Vitamin/Supplements 2014

Checking in for the past few days. I have been moving and this weather has been tripping here in the south. I'm so over it right now. But I have been keeping up with my supplements so I'm doing quite well. Glad to see you all doing well also. Keep up the good work ladies!!!
Checking in for the week ending on the 1st. Took all my pills and relaxed on the 31st. That will be my March 30th update!
January Round Up:
Joined 1/2/2014 and missed two days in the month.

So far so good for February 1,2 and 3rd:
1. Smoothie
2. GV
3. Vitamins
Still here. Still taking my vitamins ad scheduled. I'm thinking of changing my vitamins around..we shall see once I run out of my second round of vits

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Can I join? I was in the challenge last year but failed miserably. :nono: This year I have been good about taking my far. I am currently taking GNC's Hair, Skin, and Nails Program. (Hair, Skin & Nails Formula, Evening Primrose Oil, and Advanced Collagen Formula). After that is complete I will start on my stashes of GNC's Ultra Nourish-Hair. Hopefully these vitamins will get the ball rolling. I would really love to be BSB by the end of the year. I need about 4.5" :look:
Can I join? I was in the challenge last year but failed miserably. :nono: This year I have been good about taking my far. I am currently taking GNC's Hair, Skin, and Nails Program. (Hair, Skin & Nails Formula, Evening Primrose Oil, and Advanced Collagen Formula). After that is complete I will start on my stashes of GNC's Ultra Nourish-Hair. Hopefully these vitamins will get the ball rolling. I would really love to be BSB by the end of the year. I need about 4.5" :look:

You can do it pearlific1 No more cutting that pretty hair though! :spank:
Want to join the challenge. Have started regularly taking:

1) Busy B- mega dose vitamin and vitamin C complex from Holland & Barrett

2) Chlorella

Want to add:

3) daily spoonful of linseed, to be added to...

4)... a daily green breakfast smoothie

Have been taking the Busy B for energy,wellness and mental alertness, the chlorella I started last week for internal cleanliness hopefully, the linseed for good fats and the smoothie is yet to be perfected need to find a good, affordable and simple recipe I can make every day.
Currently I'm taking a multi vitamin that includes my fish oil. 1000 mg of MSM morning and night. So simple...I may add one more thing to my regimen. I like simple because I know I can be consistent with it.