hair when she comes to. If she doesn't, you know she saw it (and even felt the aftermath of it!):grin:

Hey ladies,

I'm going to address the great points you all made:

1. She appears to be in good spirits as she was laughing several times today with two other women in the group. The other two women complimented me first thing in the morning. She comes in an hour after my start time.

2. It's not bringing me down too much because I'm so happy with my hair. However I am disappointed that SHE would be a suspect hater when we've been talking about this for years! This situation has brought up other thoughts though. For example, it is possible that I may appear show-offy to others who don't know that I have worked for years to achieve my current length and health.
How much should one tone it down?

3. I've never worn my hair down at work, not even twist or braid-outs. This moment was planned :) Clearly I was ill-prepared.

4. She knows it's my real hair because she saw last year's progress pic and she's helped me apply deep conditioners at work lol.

5. I guess I won't waste too much energy on her as Selfstyled pointed out.

((Big Hugs Ladies))
Your hair looks amazing and if she can't give you a compliment then she's not a friend. I call people like that "frienemies" LOL They are your friend up until you have something to celebrate then they disappear. Make sure you flip your hair everytime she walks by :yep:
How can anyone ignore such wonderful lush hair?!!!!! It's absolutely gorgeous and I think that she did see and was very jealous. Definitely a hair hater!! :nono:See if she talks to you tomorrow and what she says!!
Oh well that's what we're here for! Your hair is beautiful! Please make sure to toss it back each and everytime you walk by her cube.
Your hair is absolutely gorgeous!!!
Enjoy and be proud of your great hair accomplishment. The lady has hair issues:sad: