Waist Length 2012 Challenge

^^^^^^^Cut??? NOOOOOO! :lachen: Well, I guess you have to do what you have to do....your hair is lovely, though. Welcome!

NikkiQ, so no pics??? :look: I was ready to see your progress. I'm sorry the flat ironing didn't go well for you, but I'm glad to hear that your hair is coming along :yep:

I guess I'll just have to be patient and wait for yours and Bigmommah's pics in January. *le sigh*

Still waiting on the rest of you guys :grin: Ok, I'll stop now.
Okay here's my pics. Don't laugh :ohwell:

The first shows how long my hair is freshly after flat iron
Second is the comparison shot using a crappy flat iron picture. Dark shrinkage


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Welp, here's my end of the year update:
This was my hair in March:


Fast Forward to November:

Wow, time sure flies when you're growing hair, huh? lol

Okay here's my pics. Don't laugh :ohwell:

The first shows how long my hair is freshly after flat iron
Second is the comparison shot using a crappy flat iron picture. Dark shrinkage

Nikki, you have made progress!!!! and that is good, that is the most important thing. I know you wanted to trim, but I (afrochique) feel that you should just do away with the split ends or dust and keep wigging it to the next goal. :gorgeous:
Please don't do a major trim. Sometimes all the hair needs is to catch up to the faster growing areas, and as long as it is not damaged or split, my opinion is that you are good to go.
So yeah my progress pics will have to go up tomorrow night... I'll be taking down some of the twists that I have now. So it won't be straight (I can't do my own flat ironing, but it'll still show length.

Mind you I had a 3 inch cut in November :(

Okay here's my pics. Don't laugh :ohwell:

The first shows how long my hair is freshly after flat iron
Second is the comparison shot using a crappy flat iron picture. Dark shrinkage

Girl, what are you talking about "don't laugh"???? You have made great progress!!:woohoo: I agree with afrochique- please do not do a major trim unless the ends are truly damaged!!!

Welp, here's my end of the year update:
This was my hair in March:
View attachment 104101

View attachment 104103

Fast Forward to November:
View attachment 104105

Wow, time sure flies when you're growing hair, huh? lol

Sure does! Great progress- you are beating down bsl's door :yahoo:

Lovely hair ladies! Thanks for the pics!:thewave::happydance::flowers:

next stop MBL!
My goal for 2011 is to get thicker hair.
I want to join. WL has always been my ultimate goal, but now i am looking at TBL:lachen: Anyway i have never been past APL and now that i am, hopefully WL is the future.

My regimen is fairly simple...

  • Shampoo- once a week
  • Deep Condition- once a week. But now that it is winter and i am currently transitioning back to natural hair i will have to step up my DC game. Also, i just invested in a Steamer..So every time i DC i always steam my hair.
  • Moisturize- once a week..yup once a week:ohwell:
  • Protective style- I am usually in a protective style, like twist, mini braids(my own hair), or just a simple bun.
  • Trim- When ever i feel raggedy ends. AKA 2-3x a year.
I would like to work on my moisture & protein balance this year. I know i will have to step my game back to be successful at transitioning & getting to WL.

Starting Pic..
You girls have made wonderful progress. my progress is on my siggy. I will be updating my new regime plus im still hoping to be close to WL come dec 2012.
Okay here's my pics. Don't laugh :ohwell:

The first shows how long my hair is freshly after flat iron
Second is the comparison shot using a crappy flat iron picture. Dark shrinkage

Uh-oh, I c u miss NikkiQ :)
Congrats on the progress!
Ya hair looks lovely.

Sent from my DROID PRO using Long Hair Care Forum App
Thanks for the encouragement ladies. Still feeling blah about my progress, but I'll take what I can get these days. I'm just gonna do a little dusting on my ends. I haven't had my ends trimmed since April so I think it may be time.
Ok, I had to go to page 14 to find this thread! :nono::spank:

Welcome PearlyCurly and Rossy2010!

Danniquinn, great progress!!! Your hair is looking lovely :yep: See you at mbl!

So here is my update...it's not very exciting since I already updated at the end of november, but I thought I would be official....

After cut in Oct 09

Slightly stretched Dec. 09

Slightly stretched Dec. 10

I did NOT feel like flat ironing...just. too. lazy. So, these pics are stretched


I'm knocking on mbl's door! I'm ready for it!

Hope to see some more updates soon:wink2:, but I'm already looking forward to the next one!

Happy New Year everyone!
Everyone has wonderfull progress!! Congrats!!! :band::dance7::band2::bouncy:

I attended a red carpet gala on Dec 16th so I wound up going to the hairdresser for an updo. I was thinking that it wouldn't hurt one time and there would be no need for her to "trim" anything. But I was wrong. First she fussed me out about my hair shedding too too much. I explained that I only comb on wash and DC days so thats why it seemed like more than a normal amount. But she told me I hadn't a clue what I was talking about. :perplexed

My hair looked wonderful but she said was in bad need of a trim after she did it. She said she didn't take out much but I know her, (she is one of my best girlfriends). I wore the updo for a week then took all the pins down and wore it curly for a week. When I tell yall I'm on week three and I still have the same curls; I have brushed my hair with my denman, wrapped it both ways but the curls are still there.

I've had so many events to attend with the DH that between that and work I haven't had a chance to DC or anything.

I've been on here looking at everyones year end reveals and I can honestly say I'm scared to wash the curls out and see the damage. But I'm going to break down and do it tonight. I'll post the pics then.

I honestly can see progress in everyones pics and I'm rooting for you all in 2011. I may start wigging it like @NikkiQ. But where do you start???
Everyone has wonderfull progress!! Congrats!!! :band::dance7::band2::bouncy:

I attended a red carpet gala on Dec 16th so I wound up going to the hairdresser for an updo. I was thinking that it wouldn't hurt one time and there would be no need for her to "trim" anything. But I was wrong. First she fussed me out about my hair shedding too too much. I explained that I only comb on wash and DC days so thats why it seemed like more than a normal amount. But she told me I hadn't a clue what I was talking about. :perplexed

My hair looked wonderful but she said was in bad need of a trim after she did it. She said she didn't take out much but I know her, (she is one of my best girlfriends). I wore the updo for a week then took all the pins down and wore it curly for a week. When I tell yall I'm on week three and I still have the same curls; I have brushed my hair with my denman, wrapped it both ways but the curls are still there.

I've had so many events to attend with the DH that between that and work I haven't had a chance to DC or anything.

I've been on here looking at everyones year end reveals and I can honestly say I'm scared to wash the curls out and see the damage. But I'm going to break down and do it tonight. I'll post the pics then.

I honestly can see progress in everyones pics and I'm rooting for you all in 2011. I may start wigging it like @NikkiQ. But where do you start???

Thanks for the words of encouragement Drtondalia!

Sorry to hear about your hairdresser. I'm crossing my fingers for you that you don't have any damage!

Can't wait to see your pics :yep:
How was everyone's New Year?? Any hair stories to share???

I have a hair story a short one. I'm in high-school so you know how those boys act lol. Anyway I walked past this one boy that I knew and he grabbed a piece of my hair and said "Dang girl your hair got long over the vacation, Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia." I just wanted to smack him. Not because he grabbed my hair, but because come on man, a chia pet. Really?

1 more year and high-school is over, tank the Lord! :lol:
How was everyone's New Year?? Any hair stories to share???

My New Year was nice. Just stayed home and watched a movie. I beat the crowds and went out the night before and had many beers and lots of sweet potato fries. It was great. As for my hair, it stayed in a bun all weekend...just how I like it.

How was yours Nikki?
How was everyone's New Year?? Any hair stories to share???

Happy New Years!

My hair story...Well one of my flat twists came out of my beehive so i decided to take the whole thing down.

When I did, I had a really nice looking twist out (even though my mom wasn't fond of it), but I loved it. I ended up wearing it for 3 days. So I think that will be my plan from now on. Wear the beehive w/ wig and then wear the twist out for a few days so my hair can breathe.

Also learned how to do a 3 strand twist
Went out for sushi with the fiance and friends then watched the fireworks show over the river. All in all, a good NYE. Now I'm in hectic wedding planning mode. Engaged on Christmas Eve and wedding in September. Shoot me now please!
Woot Woot :pulpdance:
Congrats on the engagement NikkiQ!
Now you know you HAVE to spill the story of HOW he proposed to you! :grin:
*anxiously waits for NikkiQ to come back in here with details***
lol Thanks D.

Well it's a tradition in my fam for everyone to open all their gifts on Christmas Eve so Christmas Day can just be a day of spending time together and eating. I usually play Santa and hand out the gifts to everyone. Jason (fiance) told me that I had to wait until after everyone opened their gifts before I could have mine. So after everyone finished opening their gifts, I asked if I could finally have mine. He looks at my mom and asks her if I should have it. She said yeah so he tells me "okay well you have to sit so I can go get it". While I'm sitting, my mom and step dad are telling everyone to be quiet and pay attention. He digs in his coat pocket and pulls out a box. It still didn't click. When he opened the box and I saw the ring, I just started crying instantly. So he gets down on one knee in front of the whole family and asked me to marry him. I screamed yes and cried more lmao.
Awww, now how sweet is that? :grin:
I could imagine the look on your face when you opened up the box lol.
You sound like you got a keeper girl.....so um...does Jason have a brother?
:lachen: nah jk
But i'm happy for you! What a way to bring in the New year, eh?
I almost forgot I was in this challenge! You ladies have made beautiful progress. :yep: Congratulations! I see I have reggie written beside my name so here goes. It's pretty simple. I will be using pretty much all Ayurveda products. I use the oils on a daily. In the morning I use Shikakai/Brahmi/and Amla. At night I use Brhingraj because it puts me to sleep.

I will be using the powders to tea rinse once a week, If I'm lazy I'll use my Shikakai poo bar. I haven't used regular poo in 2 years. I cowash when I feel like it. Some weeks more than others. In the summer it's almost everyday.

I relax every 10 weeks with Hawaiian Silky lye relaxer in mild. As far as style, it's usually up in a clip unless it's the first few weeks of my relaxer. Uhhm I that's it. My progress pic thus far is below.


I'm praying for full BSL by this summer and MBL by Dec. HHG ladies!