Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.4

i think im done with protective styling. its just not for me. i like the way my twists be looking but i just be waiting for an excuse to take them down. ill just do one better and never put them in :lachen:

i should co wash with my bfh olive drench tomorrow. the way T, fab and african export hype them up im expecting true magic.

A male coworker said that he hates my protective styles! I agree. I am not at my goal length so I am hoping that 6 more months will get me more comfortable with wearing my hair.
I got caught in a snowstorm.

I dont think I like the ORS hair lotion...the bottle is rather unfortunate and i hate the smell, I love the consistency though.
A male coworker said that he hates my protective styles! I agree. I am not at my goal length so I am hoping that 6 more months will get me more comfortable with wearing my hair.
im not at my goal length either but i am at the stage where if my hair didnt grow any longer i would be ok with that. however i would like my hair to reach 6 more inches.
picked up my darcy's today.

the shea butter cream smells so amazing. like rice krispie treat cereal - my favorite! :lick:

my curling creme was also the full size. :yep: the smell is a little too candy-ish, though, imo.
I'm pretty positive Rene will have everything in stock tomorrow. They are super good about keeping their stuff in stock, so I doubt they would have their biggest sale of the year without stock.

I just read on her Face Book page that she is phasing out her old shampoos and conditioners to make room for her new stuff launching January 2011
i think im done with protective styling. its just not for me. i like the way my twists be looking but i just be waiting for an excuse to take them down. ill just do one better and never put them in :lachen:

i should co wash with my bfh olive drench tomorrow. the way T, fab and african export hype them up im expecting true magic.

I keep looking at this one. I didn't know they been hypin' it. :look: Good to know....yeah, use it and tell me how it is. :yep:
I have some BFH coming. I'm hoping it gets here by next week so I can see bout catching the last of the sale.

I've decided to pass on Komaza. I love the DC but 20% ain't nothing special for me. I'll make a lotioncrafters and camden grey order instead
Oh...:lol: Well, I like everything that I've tried (3 things) and I want more. :look: I'm gonna place another order tomorrow. :yep:

I Still want that Red Wine Shine Rinse.

The only thing holding me back with this one is I'm under this Wig and rarely wear my hair out.

But I may get another Scalp Cream and something else.:yep:
T, I thought you got one of the rinses. That one looks good. I haven't decided exactly what to get yet. I have a few that I'm definitely getting but there a few others I am going to try to. Just have to narrow it down a bit...
T, I thought you got one of the rinses. That one looks good. I haven't decided exactly what to get yet. I have a few that I'm definitely getting but there a few others I am going to try to. Just have to narrow it down a bit...

I didn't get it.:perplexed

I kept debating on that one and couldn't make up my mind.

Because of da' Wig.:rolleyes:

I may get another 3/$20.95 and the Scalp Cream.:yep:
I have some BFH coming. I'm hoping it gets here by next week so I can see bout catching the last of the sale.

I've decided to pass on Komaza. I love the DC but 20% ain't nothing special for me. I'll make a lotioncrafters and camden grey order instead

I have a few more coming as well!

I am super disappointed with the limited choices at Komaza. But, oh well, I have plenty of other things to use up in 2011! Maybe next year this time I'll order. I may purchase something else...
ladies im back! been gone the past few days...extra busy at work until about April :( Gonna get weave pretty soon so that I don't have to spend so much time on my hair...last week I bought 3 packs of Goddess Remi hair so Im ready...I have a list of 7 products that I have to use up before I get weaved up so as soon as that mission is accomplished I will be in weave until April!

Shipping Updates:
My BGLH stuff came sooo fast (the 2 kbb masques). Got here yesterday and I just ordered it at the end of last week...they came in a padded envelope and the shipping info was handwritten, but its the super fast shipping and low prices that I care about so Im not complaining!!
My BF stuff from Darcy's came!
I finally got 2 of the MAC Pink Friday lipsticks...but I got one for my soror!
Still not a peep from Qhem as far as my BF haul is concerned....guess I will get it before Jan 15!

Hair Updates:
I used up my Alaffia Beautiful Curls DC, I hated the consistency, it was more like a moisturizer than a dc so I combined it with Vatika Frosting to deep condition and it was great!
Last night I baggyd with OHHB & sealed with vitamin e oil and mhc type 4 hair is super super soft but it became sooo greasy as the day went gonna twist it tonight and hope that my hair absorbs some of this grease...i may need to use less of both the hair cream and hydrating balm....
Im reallly debating my Miss Jessie's order this weekend, I do have enough to last me until the next BOGO but I really want the stretch cream so I may give in...if I do go ahead and order Im done until February! This is spiralling out of control lol
Brownie, I gotta tell ya'....I really like that Hydratherma.:grin:

Thanks for turning me on to that. :yep:

I just wish she would offer a discount.:perplexed
im trying to build my own deep conditioner from bfh. why are you charging me $3 for flacking avocado oil??? it dont cost that much for 2 drops of oil in a conditioner:perplexed
Brownie, I gotta tell ya'....I really like that Hydratherma.:grin:

Thanks for turning me on to that. :yep:

I just wish she would offer a discount.:perplexed

:nono:....If there ever was one, I don't recall. I could be wrong, though. I need to get another oil and a couple other things. Are you just using the Lotion or have you tried anything else of hers??