Waist Length in 2010

Hi ladies, fantastic hair on this thread! Well done to everyone that has posted pictures and congratulations on all the growth that I can see!

I thought that I should come in with an update too - I will apologise now for my picture taking skills - I'm totally rubbish at it, I'm not even sure that both of these can be comparable. And it might be an idea to press my hair for length checks, but I really hate doing that as it takes too much time.

Anyway, I think there has been some growth... not much though :-(

A little dusting turned into a small trim about a month ago and if I am honest, I haven't really put enough effort in. Just started a new job and have been leaving my hair out through winter. However, I am totally encouraged by this thread and will try to step up my game in the next three months. Maybe try bunning? Looks like it's working well for you Testimony. Dunno about how it will look on me though. My head is a little on the LARGE side.

I hope you are all well x


beanius your hair is looking quite lovely :yep:! It looks to me like you are another one who has pretty much made it WL. I know pictures can be misleading but if you are not WL already you can't be more than .5 inch away!

It looks like we might be hair relatives. This gives me a good visual of what is ahead and I am loving it :grin:.
I am sorry that I always post like five posts in a row but I haven't figured out how to reply to multiple posts in one reply :look:.

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who posted an update! We are making such good progress I can't wait to see this thread come December.

Congratulations to all the ladies who are basically WL already :cup:(even if you all aren't claiming it yet :grin:). You ladies are truly an inspiration!

To those who don't think you made much if any progress don't give up :rosebud:. You may not see much length but if you have been keeping up with your healthy hair practices I bet there are other markers of progress such as thickness and/or overall health, and those are just as important :yep:.

Finally, welcome to the two newcomers! We are glad to have you Blessed Mocha and Brooklyn Queen :grouphug3:!

Take care ladies; I look forward to seeing what this year brings us!

Happy Hair Growing :fairy:
Your hair looks GREAT! I am with Mz.MoMo, If I were you I would be claiming it now. I know all of your hair is there yet and that seems to be a sticking point on the boards but in my book (not that my book matters) you are WL :yep: so...

...CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! HL here you come :grin:!

:woohoo: I like your book!!!!:yep::grin: Thanx girl!
so i'm sitting at wl soaking and dripping wet... that means i'm about 1/4-1/2 of an inch away from actual wl (since my hair stretches when wet). MAY IS GOING TO BE MY MONTH YALL!!!
You ladies are such an inspiration!!this gives me hope for the FAR FAR AWAY day i reach WL lol good luck everyone

It doesn't look like that day is that far away:yep:. Thanks for the encouragement.

so i'm sitting at wl soaking and dripping wet... that means i'm about 1/4-1/2 of an inch away from actual wl (since my hair stretches when wet). MAY IS GOING TO BE MY MONTH YALL!!!

:dance7::cheers::creatures CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
No one throw anything at me please but I just have to ask this question..............:look:

What exactly is considered WL? Is it considered different on everyone? Maybe I've been away from the boards for too long but there always seems to be general ambiguity surrounding this length. lol Have we ever come to a consensus?
No one throw anything at me please but I just have to ask this question..............:look:

What exactly is considered WL? Is it considered different on everyone? Maybe I've been away from the boards for too long but there always seems to be general ambiguity surrounding this length. lol Have we ever come to a consensus?

i go by the narrowest part of my torso. others go by their navel (if their navel was in their back). others say 2 inches above your navel. :look:

so, yeah... lol you got a lot of choices i guess

for me the smallest part of my torso= 1.5-2 inches above my navel so, i guess 2 out of 3 aint bad lol
I go by the narrowest part of my torso as well. That is considered our "natural" waistline (where my pants used to come up to until they invented low rise), lol.
Hi ladies. I'm pleased to share that I recovered from my trim last month. The ends are still very healthy (I didn't comb my hair before taking this photo so the ends are kinda sticking together), and I'll keep PSing to reach full WL.

April 7 - Day after Relaxer photo.jpg
oh yeah!!! funny story yall and possibly good news :lol:

i was at work today and my hair pins were like positioned funny and digging into my head (thank god the little nubbies are still on the tip so it was just annoying and not PAINFUL lol) so i took the pins out and was left with a braid out type pony tail (i've started putting my hair in 2 braids at nite to stop matting in the middle of my head). after that i kinda wanted to scruff my scalp up a bit (dont really know how to describe what i'm talking about) so i took my hair tie out and scruffed my head :lol:

at that point the chick next to me mentioned how long my hair was (she's never seen my hair out of a bun lol) i smiled and said thanks. she asked how long was it (since it was a bit shrunken from the braid out) and i said mbl (i explained what that was of course lol) and she asked how longi was trying to get to. i told her trying to hit wl by may and hl by the end of the yr.

she then gave me this confussled look :perplexed: so i gave it back :perplexed: since i didnt know why i was getting the look lol

she then asked me to explain wl. i told her its where my 1st back fat roll end (best way i can explain it lmao) and she asked me to turn around and stretch my hair. i did and she goes

"mo... your hair is already at the bottom of your roll"


i was like "what?! i know i made it in the shower but that's usually early since my hair stretches! look again. are you sure? its where the narrowest part of my torso is" then i stand up and do it again.

at this point i now have like 4 white co-workers staring at my uncombed hair and my back fat :lol: they all say i'm there! so i got a little excited but i refuse to claim til i can see it for my self. and since i dont want to disappoint my self (in case them *****s is wrong!) i'm still waiting for mays flat ironing lol

oh, and to top everything off!!!! as if hearing i'm already wl (whether true or not, it felt nice to hear lol) wasnt enough!!! while we're doing this, the chick who cut my hair was apart of the group. me and her got our hair cut at the same time (she got cut about 1wk before she cut me) and at the same length (mid-bra strap) and i've passed her in length (remember, this is a white chick)... so yeah, black hair dont grow my foot

sorry such a long story... i'm bored and thought i would share lol
oh yeah!!! funny story yall and possibly good news :lol:

i was at work today and my hair pins were like positioned funny and digging into my head (thank god the little nubbies are still on the tip so it was just annoying and not PAINFUL lol) so i took the pins out and was left with a braid out type pony tail (i've started putting my hair in 2 braids at nite to stop matting in the middle of my head). after that i kinda wanted to scruff my scalp up a bit (dont really know how to describe what i'm talking about) so i took my hair tie out and scruffed my head :lol:

at that point the chick next to me mentioned how long my hair was (she's never seen my hair out of a bun lol) i smiled and said thanks. she asked how long was it (since it was a bit shrunken from the braid out) and i said mbl (i explained what that was of course lol) and she asked how longi was trying to get to. i told her trying to hit wl by may and hl by the end of the yr.

she then gave me this confussled look :perplexed: so i gave it back :perplexed: since i didnt know why i was getting the look lol

she then asked me to explain wl. i told her its where my 1st back fat roll end (best way i can explain it lmao) and she asked me to turn around and stretch my hair. i did and she goes

"mo... your hair is already at the bottom of your roll"


i was like "what?! i know i made it in the shower but that's usually early since my hair stretches! look again. are you sure? its where the narrowest part of my torso is" then i stand up and do it again.

at this point i now have like 4 white co-workers staring at my uncombed hair and my back fat :lol: they all say i'm there! so i got a little excited but i refuse to claim til i can see it for my self. and since i dont want to disappoint my self (in case them *****s is wrong!) i'm still waiting for mays flat ironing lol

oh, and to top everything off!!!! as if hearing i'm already wl (whether true or not, it felt nice to hear lol) wasnt enough!!! while we're doing this, the chick who cut my hair was apart of the group. me and her got our hair cut at the same time (she got cut about 1wk before she cut me) and at the same length (mid-bra strap) and i've passed her in length (remember, this is a white chick)... so yeah, black hair dont grow my foot

sorry such a long story... i'm bored and thought i would share lol

:lachen::lachen::lachen: girl you crazy!
oh yeah!!! funny story yall and possibly good news :lol:

i was at work today and my hair pins were like positioned funny and digging into my head (thank god the little nubbies are still on the tip so it was just annoying and not PAINFUL lol) so i took the pins out and was left with a braid out type pony tail (i've started putting my hair in 2 braids at nite to stop matting in the middle of my head). after that i kinda wanted to scruff my scalp up a bit (dont really know how to describe what i'm talking about) so i took my hair tie out and scruffed my head :lol:

at that point the chick next to me mentioned how long my hair was (she's never seen my hair out of a bun lol) i smiled and said thanks. she asked how long was it (since it was a bit shrunken from the braid out) and i said mbl (i explained what that was of course lol) and she asked how longi was trying to get to. i told her trying to hit wl by may and hl by the end of the yr.

she then gave me this confussled look :perplexed: so i gave it back :perplexed: since i didnt know why i was getting the look lol

she then asked me to explain wl. i told her its where my 1st back fat roll end (best way i can explain it lmao) and she asked me to turn around and stretch my hair. i did and she goes

"mo... your hair is already at the bottom of your roll"


i was like "what?! i know i made it in the shower but that's usually early since my hair stretches! look again. are you sure? its where the narrowest part of my torso is" then i stand up and do it again.

at this point i now have like 4 white co-workers staring at my uncombed hair and my back fat :lol: they all say i'm there! so i got a little excited but i refuse to claim til i can see it for my self. and since i dont want to disappoint my self (in case them *****s is wrong!) i'm still waiting for mays flat ironing lol

oh, and to top everything off!!!! as if hearing i'm already wl (whether true or not, it felt nice to hear lol) wasnt enough!!! while we're doing this, the chick who cut my hair was apart of the group. me and her got our hair cut at the same time (she got cut about 1wk before she cut me) and at the same length (mid-bra strap) and i've passed her in length (remember, this is a white chick)... so yeah, black hair dont grow my foot

sorry such a long story... i'm bored and thought i would share lol

And JUICE...And Flip! Lol!!! Love this story!!
Hi ladies here is what's left of my Easter hair. This is my first straightened check since last fall.

My hair has very poofy tendencies and I was chasing the sleek look to no avail, probably causing damage along the way. I had tons of hairs in the comb and on the floor, it was making me sick to my stomach... sigh... I'm going to find one of those brushes that boinbboing uses and see what happens next time. I hope to make MBL by years end, but I am not so sure that WL is a possibility this year... We shall see!


I posted this thread in MBL and WL challenges
Hi ladies. I'm pleased to share that I recovered from my trim last month. The ends are still very healthy (I didn't comb my hair before taking this photo so the ends are kinda sticking together), and I'll keep PSing to reach full WL.

View attachment 63304

Your hair looks great and from that pic it looks like you are right at WL :yep:. Keep up the good work!

oh yeah!!! funny story yall and possibly good news :lol:

i was at work today and my hair pins were like positioned funny and digging into my head (thank god the little nubbies are still on the tip so it was just annoying and not PAINFUL lol) so i took the pins out and was left with a braid out type pony tail (i've started putting my hair in 2 braids at nite to stop matting in the middle of my head). after that i kinda wanted to scruff my scalp up a bit (dont really know how to describe what i'm talking about) so i took my hair tie out and scruffed my head :lol:

at that point the chick next to me mentioned how long my hair was (she's never seen my hair out of a bun lol) i smiled and said thanks. she asked how long was it (since it was a bit shrunken from the braid out) and i said mbl (i explained what that was of course lol) and she asked how longi was trying to get to. i told her trying to hit wl by may and hl by the end of the yr.

she then gave me this confussled look :perplexed: so i gave it back :perplexed: since i didnt know why i was getting the look lol

she then asked me to explain wl. i told her its where my 1st back fat roll end (best way i can explain it lmao) and she asked me to turn around and stretch my hair. i did and she goes

"mo... your hair is already at the bottom of your roll"


i was like "what?! i know i made it in the shower but that's usually early since my hair stretches! look again. are you sure? its where the narrowest part of my torso is" then i stand up and do it again.

at this point i now have like 4 white co-workers staring at my uncombed hair and my back fat :lol: they all say i'm there! so i got a little excited but i refuse to claim til i can see it for my self. and since i dont want to disappoint my self (in case them *****s is wrong!) i'm still waiting for mays flat ironing lol

oh, and to top everything off!!!! as if hearing i'm already wl (whether true or not, it felt nice to hear lol) wasnt enough!!! while we're doing this, the chick who cut my hair was apart of the group. me and her got our hair cut at the same time (she got cut about 1wk before she cut me) and at the same length (mid-bra strap) and i've passed her in length (remember, this is a white chick)... so yeah, black hair dont grow my foot

sorry such a long story... i'm bored and thought i would share lol

I love that story. You need to go ahead and claim it girl, you are WL!!!!!!!!!

No one throw anything at me please but I just have to ask this question..............:look:

What exactly is considered WL? Is it considered different on everyone? Maybe I've been away from the boards for too long but there always seems to be general ambiguity surrounding this length. lol Have we ever come to a consensus?

I mark WL by the smallest part of my torso as well which on me is also at my navel.

classychic1908: your hair looks lovely in that pic. Don't give up on WL in 10 yet. It is only April we have 8 months left in the year (potentially 4 more inches of length) and you don't look that far away. Keep hope alive :grin:.
I'm going to use this as my update pic. I still have 3" to WL. I'm trying to grow out my layers, so I might get 1" trim or wait for the other strands to catch up. I'm not sure yet.

I took out my weave about 3 weeks ago, and I just got the brazilian keratin treatment on Friday. I'll post a review of that on Wednesday. I'm still contemplating whether or not I'll get another weave. If I do, it'll most likely be a kinky curly install for summer.

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classychic1908: your hair looks lovely in that pic. Don't give up on WL in 10 yet. It is only April we have 8 months left in the year (potentially 4 more inches of length) and you don't look that far away. Keep hope alive :grin:.

Thanks for the peptalk :weird: I'm going to search and destroy my ends and go into extra protective mode for a while.:happydance:
I'm going to use this as my update pic. I still have 3" to WL. I'm trying to grow out my layers, so I might get 1" trim or wait for the other strands to catch up. I'm not sure yet.

I took out my weave about 3 weeks ago, and I just got the brazilian keratin treatment on Friday. I'll post a review of that on Wednesday. I'm still contemplating whether or not I'll get another weave. If I do, it'll most likely be a kinky curly install for summer.

We have to wait until Wednesday!?? You're killing me! :grin:
You should wait for the other strands to catch up....no damage no cut.
It's been a while since I've updated on my progress. I got a relaxer today and I'm happy with my progress. Last relaxer (2/9) I got a big trim which took me above bsl, but now i'm back at bsl. also, i wear my bra pretty low so i'm actually not that much farther from mbl. 2.5inches max so i'm trying to shoot for that by end of July! and if I can make that then wl isn't but about 2 or 3 more inches from there, so i'm praying i'll make wl by end of december. i'll keep my fingers crossed! :-D I'm also still trying to grow out my layers.
Hi ladies :hiya:, I think I will join this challenge. I have been watching from the sidelines since the beginning:hide:. Here is my most recent pics from my touch up a few days ago. I am BSB now, I think I need at least 5 inches to get to WL. I may be pushing it, but I figured its worth a try. I hope to be at the 4th line in Dec or real close to it. If I make it there, I can definitely make WL by early 2011. Hopefully I will have a growth spurt to give me a little push. What do yo ladies think? Am I jumping the gun a little?

so i got bored tonight while putting my hair into my bedtime braids and took out the tape measurer :D

so i measure from my crown (the top pointy part of my head is the crown right? lol) to tip and its 22 inches :o why come 22 inches looks so long on my tape but on my head it feels like 10?!?!?

and my nape root to tip is 13'ish inches (how i forget between the walk from the bathroom to my desk? i live in a studio yall)?
Looks like I have a long ways to go. But my son really made me feel great tonight...he streched my hair out and said"gosh mom you hair is really getting long". Glad he noticed...I am BSL but thats long for me...
I am officially joining this challenge. At the rate that I'm going, and with no setbacks (:pray:), I think I'll be reaching for wl by the end of the year. :thud: My growth last month is amazing. check out my siggy. :thud:I started above apl in January. :yep: I'm rambling with excitement. Sorry. :blush:
WL, I'm coming for ya. I made MBL and I'm super close to WL now. A few more months and I got it!!! WAAAHOOOOOO!!!!

Everyone's progress is so amazing! I'm tempted to press to see where I'm at, but I know I won't :spinning:


Your hair is jaw dropping here and the color is perfect for summer! you will be WL by July for sure!!!

Everyone's progress is so amazing! I'm tempted to press to see where I'm at, but I know I won't :spinning:


Your hair is jaw dropping here and the color is perfect for summer! you will be WL by July for sure!!!

Thank you!!!

Hey, you don't have to press to gauge progress!! Just pull down the back like I did and see where it falls, that'll give you a roundabout length check!!