~~~waist Length Dreams~~~ Challenge 2018

I'm thinking of getting box braids, any recommendations for products to use during the install? I don't use grease.
Hi everyone, so WL is my ULTIMATE goal, I will feel bald until I make it (dramatic, but very true)...

Current Length:
Between BSL and MBL (my bra sits low lol)
Ultimate Goal:
WHIP Length (but at this point, I'll take FULL WL, in the front and the back)
Umm, yea about that. I don't even know. I am newly texlaxed and even when I was natural, I never pinned down a regimen. This year, I am determined to get a consistent regimen down! At the moment, I am shampooing every other week and DC'ing, I want to incorporate a heavy protein every few weeks (like Aphogee 2-step) and figure out how I am planning on wearing my hair. Thinking about wigging it the next few months.
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL:
Natural/Relaxed/Other: (OPTIONAL) Texalxed
The "trick: is to leave it alone - my hair likes to be left alone. The twi major setbacks I had came about because I jumped on too many bandwagons and manipulated too much and did too much.
Issues or difficulties you're having/Things you're tweaking to grow or retain more:
I am a slow grower, so I need to make sure I maximize retention. Hoping a consistent reggie will help with that.
Starting Pic:
From my December 2015 Texlax, which i am using to measure my growth for 2016

Sorry that i have not check in at all. As far as my hair i been just doing wash n go. sometime i put my hair in twists. I been dc twice a week and co wash several time a week. Also been keep up with protein treatment.
here the protein treatment:upload_2016-2-2_19-38-32.jpeg
I think it was more like medium protein.
Also tried it on my sister hair and her hair loves it.
Today I realized that after all the trimming I've done to get rid of my bonelaxed hair, I'm not even BSL anymore. And given that I still have lots of texlaxed hair left, I'm thinking I won't make it to WL even by the end of 2017. I think mid to late 2018 is more realistic. But I'm going to keep hanging out here anyway.

Sigh... I wish I hadn't wasted so many years (2.5) texlaxing.
Current Length: BSL (stretched)
Ultimate Goal: APL-BSL natural, WL stretched
Regimen: Oil scalp massage + Wash with no/low poo & deep condition - 1x/week, twist/braid/bantu knot outs or protective styles (top knots/ twists), daily multi-vitamin & lots of water
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: 5-6
Natural/Relaxed/Other: Natural
Tips/Tricks: Limit chemicals (color) & Limit heat
Issues or difficulties you're having/Things you're tweaking to grow or retain more: Fairy knots!! (Arghh) - keep ends moisturized and sealed, no wash n go's, sleep on satin pillowcase
ETA Starting Pic:


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Hola group
I'm still considering the roller set
But I'm not use to that much Manipulation lol
I didn't follow through and stretch this month though
Feb1 was Wash Day, which went exceptionally well
I'd went out the night before, Wash and go Shrinkage Kinkage Curlage City
I still needed my Deep condition, and I had tons of gel in my hair
So I let the hot water run through for a bit
Added Warmed up conditioner and olive oil
Detangled in 4 sections with 2 combs
Added my deep condition 1 part DC 1 part white shea butter 1 part Coconut creme
Let that sit for a bit
Rinsed out
Large medium twists on wet hair.

I've been analyzing my hair care for the last few months very closely, I've been skimping on the DCs and protein, plus I've been stretching between Wash days, horrid, going back to every other week.
My ends need some serious love, and since I'm not much of a trimmer, I need to keep those ends in tip top until I decide to trim. A s&d possibly. Yes
And I'm not length checking for a bit, at least not official with the shirt.
I still like to take a few photos during wash day, but nothing major.
I'm inverting this week with sulfur oil. I really like the mix I made so I want to make a big bottle. I want to make enough to give small bottles to my mom, brother and cousin.

Would you mind sharing your recipe? I have a big thing of Sulpur powder and i want to use it when I go under this wig :)
Would you mind sharing your recipe? I have a big thing of Sulpur powder and i want to use it when I go under this wig :)
If you want to make 8 ounces you can use 6oz of coconut oil, 2 oz of evoo, 5 drops lavender oil, 20 drops peppermint oil and a teaspoon of sulfur powder. The coconut oil solidifies when it gets too cold, so you need to put it in warm water and shake it when it's solid. I shake it before each use anyway so that the sulfur gets mixed in evenly.
Hi everyone, so WL is my ULTIMATE goal, I will feel bald until I make it (dramatic, but very true)...

Current Length:
Between BSL and MBL (my bra sits low lol)
Ultimate Goal: WHIP Length (but at this point, I'll take FULL WL, in the front and the back)
Regimen: Umm, yea about that. I don't even know. I am newly texlaxed and even when I was natural, I never pinned down a regimen. This year, I am determined to get a consistent regimen down! At the moment, I am shampooing every other week and DC'ing, I want to incorporate a heavy protein every few weeks (like Aphogee 2-step) and figure out how I am planning on wearing my hair. Thinking about wigging it the next few months.
How many inches do you have to go to get to WL:
Natural/Relaxed/Other: (OPTIONAL) Texalxed
Tips/Tricks: The "trick: is to leave it alone - my hair likes to be left alone. The twi major setbacks I had came about because I jumped on too many bandwagons and manipulated too much and did too much.
Issues or difficulties you're having/Things you're tweaking to grow or retain more: I am a slow grower, so I need to make sure I maximize retention. Hoping a consistent reggie will help with that.
Starting Pic:
From my December 2015 Texlax, which i am using to measure my growth for 2016
Your, hair is very pretty.
I'm on day 5 of this month's inversions. I use sulfur oil every other day and massage daily. Once inversions are over I'll wash my hair (sometime next week) and attempt to blowdry with a comb attachment. I really should go back to wigs until my anniversary next month... Maintaining my hair out is not as easy as I thought it would be. Wigs have me spoiled.
Yesterday was Shampoo Friday:

  • Pre-poo'd during the day with my AVJ spritz & Honey's Handmade Knot Going Bananas.
  • I applied Honey's Handmade Citrus & Sage DC and went under my heat cap for 1.5 hours.
  • Shampoo'd my scalp with Coco Curls, CW'd my length with Dove Nourishing Oil Care Conditioner, reconstructed with Ion, did an ACV rinse & rinsed out 80% of Darcy's Pumpkin Seed Conditioner.
  • LCOB'd with L = Soultanical's Mane Thick, C = Ouidad Moisture Lock & Treluxe Untie the Knot, O = Keravada Green Tea on scalp, Queens Curls Safflower on length & Sunny Isle Lavendar JBCO on edges & B = Soultanical's Hair Yum on ends.
Just checking in - I'm under a synthetic lave front wig that looks EXACTLY like my straight hair and it's my ideal length: grazing HL, with WL front. Seeing it on my head makes me feel like I MAY make it there one day. I also treated myself to way to many hair products today at Target, I got:

-Eden Bodyworks Coconut Shea leave-in conditioner
-Shea Moisture Manuka oil hydration masque
-Aphogee keratin & green tea restructurizer (this is a re-purchase)
-Camille Rose Coconut Water deep penetrating treatment
-Eden Bodyworks coconut and Shea curl defining creme

I'm looking for my holy grail moisturizing DC and styler. I already love the Aphogee spray for light protein throughout the week.

I'm currently in 6 Celie braids under my wig with a little bit of leave-out, hoping I can keep up this wig routine through the end of March.
Yesterday a small section of my flat iron must have gotten wet and had completely reverted. I put my hair in my normal 2 braids and rolled them up on my silk covered foam roller as usual. This morning the part that reverted is straight again. I'm shocked. I really didn't think that would work.
I have really been having a hard time with my hair....i am currently about 17 weeks post relaxer and my hair has been driving me nuts with the amount of new growth. I first tried heat training it but as i am constantly scared of using heat on my hair i was really worried and my hair would revert by evening meaning i wasn't using enough heat to straighten my hair, so i abandoned that course. . I then attempted to blowdry my hair feeling that at least it would help keep my hair stretched but imagine my dismay after blowdrying on saturday morning on medium heat with comb attachment and by evening, despite keeping it a bun my roots had tangled up once again

I was frustrated at this point and then decided to braid up my hair.....apparently this was the best decision i made, as my hair is happy. I also seem to be scissor happy as i have dusted my ends twice in one week...i just keep seeing split ends and it's driving me nuts! Jesus Take the wheel!!!!


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This morning I DC with Shea moisture the with honey in it.(cant remember the name) twist my hair up using: Garnier leave in and Shea moisture curl enhance smoothie. I cowashing with .. Shea moisture fusion something... Girl I got bad moment today....:spinning::drunk:
Tonight, I put Dove Nourishing Oil Care Conditioner on my braids, sat under the heat cap for 30 minutes, CW'd and rinsed it out and rinsed out 80% of Darcy's Pumpkin & HE Hello Hydration Conditioners.

I will let my hair air dry for about an hour and LOCB'd with L = Carol's Daughter Monoi, O = Queen Curls Safflower on length, Keravada Green Tea on scalp & Kreyol Essence Orange HBCO on edges, C = Carefree Curls Gold, B = Soultanical's Hair Yum on ends.
I took down my plaits and am prepoo steaming now. Since its late, I'll style my hair into two strand twists rather than a wash and go. I'll style with gel and use Blue Magic grease on my ends.

I didnt like grease, but I've found it is useful if applied to the ends of my twists/braids. I'm trying to keep my ends protected to retain as much length as possible.
Braiding my hair was the best thing i did! My hair is happy and it is so easy to take care of. I thought i would look ratchet but everyone seems to like the look....I am on my Day 4 of inversions and they have been so easy to do since i have access to my scalp. I washed my hair last night with hello hydrations anti breakage shampoo and dc'd overnight with Kanechom Chocolate mixed with Amla oil and honey....washed it out this morning, airdried it a bit and used Cantu shea butter leave in, grapeseed oil and Pura body sapote hair lotion....my hair feels so happy and moisturised and a friend of mine this morning was raving about how my hair looks so healthy! so, i guess i needed those trims.
Current Length: BSL

Ultimate Goal:
24 inches

DC with Silicon Mix & Curlformer set 1x/week. Moisturize daily with water, argan oil, and homemade cocoa butter mix. Pin my curls up into protective styles the rest of the week. Keeping my hair in only one or two styles a week is helping my ends thrive.

How many inches do you have to go to get to WL: 4 inches

Natural 3b/3c/4a

Loving my hair and visualizing it at the health and thickness I want every day. :)

Issues or difficulties you're having/Things you're tweaking to grow or retain more:
Feeling positive at all times about my hair. It's so easy to get frustrated and focus on the negative, when there are sooo many things that are right with my hair. That's a new years resolution I have in general - focusing on the positive daily.

Starting Pic:

taken jan 2016, hair tucked into a protective style-
juliet style1.jpg

taken fall 2015, my most recent length pic-

We will have the following check ins: You may check in any time in between and join the challenge at any time! (I won't update the list after 1/1/2016).
January 1st 2016
May 1st 2016
September 1st 2016
December 31st 2016
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Hey everyone! Just and update...I've been crazy busy at work, prepping for a large client event. Last night I co-washed with a Renpure condish I brought last year (forget the name) and then I sprayed aphogee keratin, used Eden Bodyworks Shea & Coconut oil and air dried in my sleep. Tonight I'm in 8-10 large twists, with my sulphur mix, under a shower cap for GHE.

Going to look for a new wig this weekend - I really love how easy wigs are right now and the protection for my hair during this super cold winter.
Y'all I don't know what to do:crybaby:

So I tried African threading yesterday and FAILED...and I just ain't got the strength to deal, y'all. I'm soooo tempted to just go ahead and straighten my hair so I don't have to think about my hair for a while.Although I know that I should just throw in some plaits and call it a day and avoid heat but idk

I want to give into my urge especially since I haven't straightened my hair in about a year and a half? Idk suggestions? If I don't straighten I might just rollerset my hair and put in small (not mini) twists. I just need my sanity :whyme:
Y'all I don't know what to do:crybaby:

So I tried African threading yesterday and FAILED...and I just ain't got the strength to deal, y'all. I'm soooo tempted to just go ahead and straighten my hair so I don't have to think about my hair for a while.Although I know that I should just throw in some plaits and call it a day and avoid heat but idk

I want to give into my urge especially since I haven't straightened my hair in about a year and a half? Idk suggestions? If I don't straighten I might just rollerset my hair and put in small (not mini) twists. I just need my sanity :whyme:

You haven't straightened your hair for a year and a half!? Girl just go ahead and get out the flatiron but just use heat protectant and make sure your hair is clean and conditioned. If I hadn't straightened mine for that long I'd be getting it done for sure! The dominicans are really good with hair. They deep condition it for you and put you in rollers first before they flat iron and use really good protective products. It comes out unbelievably silky and straight. I know how you feel because I was nervous after a month. But let me tell you my hair and my emotional well being needed it so much and I was ecstatic at the healthy condition, feel, and length of my hair after. The payoff from non stop protective styling was showing. Go enjoy that hair girl that's what we grow it and take care of it for. And if you don't wear your hair down once in a while it's not good for your emotional well being.
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