Hey y'all.....
I'm swimming in some hurr products..
I told y'all everybody and they mama be up and thru this thread.. it's like days of our lives!! lol!
Anyway so today I picked up the order for the new Darcy's stuff.. ummm yeah she's changed her bottles. But they're still 8 oz. T, I mailed your stuff and fwded you tracking!
I also got a sample of Deja Milk and Luscious Moisturizer.. T had sent some luscious before so I know I like that.
Got my CJ stuff... all I have to say is yum... I set all of my curl junkie out and took a picture of it.. I think I'm gonna make it my new avi it's so pretty.. lmao...
BFH came today as well.. FIRST of all .. y'all didn't tell me that these bottles were so bootleg..lmao...
Here's why...
On the Angel creme light conditioner..
it's like 40 ingredients but 11 are highlighted and one is written on... lmao.. so does that mean it only has the highlighted and write in in it??? confused.. help a playa out.
My Pistachio Creme Deep Moisturizing conditioner has a regular amount of ingredients.. but the last ingredient "peppermint oil" is scratched out..... does that mean it's not in here??
The only one that looks like it hasn't been altered is the Hibiscus Banana Light Creme Conditioner that's supposed to give me HIGHLIGHTS.. yeah she put that on there and I still bought it.. I wanna see if it gives me highlights..
In other news got shipping confirmations from Oyin, CG, SSI, MHC, and ASIAN. So hopefully I'll get those soon. But Oyin got the nerve to send me a click and ship that had 4.75 paid for a small flat rate box when I paid 6.25... :sideeye:.. can we get a sideeye smiley?????