Vitamin/Supplements 2014

SincerelyBeautiful How have the GNC HSN's worked out for you? Did you notice any difference with your hair? If so, I say don't switch and continue with them. I try to give vitamins 3-6 months before I move on.

Hey! loulou82, I did notice an increase in thickness and NG and I was thinking the same thing you were lol. I'm going to go ahead and repurchase and then see what results I get after 6 months. I will keep you updated :)
I wish so much that I can be consistent but already missed a few days since joining this challenge. Anyway, checking in for today.

Sometimes it can be a hassle to remember to take your supplements. I know firsthand lol but hey, we are here to support you no matter what. Thanks for checking in!!
I know I'm late, but I'm in :)
I have a TWA. I'm currently taking Chlorella, spirulina, and Vitamin E, 2-3x daily. I actually JUST finished taking the last of the chlorella. Once I finish all the vits that I have, I'm hoping to purchase Hairfinity or Priveta.
I still have to finish:
Fish oil
Maca Root
GNC HSN vits
Vit E

i think thats it....
I'll be taking:
  1. Collagen
  2. Prenatal
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Green smoothie
  5. Green tea

So far I've only gotten to the prenatal and smoothie. But it's only 9am. Good luck!
Checking in. I must re up on my fish/flax/whatever other omega oil that is in that pill. I have enough for one more dose tomorrow. I'll go Friday evening to get some since I take them at night. I want to start back taking silica and chlorella. Let me think on it... smh. I'm trying to simplify but yet I'm trying to add.. SMH