Use 1 Buy 1 Challenge pt.4

my hair feels amazing. the dew is a keeper:lick: not only does it smell good but it works too. my hair is soft and moisturized and this stuff is a little lighter than the old kbb milk. and i didnt even seal this stuff in.

Smells Like Burnt Sugar Pomade Right??????:lachen:
Bout to head to bed. Had to stop by and say hey to the Ladies.

I finger combed all the curls out last night. The bobby pins from the weekend had my head sore, sore, sore. And doing a pony tail yesterday only made it worse. I wore it loose to bed with a Pretty Wrap on so it could breath.

Today I put some of the Aloeba on the part of the hair not in the pony tail and some VF on the hairline. I used my sock bun to make a big bun in the back. I did brush down the sides but it got a lil warm here today and humid so I had fuzzy hairline.

Tomorrow after bible study will be my weekly wash session. Gotta figure out what I'm gonna use.
I'm looking forward to a good Solid Winter Regi.

Lawd knows I'm set with Buttas, Oils, Great Co-Wash Conditioners and errthang else to get me through this Cold-Snap. :cold:

I am also doing a mini personal growth aids challenge until Spring.

Now that I have my Relaxer issues straightened out, hopefully, I can focus on some good growth.:yep:
All my packages should be here Wed-Fri. This is the fastest BF shipping I've ever had. I hate the shipping prices but if I'm stuff is going to be here in less than a week then its all good.

This BF shipping is a lil faster than other sales/nonsale shipping. I'm usually waiting 1-1.5wks for product.
All my packages should be here Wed-Fri. This is the fastest BF shipping I've ever had. I hate the shipping prices but if I'm stuff is going to be here in less than a week then its all good.

This BF shipping is a lil faster than other sales/nonsale shipping. I'm usually waiting 1-1.5wks for product.

Vonnie: You got Shipping Notices for everything already?:ohwell:
i think so too. im surprised though because i remember not liking it when i tried it months ago but now i love it.
i want 5 inches by the summer:look: is that doable?

If You Retain it All ---Yeah...No Doubt:look: Why Not!:yep:

I'm glad you gave Luscious another Chance.

I :love:that Stuff.

You were the One that Turned me onto Luscious!:yep:
If You Retain it All ---Yeah...No Doubt:look: Why Not!:yep:

I'm glad you gave Luscious another Chance. I :love:that Stuff.

You were the One that Turned me onto Luscious!:yep:
now we both love it:lachen:
so glad i can get it locally. im trying to keep from buying another jar right now since i dont need it. but my problem is when i love something i have to have multiples.
let me know when you want another jar.
now we both love it:lachen:
so glad i can get it locally. im trying to keep from buying another jar right now since i dont need it. but my problem is when i love something i have to have multiples.
let me know when you want another jar.

Lawd...........That's Why We Stay in Trouble:lol:

tonight i should use up mhc horsetail. i dont have any back ups. i may also use up mhc olive but im not sure yet.
I agree with chebaby...that Dew...yums mcgee. I actually don't even think I needed to use my Honey Hemp with it and because my hair was so wet from the HH (I should have rinsed out more), it was wet ALL DAY! Not dripping, but still I was like dang! But the perimeter that dried was so soft and nice. The Dew really smoothed my hair out. I bought some flexi-rods tonight and tried to roll my hair, but I sucked at it so I just braided my hair so I wasn't sleeping on soaking wet loose hair. I used the Dew as my LI. Hoping for a successful braid out...I've never done one...
Hey ladies! I had class last night. It's 1 Dec can you believe it I did not order anything for BF just don't know what I want or like. I straigthen my hair Sun wore it out two days, workout out sweat the curls out like I do.
Mkd I like the rollersetting look just to give myself a different look during the week, I use the double brush for the chase method to flat iron my hair and it was bone straight.
I'm happy for that if I want a change, but working out it don't last. So anyone other than T doing a big haul before the new year?
thanks for the tip Ros! I read about em both! Yikes! :blush: That research is scary!
You're welcome

Please bear in mind that when they are testing things on animals they would probably use much higher concentrations. So an ingredient may only be allowed in a product at levels of no more than 0.25% but we have no idea what concentrations the animals would have been subjected to when it was tested for it to have those side effects

I think it is a good website though and it is an additional resource to use and it gives you more information as to whether to avoid certain ingredients :yep:
Mornin ladies, didn't moisturize last night so im going to do it today. I scratched off db shea leave in because i read some reviews that it contains protein and it makes some hair dry. I don't need dry right now or protein so im going to skip that.
Hey Girls.....I have to go into the Office, so why am I still sitting here giving my Snuggie the Side-Eye?:lol:

It is Freezing Outside.:cold: *gotta find my gloves*:sad:

Well, Let me get in gear. About to rub in some Mango Butter w/Green Tea and do this Thang.

I'll chat with you all Lata':wave:
Hey ladies, hows it going? I havent done anything to my hair but I just got caught in the rain. I think I need a new job.:ohwell:
Che/Elle - Wow my sniffer is picking up something different. I don't smell the same scent as Burnt Sugar Pomade. I smell something buttery and sugary. I wonder if I have more scent in mine, cuz it's not light either.
Damn, I still have three bottles of regular conditioners that I've had for ages, but I haven't really been using them much. Mainly because I'm only using shampoo and deep conditioner every week. Need to find a way to use them up though :look: