Vitamin/Supplements 2014

Got my beauty vites from Liquid Gold...will start tomorrow

Will be taking them twice a day and starting pic is in my Sig

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Checking in...

Just got in from Whole Foods and picked up some "hair food" (spinach, kale, chia seeds, walnuts, ginger, parsley and berries).

Is anyone else incorporating better food choices to compliment their vitamins? I'm wondering if you're seeing even more improvement in your hair (and skin and nails)?
Checking in!

loulou82 I've been trying to eat more healthy, but I didn't look into whether or not my healthy foods are actually hair friendly. I do feel like my hair has been growing a little faster though.
Checking in. Bought vits that I needed to replenish. Still here and taking them faithfully.
Checking in, i've been getting good results with my vitamins and i cant wait to see what will happen once i start back on my biotin because i now have a 6 months supply.
Checking in 1/12

Small smoothie

sounbeweavable- Yeah, I've noticed increased growth too. Thankfully, many of the "good" foods that are great for health purposes are also beneficial to hair.
Just finished my stash of vitamins. Gonna stop by gnc today and get some 10,000 biotin, some chlorella or chlorophyll, fish oil, a multivitamin and whatever else intrigues me.
Please add me too. I know I will be taking Biotin, MSM, collagen and a multi-vitamin. But I am hoping to try the hair vitamin Priveta to replace all of that. A member posted her progress pictures, and they were very impressive.

Thanks :)

So I totally slacked off on my vitamin taking. I just ordered GNC Hair, Skin and Nails Formula. I will check in when they arrive. I am also purchasing a blow dryer, so that I will also have a starting pic :yep:
Checking in.
Updated my stash to:
- gnc ultra nourish hair.
- gnc hair skin and nails
- gnc triple chlorophyll
- royal bee pollen capsules.

I've only been taking them for about 45 days so it's too early to assess. But my hair is doing well. I will do a length check after 3 and 6 months. I used UM and HSN very early in my journey and saw good results even though I was still learning how to properly take care of my hair. I gained 3 inches in first 6 months and went from NL to 1 inch shy of APL in a year- while transitioning. Let me know if you want my full vit reggie n pics from that year.
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A few ladies have asked to see my first year results.

Vitamin Regimen
General Multi
Fish-Fax-Borage gel cap
Biotin 5000 mcg
GNC MSM 1000
GNC Silica

May 2007/ August 2007/ January 2008/ March 2008/ Comparison bw May 07 and January 2008


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A few ladies have asked to see my first year results. Vitamin Regimen General Multi GNC UM GNC HSN Fish-Fax-Borage gel cap Biotin 5000 mcg GNC MSM 1000 GNC Silica Niacin May 2007/ August 2007/ January 2008/ March 2008/ Comparison bw May 07 and January 2008

You have very nice results loulou82!!! Your hair is healthy and growing nicely. I love it chick! Keep up the good work!!
Check'n In 4 Yesterday and Today. I just need to take my pm pills which I will :grin:

Biotin 1 am & 1 pm
Collagen 3 am & 3 pm
Viviscal 2 am
Hydraulic Acid 1am & 1 pm

I have two weeks to do my TU. I have soooo much ng. My friend said she sees at least 2 inches. Hurry up Feb 1st:grin:.
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Checking in for yesterday and today as well. I try to stay on top of my vits and so far i'm not been doing bad at all. Now i need to stay on top of this NG that become uncontrollable. lol