Waist Length in 2010

okay i might dc today, not sure just yet. i have some brahmi, i got it to cut down my hair shedding while in these corn rows, but not sure how 2 incorporate it into my routine...
Can I play? I'm like a hundred miles from wl, I know. But I'm trying to get it done by the end of this year. Ok if I join? :lick: I wanna talk wl talk too. :drunk:
Can I play? I'm like a hundred miles from wl, I know. But I'm trying to get it done by the end of this year. Ok if I join? :lick: I wanna talk wl talk too. :drunk:

It does not look like you're a hundred miles from wl! How many inches do you have?
Can I play? I'm like a hundred miles from wl, I know. But I'm trying to get it done by the end of this year. Ok if I join? :lick: I wanna talk wl talk too. :drunk:

You're not far, stop zaggeratin!
It does not look like you're a hundred miles from wl! How many inches do you have?
Maybe 4 inches or less. I'll have a better idea after my touch up next week. And I can't wait!

You're not far, stop zaggeratin!

Yay!!! *happily sitting my booty down and browsing previous posts to catch up*.
Maybe 4 inches or less. I'll have a better idea after my touch up next week. And I can't wait!

Yay!!! *happily sitting my booty down and browsing previous posts to catch up*.

Hey girl, you fine, is it unrealistic to expect 3 or 4 more inches in the year? May just got here...technically got 8 months until 2011...i think we can do it. it we dont, we should be pretty close by the end of 2010. Hell if I can get 2 inches I will be pretty happy because wl will definately be within reach. I think we will both be happy at the end of this challenge :grin:
Hey girl, you fine, is it unrealistic to expect 3 or 4 more inches in the year? May just got here...technically got 8 months until 2011...i think we can do it. it we dont, we should be pretty close by the end of 2010. Hell if I can get 2 inches I will be pretty happy because wl will definately be within reach. I think we will both be happy at the end of this challenge :grin:

8 months is a long time, mama. We can definitely do it...barring any setbacks, that is. :rolleyes: Girl, other than the backs of heads, I'm not trying to see ANY backs~ No setbacks, flashbacks, backpacks, cashbacks (well..I can make an exception on that one). But especially no setbacks. :pray: Only looking forward. And I can't wait to see how we all do at the end of the year. Here's hoping the summer months bring us great growth! :drunk:
Nah, almost. I think in July if all goes well I'll be there! I am also thinking about trimming so I dunno what that'll do for my progress.

Do you generally do roller wraps on your own? Try it out, if you fail miserably you can go have it done!

i tried once and ended up with a rats nest lol
8 months is a long time, mama. We can definitely do it...barring any setbacks, that is. :rolleyes: Girl, other than the backs of heads, I'm not trying to see ANY backs~ No setbacks, flashbacks, backpacks, cashbacks (well..I can make an exception on that one). But especially no setbacks. :pray: Only looking forward. And I can't wait to see how we all do at the end of the year. Here's hoping the summer months bring us great growth! :drunk:

So Whimsy? You have now been added to my list of inspirations! I've been stalking your blog but just realized you're about to make waistlength in less than 3 years from nothing! That is definitely my goal for my natural hair....just don't know if I should start snipping now or wait to maintain at wl.....I'm so obsessed with length right now:wallbash:
So Whimsy? You have now been added to my list of inspirations! I've been stalking your blog but just realized you're about to make waistlength in less than 3 years from nothing! That is definitely my goal for my natural hair....just don't know if I should start snipping now or wait to maintain at wl.....I'm so obsessed with length right now:wallbash:


:grin: Ooooh I'm so geeked right now cuz that was my goal all along. I'm so excited.

Hey, if the ends are healthy and don't need snippage, then hold off. You said it, you're obsessed with length, so let it hang girl.....UNLESS it NEEDS to be snipped.

That's my angle.
i think i am going to boil some blach tea up and add the brahmi and just do a rinse with it. then let it sit for 20 mins, then dc with a mixture of ors, yogurt, castor oil and vatika oil. then im going to get my corn rows redone b/c they look really bad now
You guys I'm dropping out of the challenge. As some of you might have seen, I got my hair trimmed (cut) and I went from WSL to BSL, obviously against my wishes. After two months I'm still really upset about it. And being in this challenge is just increasing my anxiety, anger and sadness because it makes me so conscious of what I lost. So I'm going to just let me hair do what it's going to do with no expectations or pressure. Hopefully I'll be able to get over it soon because two months is a long time to be so angry and upset about a haircut.
You guys I'm dropping out of the challenge. As some of you might have seen, I got my hair trimmed (cut) and I went from WSL to BSL, obviously against my wishes. After two months I'm still really upset about it. And being in this challenge is just increasing my anxiety, anger and sadness because it makes me so conscious of what I lost. So I'm going to just let me hair do what it's going to do with no expectations or pressure. Hopefully I'll be able to get over it soon because two months is a long time to be so angry and upset about a haircut.

Awww...dohn't be so sad.....you will get there...u know how to do it :)
You guys I'm dropping out of the challenge. As some of you might have seen, I got my hair trimmed (cut) and I went from WSL to BSL, obviously against my wishes. After two months I'm still really upset about it. And being in this challenge is just increasing my anxiety, anger and sadness because it makes me so conscious of what I lost. So I'm going to just let me hair do what it's going to do with no expectations or pressure. Hopefully I'll be able to get over it soon because two months is a long time to be so angry and upset about a haircut.

i'm sorry that happened to you... trust, i know the feeling.

but you'll be back in the game in no time and your hair will come back even better than before :grin:
i think i want to flat iron and do a length check either tonite or tomorrow nite. havent decided. i'd know for sure if i could figure out if my phone has a timer on it. stupid smart phones!
i think i want to flat iron and do a length check either tonite or tomorrow nite. havent decided. i'd know for sure if i could figure out if my phone has a timer on it. stupid smart phones!

I am watching you!:giggle: Don't you flat iron that hair before the June update!:nono2: I was just here doing a covert :sekret:mission... scoping out the new potentials to advance to the next hair length challenge... and I found you bitting :nervous2:your nails... just itching to straighten that hair! :lachen:

I love ya girl:hug2:.... Just 6 weeks to go!...I promise!:meditate: You'll be happy!:luv2:
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I've been in twists all week, twistout yesterday and depending on how raggedy i look will either do day 2 of twistout or a wash n go. tomorrow i'm wet bunning and on monday i'll be twisting up my hair yet again after a DC (it's been a while since I went to DC town)
I am watching you!:giggle: Don't you flat iron that hair before the June update!:nono2: I was just here doing a covert :sekret:mission... scoping out the new potentials to advance to the next hair length challenge... and I found you bitting :nervous2:your nails... just itching to straighten that hair! :lachen:

I love ya girl:hug2:.... Just 6 weeks to go!...I promise!:meditate: You'll be happy!:luv2:

DARN!!! got caught with my hand in the cookie jar :lol:
You guys I'm dropping out of the challenge. As some of you might have seen, I got my hair trimmed (cut) and I went from WSL to BSL, obviously against my wishes. After two months I'm still really upset about it. And being in this challenge is just increasing my anxiety, anger and sadness because it makes me so conscious of what I lost. So I'm going to just let me hair do what it's going to do with no expectations or pressure. Hopefully I'll be able to get over it soon because two months is a long time to be so angry and upset about a haircut.

I am sorry that you are feeling this way but I totally get it. This hair growing business can sometimes be an emotional roller coaster; it is good to step back every now and then. You will be back at WL in no time but till then keep your head up :Rose:.

Happy Hair Growing :yep:
I couldn't wait until next week. I had to touch up today. I decided to texlax instead of bone straight because I want the thickness to compensate for the layering. It didn't really do anything to lay the ng down but it did loosen it up and make it managable.

Right now, my hair and scalp feel great! My hair feels strong and nourished and my scalp and I have an understanding. I take care of it, and it allows my hair to grow to meet my goals. Deal! :grin:

Anyhoo, my May update shots are in my siggy. Roots not flat ironed because of "No Heat 2010" challenge but, I'm pleased with the thickness.

First pic is naked and blowdried on cool. 2nd pic is at least moisturized. :grin:

(this is a repost because I'm too lazy to write a new report for each of my main challenges. . :look:But I want to share so, hope nobody minds)
Hey Ladies :)

I haven't checked in in a while. I rollerset and flat ironed my hair yesterday. I was twisting my wrist to curl my ends, so it's not a true length check, but it's good enough for now. My hair's V is looking so pronounced, which I'm not very happy about. I definitely can't afford to even it out now though, since I'd lose way too much length!


Dropping in to see if Mz.MoMo might've posted pics of her rollerset from yesterday. *cough*cough*cough* :lick:

I've got to learn how to rollerset. I have to learn before May 21st or else I'll have to hit the Dominican salon for a rollerset/doobie. Too tempting to have my roots blown out. :lick:
lmao dang njoy!!! lol i was just headed in here. here's a re-post of what i've been saying lol

ok... so i didnt flat iron... but i did do a roller set...

THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL LENGTH CHECK!!!!! just me showing what i did :D

so i did the roller set last nite just to try it out. before bed i did not pin curl (though i should have), instead i brushed it out and did and extremely sloppy cross wrap (it was midnite and i was done lol). i took down the wrap to see how it looked. remember, my hair did not see a flat iron, not the roots or any part of it lol



i'm very pleased with the way my ends look. barely any splits and my last cut was in oct and my last s&d was like i nov, maybe dec. i love the way my hair feels though. much better than how it feels when i flat iron, and i love the way that feels lol so that should tell yah!. i'm pleased