Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.4

I will be doing my hair 1st thing Friday morning (Lord willing), since I will be at home YAY!:grin:

I will just co-wash, reconstruct, steam, dry, moisturize & seal.

2 weeks Wig-Free:blush:

I am looking forward to that too.:grin:

Hopefully, I'll use some stuff up.

I have to work 3 nights next week and then im off. The first day i will not get out of bed at all, im ready for some good sleep.
:look: Well don't listen to me then. Just ignore the post:lol:.

I wanted that Shea Butter Hair Lotion and the Califia something or other. They're in my cart.

I just don't think it's worth it when I consider the Shipping.:nono:

I thought about the DC'ers, but I got 2 of those already.:look:

I just got As I Am's Daily Hair Moisturizer yesterday that looks & smells wonderful, so that will hafta' do.:look:

And..... the Dew, BFH's Scalp Cream and MHC's Hair Lotion. So.... Yeah.....I really need to skip.:lol:
those are some weird product names. and every time i go to say califia i always find myself saying ca LAH fia :ohwell:
Hey Ladies. The IT Guy didn't make it to my office today.:sad:

He was too busy Potluckin' with his Department.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

He will try to stop by in the morning. So, I am still limited in 'keystrokes' I hope it's nothing major.:sad:

I don't want to buy a new Laptop or pay for any major repairs.:sad: *So Ya'll Pray*:yep:

My Secretary looked at it, but couldn't figure anything out.:perplexed

She did 'clean my keyboard and between the keys out real good and told me I can't eat near it again. *:blush: *

Anyway, didn't get any packages today. My BnB shipped today. Still no word from BJ?:nono:

Oh well. Getting ready to rub on a little MT & Hydratherma. A little disappointed in Komaza.

The Shipping is so crazy-stupid high, I just don't know if the 20% will off-set the Shipping Costs.:spinning:

May sit that one out. Not Sure.:ohwell:

I think I am sitting this out as well!!! Too many out if stock items! I think she is trying to rid her old stock and introduce her new items! I am not biting...especially with that $10 shipping!
I think I am sitting this out as well!!! Too many out if stock items! I think she is trying to rid her old stock and introduce her new items! I am not biting...especially with that $10 shipping!

That would be terrible if she doesn't list a Full Stocked Sale. That would put her on my 2011 Naughty List.:lol:

The Shipping is Quick But the Cost is Ridiculous!:nono:
That would be terrible if she doesn't list a Full Stocked Sale. That would put her on my 2011 Naughty List.:lol:

The Shipping is Quick But the Cost is Ridiculous!:nono:

I really was waiting for her sale! I purchased a sample kit over the summer because I didn't it would be anything different. Well, I was wrong. I wish I would have just paid the $65 then! I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and expect her to restock!
I'm pretty positive Rene will have everything in stock tomorrow. They are super good about keeping their stuff in stock, so I doubt they would have their biggest sale of the year without stock.
I really was waiting for her sale! I purchased a sample kit over the summer because I didn't it would be anything different. Well, I was wrong. I wish I would have just paid the $65 then! I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and expect her to restock!

And Girl....You know I was:look: :lol:

I just won't do that Shipping (this time). There's other things I can buy:lol:

*uhh...did somebody just say bear fruit hair??*:drunk: :lachen:

If Komaza does that...She will Lose Major Cool Points with Me!:sad:
I wanted that Shea Butter Hair Lotion and the Califia something or other. They're in my cart.

I just don't think it's worth it when I consider the Shipping.:nono:

I thought about the DC'ers, but I got 2 of those already.:look:

I just got As I Am's Daily Hair Moisturizer yesterday that looks & smells wonderful, so that will hafta' do.:look:

And..... the Dew, BFH's Scalp Cream and MHC's Hair Lotion. So.... Yeah.....I really need to skip.:lol:

Oh Yeah, and my Hydratherma Naturals.:lick:

And...a Bottle of Claudie's Satin Hair Lotion.:blush: Or is it Silk Hair Lotion?:look:

I'm good. I'll sit this one out.:look:
Hey, ya'll. I'm here at work, dying to go home after only 1 hour. :nono:
It's cold like what outside. Not as cold as La has it, but cold for us!!

Anyway, if I don't work OT, I'm gonna do my hair tomorrow. Can't decide what to prepoo with but I'll use Hydratherma SLS free cleanser and DC with some Bear Fruit Hair. :yep:

I don't think I'll get anything from Komaza...
Hey, ya'll. I'm here at work, dying to go home after only 1 hour. :nono:
It's cold like what outside. Not as cold as La has it, but cold for us!!

Anyway, if I don't work OT, I'm gonna do my hair tomorrow. Can't decide what to prepoo with but I'll use Hydratherma SLS free cleanser and DC with some Bear Fruit Hair. :yep:

I don't think I'll get anything from Komaza...

Yeah, Me Either B!:nono:

I'll just place another BFH Order though before the end of the year.:lol:
I want some Califia Pudding but I already have about half a jar and I have SO MUCH STUFF! BLAH!

Here's What I Really Want:

Shea Lotion
Coconut Curl Lotion
Califia Lotion
Califia Hair Cream
Scalp Butter
Oli DC'er
Intense DC'er
Jojoba & Hemp Sealant

*now bear in mind, these are already in my stash except for the shea butter one.*:lol:
i think im done with protective styling. its just not for me. i like the way my twists be looking but i just be waiting for an excuse to take them down. ill just do one better and never put them in :lachen:

i should co wash with my bfh olive drench tomorrow. the way T, fab and african export hype them up im expecting true magic.