

Active Member
So I really don't talk about my relationship to anyone because I was taught by my mom not to but I am so sick and tired I just need to vent.

I feel like I am living with a roommate and we just happen to have a daughter and a dog together instead of my husband. We have been together for 10 years and married for eight but things have changed since I started working reason being is that I'm not at his beck and call whenever he wants to have lunch and not as available as I used to be.

I am at my wits end, I am tired of being second to everyone else and my feelings and opinions are just that mine. But others can have a say as to what goes down and my husband actually listens to them.

For example, today we were suppose to go to church, which is the only time that we get to spend outside of the house as a family. I wake him up to get ready, which I understand he works nights on the weekends, but he states in the same breath that he is going to hang out with his friend at 1:15. I know you all are going to be like what's the beef? But he makes plans with other people all week long, and you can't even go to church with me and our daughter as a family?

My husband gets up after I made up my mind that obviously we aren't going to church together. It felt inorganic, like I was forcing him to go somewhere he didn't want to go. But why do I have to force you to do stuff with me and everyone else is no problem?

I left to clear my mind, I'm so fed up. All I do is work and go home. My husband, who is suppose to be my BFF, is all I have in this area. He hasn't taken me out on a date since February, and that was because it was my birthday and valentine's day. We even have one of his friends living with us and he goes and spends time with him in the basement.

It has been other things and this is minor but everything is building up and I'm tired. Tired and unhappy. I have told him straight up about spending time together but it goes in one ear and out the other.
:bighug: I know you just wanna vent, so i'll give you a big e-hug. I wish I had the meantime, keep your chin-up.
When I came home he told me if I am so unhappy that I should pack my bags and leave. He also said that he can take care of the house and our daughter by himself. This blew my mind it just seems like he really wants me out of the equation.
Oh wow I am so sorry. I can't believe he suggested you pack your bags:(. I was coming in here to give encouragement but now IDK. I was going to tell you that I used to have to go to church alone too but now my dh is the one who insists we go to church together on Sunday. And I also think it rarely works out to have another adult living with a married couple. But based on your last post it sounds like there's a lot more going on here. I hope you find some peace and resolution soon.
When I came home he told me if I am so unhappy that I should pack my bags and leave. He also said that he can take care of the house and our daughter by himself. This blew my mind it just seems like he really wants me out of the equation.

im so sorry, i know this must have damn near killed you. i teared up just reading it and its not even my relationship
Sounds like he maybe cheating by what you posted then here he come with the you can get out bs. Pay him no never mind right now. Please take that baby to church w/o him and give all that other business over to God.
When I came home he told me if I am so unhappy that I should pack my bags and leave. He also said that he can take care of the house and our daughter by himself. This blew my mind it just seems like he really wants me out of the equation.

Wow... I'm sorry he said this. Maybe you need to start making it clear that you would not leave without your daughter. I'm not advising you to leave or stay because I'm not in your shoes. But he needs to understand if you go, you are taking your child.
Some men throw the 'i'll keep the child card'. They have no intention of doing so but know those words can devalue you as a Mother and a woman. It is a very painfull blow to a mother's self esteem.
*** him. That's a total power play and it's disrespectful. He us posturing like you dud something to him. Is he mad that you got a job?
I'm sorry you're having to go through this OP, but this little commentary right here? Who says you have to go anywhere? If he doesn't get it together, maybe he'll be leaving and helping you stay in the house with dd. Don't let him run over you like that.

Sounds like you need some activities just for you. How about a spa day? Maybe a Saturday shopping/lunch outing with a friend from work or church? I also agree with the comments regarding the friend living there :nono: and couples counseling :yep:. Relationships have their turbulent times. Good luck and hang in there Sweetie.

When I came home he told me if I am so unhappy that I should pack my bags and leave. He also said that he can take care of the house and our daughter by himself. This blew my mind it just seems like he really wants me out of the equation.
Wow, that is bold of him to tell you to pack your things and leave the child with him simply because you expressed being unhappy.

Is there a time or place when you two can talk without his friend being around? It sounds like there is something going on way beyond your not being available to be at his beck & call.

He needs to understand that you will not make him a priority if he is making your and your child an option.
1- seems like youve been putting up with his effed-up ways for years so tolertaing bad behavior from someone for that long prob has wreaked havoc on you and the rlp

2- 10 yrs is a long time--i would get my **** right and get an action plan going..but i wouldnt stay with a man whose telling me to leave my house

3- he has his friend living with you guys--spending no time with you--thats not right at all

im not going to tell you to leave but you are not happy--and its time to be happy for you and your daughter...

operation change needs to take place...either counseling or leave---but its time for you to get a backbone!
i cant take a man treating his wife or any woman bad for no gosh darn reason--sounds like a bonafide azzhole--i wish a mutha would tell me to leave a house with me and my daughter--his child...

OP, I'm sorry you are going through this. I know marriage has it's ebbs and flows, ups and downs and what have you, so perhaps you all are in a down period right now. I say that to give the relationship the benefit of the doubt.

One thing you don't want to do is make any hasty decisions about ending your relationship until you are truly sick and tired of being sick and tired. Because when that happens, you will be good and ready to go and not have any regrets.

So, I'll give you advice based on you maybe wanting to stay in the relationship for the time being. You need to get you some separate interests, activities, etc. He is truly taking you for granted and I agree he is posturing by saying you can leave and leave the baby. He knows you are very dependent on him emotionally (just an assumption based on you saying that you don't have any friends/family that are nearby), so he's banking on you pulling back your complaints because of that.

So, just like he make plans to go hang out, you do the same, even if it means going to the movies, a museum, etc. by yourself or just going to get your hair done, get a massage, or go shopping. Also, you and your baby can just go hang out and don't even ask him to join you. Just live your life without him, so to speak.

Most men who are taking their women for granted will start to notice that you aren't as available as you were and that you are happy doing your own thing. They start to wonder what's going on. And if/when he does and starts to question, just let him know that just like he has things to do, so do you, and leave it like that. He needs to realize that it's his actions/choices that are jeopardizing the relationship.

If he doesn't notice or doesn't seem to care that you are basically living your life without him, I would be a bit concerned that his interests lie elsewhere.

I hope things improve with you all. I know marriage can be trying at times.
I'm going to defer to the married sisters but my feeling is that when a man throws out "if you don't like it you can leave" more then once, he's saying it because based on history he doesn't think you're going to call him on it.

Also, when you say you're living like room mates are you saying there's no sex life to speak of?

Sounds like might be behaving the way he is because he can. Have you thought about just living your life with your daughter doing you and not asking him to participate?

Who knows he might want to join in if it looks like your life is going on joyously and fine whether he's part of it or not.
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Please see a marriage counselor, it is not required that he attends. This is way deeper than what has revealed. Good luck to you
Im sorry just sending you a hug. Marriage is WORK and it takes TWO to work for it. Pray and give it to God. I know that comment broke your spirit:(
Yes. He was very remorseful and ashamed about his behavior. He made promises that 16 years later he has kept. (We both were young)