Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.4

my urban decay and bee mine shipped earlier today. UD usually has crazy fast shipping, never more than two days.

i can't wait to get home and try on all my express crap.

i also can't wait to sleep. i've been stealing five minute naps here and there. i was literally up all night working. :nono: just one more week... i want a my bed and a scalp massage. even my fingers feel heavy.
Does anyone have the email for claudies or a list of products and ingredients that i can look at. She is another vendor i would like to try but im not going on fotki. Fotki gave my computer the clap and im not going back lmao.
fotki gave my computer the clap too:nono: poor thang.
ummmmm what???:look: imma need them to be real pacific(like the ocean, yea i said it) with me. what the heck is in it? and i bet they will catch an attitude with you if you ask. like "aint it obvious whats in it":lachen:
Girl it ain't pacific .. lmao... Imma take a pic and post it. I'm not trying to clown (maybe 85%) but I really want to know.

Lawd have mercy... I was just wondering if it was just me.. I have to ask Queen (T) if her packages came like this ...since she has a plethora of orders over there.....

I'm telling you she made her bottles for the small flat rate shipping box.

But wait a minute... hold on.. the spirit of T is tryna take over my fangas again. Keeps making me go back to BFH's site.
my urban decay and bee mine shipped earlier today. UD usually has crazy fast shipping, never more than two days.

i can't wait to get home and try on all my express crap.

i also can't wait to sleep. i've been stealing five minute naps here and there. i was literally up all night working. :nono: just one more week... i want a my bed and a scalp massage. even my fingers feel heavy.

Where is my Urban Decay?! I ordered from them too!!! On Saturday.
Girl it ain't pacific .. lmao... Imma take a pic and post it. I'm not trying to clown (maybe 85%) but I really want to know.

Lawd have mercy... I was just wondering if it was just me.. I have to ask Queen (T) if her packages came like this ...since she has a plethora of orders over there.....

I'm telling you she made her bottles for the small flat rate shipping box.

But wait a minute... hold on.. the spirit of T is tryna take over my fangas again. Keeps making me go back to BFH's site.
it happens:giggle: usually all my orders are because the spirit took over me, i usually have little to nothing to do with it:look:
La, I pm'd you some ingredients. What else you want to look at of hers? I'm on my work laptop so...:look: it can handle a dose of the clap. If not, they got extra.
La, I pm'd you some ingredients. What else you want to look at of hers? I'm on my work laptop so...:look: it can handle a dose of the clap. If not, they got extra.

Thanks ms.b. i would like to see what she has for moisture. i want to stay away from the protein and glycerin.
Hey y'all.....
I'm swimming in some hurr products..

I told y'all everybody and they mama be up and thru this thread.. it's like days of our lives!! lol!

Anyway so today I picked up the order for the new Darcy's stuff.. ummm yeah she's changed her bottles. But they're still 8 oz. T, I mailed your stuff and fwded you tracking!

I also got a sample of Deja Milk and Luscious Moisturizer.. T had sent some luscious before so I know I like that.

Got my CJ stuff... all I have to say is yum... I set all of my curl junkie out and took a picture of it.. I think I'm gonna make it my new avi it's so pretty.. lmao...

BFH came today as well.. FIRST of all .. y'all didn't tell me that these bottles were so bootleg..lmao...

Here's why...

On the Angel creme light conditioner.. it's like 40 ingredients but 11 are highlighted and one is written on... lmao.. so does that mean it only has the highlighted and write in in it??? confused.. help a playa out.

My Pistachio Creme Deep Moisturizing conditioner has a regular amount of ingredients.. but the last ingredient "peppermint oil" is scratched out..... does that mean it's not in here??

The only one that looks like it hasn't been altered is the Hibiscus Banana Light Creme Conditioner that's supposed to give me HIGHLIGHTS.. yeah she put that on there and I still bought it.. I wanna see if it gives me highlights.. :lachen:

In other news got shipping confirmations from Oyin, CG, SSI, MHC, and ASIAN. So hopefully I'll get those soon. But Oyin got the nerve to send me a click and ship that had 4.75 paid for a small flat rate box when I paid 6.25... :sideeye:.. can we get a sideeye smiley?????

I guess you weren't paying attention to my posts about the Bottles!:lol: However, my biggest complaint was the shape. I haven't experienced the labels being altered.:perplexed Maybe she ran out of Bottles:look: (That has not happened with any of my orders)

That Oyin was a Hotmess. I am still not happy with their 'unwillingness' to allow me to change my order. :nono: That was a Customer Service faux-paus in my opinion (For Me). Can't speak for anyone else.:ohwell:
Does anyone have the email for claudies or a list of products and ingredients that i can look at. She is another vendor i would like to try but im not going on fotki. Fotki gave my computer the clap and im not going back lmao.
Good DAMN Night:lachen::lachen::lachen:
Girl it ain't pacific .. lmao... Imma take a pic and post it. I'm not trying to clown (maybe 85%) but I really want to know.

Lawd have mercy... I was just wondering if it was just me.. I have to ask Queen (T) if her packages came like this ...since she has a plethora of orders over there.....

I'm telling you she made her bottles for the small flat rate shipping box.

But wait a minute... hold on.. the spirit of T is tryna take over my fangas again. Keeps making me go back to BFH's site.
Noooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Please yall are killing me:lachen::lachen:
Hey ladies
I didn't receive a thing either. USPS is fooling around with my QB package,its been marked out for delivery since 8:45am and still nada.
I guess you weren't paying attention to my posts about the Bottles!:lol: However, my biggest complaint was the shape. I haven't experienced the labels being altered.:perplexed Maybe she ran out of Bottles:look: (That has not happened with any of my orders)

That Oyin was a Hotmess. I am still not happy with their 'unwillingness' to allow me to change my order. :nono: That was a Customer Service faux-paus in my opinion (For Me). Can't speak for anyone else.:ohwell:

Definitely stupid of them..
Not that shape even though i spilled one trying to open it and smell it.... :perplexed.. but the way it's like she just made one label for everything and started highlighting ingredients.. and crossing stuff out... lmao...
Girl it ain't pacific .. lmao... Imma take a pic and post it. I'm not trying to clown (maybe 85%) but I really want to know.

Lawd have mercy... I was just wondering if it was just me.. I have to ask Queen (T) if her packages came like this ...since she has a plethora of orders over there.....

I'm telling you she made her bottles for the small flat rate shipping box.

But wait a minute... hold on.. the spirit of T is tryna take over my fangas again. Keeps making me go back to BFH's site.

Ya'll Don't Pay No 'Tention to Her:lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Them Her Own Product Junkie Fangers Outta Control!:lol::lol:

Sent tonight from My Own Outta Control PJ Fangers:lol:
Hi ladies!
I was in Target killing time while dd get her hair done and pick up my kcnt well young lady ask me about MJ and we started talking about natural hair. Well she transitioning and wanted to know about products. I was so happy to give advice :grin:about do/don't of transitioning. I told her not to buy alot of product or just buy small sample. She wash her hair, blow dry, then gel with eco styler:nono: I told her to dry wash, kcnt, gel use du rag to tie it down. Although we have different texture that was too much heat every day. She was not niko cousin but knew alot of the language.

Che, thanks for the headups on vendor.

Fab aren't you transitioning or done? I know you are getting CJ!
Hey ladies
I didn't receive a thing either. USPS is fooling around with my QB package,its been marked out for delivery since 8:45am and still nada.

Girl.. I've got two rescheduled deliveries from UPS... both were supposed to be delivered today.. now one is showing for tomorrow and the other one is showing 12/8.
Ya'll Don't Pay No 'Tention to Her:lol: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Them Her Own Product Junkie Fangers Outta Control!:lol::lol:

Sent tonight from My Own Outta Control PJ Fangers:lol:
omg i love that smiley throwing the computer. he mad:lachen:

how did people get them sent from things? i know when i write from my iphone it dont say "sent from my iphone because im eating out right now even though im supposed to be on a diet":lol:
omg i love that smiley throwing the computer. he mad:lachen:

how did people get them sent from things? i know when i write from my iphone it dont say "sent from my iphone because im eating out right now even though im supposed to be on a diet":lol:

LMAO.. stop it.. my BB does that when I send emails.. I don't know how to turn it off...

But I think the people here are using an app that probably inserts that automatically.. but chall are clowning.. I'm not going to be sending *people* no emails from my blackberry.

They need a blackberry app for lhcf.. I need buttons I can't mess with these touch screens ... y'all would think I was retarded because my posts would be all incoherent... (even more so than now)
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Does anyone have the email for claudies or a list of products and ingredients that i can look at. She is another vendor i would like to try but im not going on fotki. Fotki gave my computer the clap and im not going back lmao.

[email protected]

Unfortunately, her FOTKI gives you a picture and description of all her products, the ingredients and the prices.:yep:
LMAO.. stop it.. my BB does that when I send emails.. I don't know how to turn it off...

But I think the people here are using an app that probably inserts that automatically.. but chall are clowning.. I'm not going to be sending *people* no emails from my blackberry.

They need a blackberry app for lhcf.. I need buttons I can't mess with these touch screens ... y'all would think I was retarded because my posts would be all incoherent... (even more so then now)

What else are you looking at from BFH?:grin:

I'm sending you the BFH Ginger Cleansing Conditioner and another Conditioner I think the Macadamia Mango (maybe). I know I threw 2 in the box.:perplexed
Fab aren't you transitioning or done? I know you are getting CJ!

I haven't had a relaxer since February 2009... but I am never BC'ing.. I love my hurrr.... and it's not a problem. Plus I would be divorced, disowned and legally emancipated from my parents if I cut my hair.

Y'all stop trying to clown me.. don't be trying to pick on me.. I'm still not as bad as YALLL!!! :sideeye: