Vitamin/Supplements 2014

Ive been off the bandwagon for a couple of weeks:(:(

But I'm back! Took my one-a-day vitamin, msm, panthothenic acid, vitamin a, and be beautiful vitamin.

Trying now to strategize a plan to consistently remember.

What helps you all to remember?
Ive been off the bandwagon for a couple of weeks:(:( But I'm back! Took my one-a-day vitamin, msm, panthothenic acid, vitamin a, and be beautiful vitamin. Trying now to strategize a plan to consistently remember. What helps you all to remember?

I tend to keep them in plain view, somewhere I know that they will be visible.
Ive been off the bandwagon for a couple of weeks:(:(

But I'm back! Took my one-a-day vitamin, msm, panthothenic acid, vitamin a, and be beautiful vitamin.

Trying now to strategize a plan to consistently remember.

What helps you all to remember?

I'm not in the challenge but felt the need to offer my 2 cents, so please excuse the intrusion. I keep my vitamins on my desk at work, in plain view. Lets face it, we all need a break from the day (perhaps several) and pill poppin has served as my excuse to get up and get a glass of water! Also other co-workers compliment/praise my so-called "health-consciousness" so it keeps me motivated and serves as a reminder!

Just wanted to share a system that has worked for me...I also found myself slacking.
Adding my starting pic.


I have been taking viviscal 2x a day.

I will be adding 5000 vitamin d, vitamin b, one-day multi and wheat germ oil capsules beginning February 1.

I am past shoulder length about 2 inches from APL right now. Hope to make APL by may.
Checking in for 1/18, 19, and 20


My goal for this week is to drink at least 1 liter of water per day.
I've been using Country Life Maxi-Hair vitamins since Friday. Hopefully I see great results and don't break out!
Checking in for the past few days. I need to do better with posting and being more active. I had been packing and trying to move and it's been really cray cray. Time to get back on track!
checking in for the .... well since I last checked in

been taking my vits and supplements
added folic acid 800mg
and been having a green smoothie every night

My fingernails have been growing like weeds ... wish my hair would get the memo
checking in for the past couple days. I am being consistent with my vits and had to actually perm my hair a couple of weeks earlier than I normally would. I couldn't go any longer :nono: HHJ!!
thats great SimJam. i like to hear good reports. I missed 2 days but back on track since yesterday. Gonna pop them now. Adding my biotin tomorrow and i know between biotin, my hair vits, and bcomplex i'll be full BSL May 31st. Lawd i can't wait!