Update on my messed up life


New Member
Well actually my life isn't so "messed up" now.

I had all my STD/HIV tests come back negative.

Praise God. Even though I used protection, you can never be too careful when someone has been cheating. And not using protection with who they cheat with.

I lost 8 lbs.
Maybe from stress over the test results or depression. But even though I was drinking like a fool, somehow I lost weight.

I am no longer filled with hate.
I went from not being mad to being angry to being sad to not understanding to hating myself to wondering how I didn't see all the signs to being depressed to wanting to kill him to searching his apt (and finding all sorts of sickness hidden in suitcases and electronics boxes) to almost outing him to his mom/boss/coworkers to doing absolutely nothing. Which was probably the best decision: Revenge is a waste of time.

I decided that there is no way we can be friends. Ever. My BFF put it best "Would you be his friend if he gave you HIV?" And that was my answer there. I can't be mad that he was sleeping with men. Wait. No I can be mad at that. But that's not what I was really mad about, really I was angry about cheating. He used me and cheated on me, not caring about my body or soul at all in place of his pleasure and putting me at risk for disease.

I talked to him again, sadly, because I had to know the "whole truth". I had to be kind and make him think I wasn't mad, because I wanted to know. Be careful what you wish for, cause the whole truth, I mean the whole Paul Mooney---was way too much for me. Ladies, he told me some wack crazy ish. If I sit back and think on some of the things he said--I couldn't hold my lunch down. But I feel like I now know what I should check and seriously watch for with the next guy.

Somehow he still thinks he "can change, stop this life, so we can be together." Because I don't hate him for being gay/bi (he swears "its just sex") I don't want to be with him because he's a liar, cheater and selfish. He asked me to go to a temple with him to pray this "sex demon" out of his body. Seriously. I can't make this up.

He has sent and left flowers, cards, letters--waited crying outside my apt for 3 hrs on my birthday night (til my neighbor, called the police)--because he still thinks we can "mend things".

I can't imagine being with a man who loves men more than me. And lies to himself about it.

I will tell you all this, although I'm sure it's nothing new to many of you:

-If your man is Black and in the military in Japan, beware. My ex said there are huge groups of these men that are bi/bi-curious/gay. There are parties, people meet on military bases, craigslist japan, gay clubs in Tokyo--and do not care about being discreet b/c they think what happens overseas doesn't matter.

-Many bi/gay men don't consider themselves that. They are "just curious" or see it as sex only-and don't want to be labelled. My ex and most of his partners fall into this category. If a man starts acting "like a sissy" or "like he wants a relationship"--they stop seeing him, because they are not "gay"--it's just sex.

-Some bi/gay men (or men that have this type of sex) don't think they need to use condoms if "it's a first time" or "oral sex". According to my ex this is how he got crabs two years ago. He told me that out of the 20 or so men he has slept with almost all of the Black guys (exceptions of one Phillipino, one Indonesian) didn't want to use condoms, especially for oral. Even though all of these trysts were one-night stands, or reoccuring one-night stands, they just believe their word that they are clean and go about their business.

FYI....this is real and scary.

Anyways I wanted to update you all. I'm staying in Japan, because I'm not going to let some lying man run me away from my goals. I'm not looking to date at all for a long time, just plan on improving me. I'm not so depressed any more, rather thankful this happened now and not months down the road, when I might have signed a lease with him. And did I mention that I am very grateful to God for allowing me to see the truth and help me through this ordeal. Once again thank you all. I really appreciate all of your prayers and support.

Oh and I don't know if I need to re-iiterate or not. But I'm not anti-gay or bi. Just after my own personal orderal, I believe people should be honest and upfront about who they are and what they are doing, especially if they are including someone else up in the mix who might not want to be. And safe sex, monoghamy without cheating and lying is number one priority to me.
Dang Yoko,

So I guess it was far from his first time? Just think how he begged and pleaded for you to fall for that first sack of lies. Had you...he probably never would have told you the rest.

It's probably deeper than that. Thank God you got out when you did.

Thanks for the tips and the update.
I was just thinking about you yoko...:bighug:
I am so glad that you checked in with us! I will keep praying for your healing from this sick retard...
*Hugs* I'm so sorry this has happened to you honey. Try to stay positive, I'll keep you in my prayers.
Oh and I don't know if I need to re-iiterate or not. But I'm not anti-gay or bi. Just after my own personal orderal, I believe people should be honest and upfront about who they are and what they are doing, especially if they are including someone else up in the mix who might not want to be. And safe sex, monoghamy without cheating and lying is number one priority to me.

I hope everyone understands that. He did some messed up stuff. Glad you are ok.:yep:
-Many bi/gay men don't consider themselves that. They are "just curious" or see it as sex only-and don't want to be labelled. My ex and most of his partners fall into this category. If a man starts acting "like a sissy" or "like he wants a relationship"--they stop seeing him, because they are not "gay"--it's just sex.

-Some bi/gay men (or men that have this type of sex) don't think they need to use condoms if "it's a first time" or "oral sex". According to my ex this is how he got crabs two years ago. He told me that out of the 20 or so men he has slept with almost all of the Black guys (exceptions of one Phillipino, one Indonesian) didn't want to use condoms, especially for oral. Even though all of these trysts were one-night stands, or reoccuring one-night stands, they just believe their word that they are clean and go about their business.

Thank you for the update. It s good to hear from you.

I saw a special that stated exactly what you posted above. This is very, very sad. This is the exact reason that so many black women are becoming infected from having heterosexual sex.
I hope everyone understands that. He did some messed up stuff. Glad you are ok.:yep:

Definetely. There are no excuses for playing with people's feelings like that. I don't care how they want to or not to call it.
Thanks for sharing your story so we can all learn from it. How come you are in Japan? God will bless you with the right man. I always try to learn from my experiences. The next guy you will be extra cautious around. Have you seen the movie cover? It is a movie about a DL husband. It was interesting.
Thanks for sharing your story so we can all learn from it. How come you are in Japan? God will bless you with the right man. I always try to learn from my experiences. The next guy you will be extra cautious around. Have you seen the movie cover? It is a movie about a DL husband. It was interesting.

I have seen the movie "Cover"...funny I saw it while dating my ex. And I thought it was crazy, but I didn't think my ex was as messed up as he is.

Two of my good friends, who I felt like I could tell this story, couldn't believe he was like this. They were just as shocked as me.

I have been teaching in Japan for almost four years now. I came here after college to improve my Japanese, pay off my bills, and travel.
i'm glad to hear you are doing better yoko and sorry you had to go thru this in the first place, thanks for the tips on what to look out for
I am glad to know you have a better perspective on your life! HUGS!!!! I hope that your story has given someone else the strength they need to confront their own situation! Take care of yourself! Be safe!

Thanks for the update. Sorry to hear that this happened to you. I am happy to hear you are doing much better and really appreciate you sharing this with us so we can learn as well/

Gotta keep our eyes open with these men. so many options out there for folks and if they like to explore them anything is possible.
Thanks for sharing your story so we can all learn from it. How come you are in Japan? God will bless you with the right man. I always try to learn from my experiences. The next guy you will be extra cautious around. Have you seen the movie cover? It is a movie about a DL husband. It was interesting.

Thanks for the updates O.P. I am glad you are feeling better.

O.T. I watched that movie this weekend..IT BLEW MY MIND!!! Ladies if you haven't seen it I think you should check it out. It was a great watch.
Thanks for the update yoko. I think about you often and have been wondering how you are doing.
Thanx for the update and the information.

I'm glad your doing well and especially glad that you see the blessings in all of this.
It's good that you are learning from this and moving on. I know it must be hard, but you're a tuff lady.
Awhhh Lady Yoko. :grouphug: I haven't chatted with you in far to long. I am glad you are doing better and the truth was shown to you! That is messed all around. Just grimey of him.
(((hugs))) i am glad your tests came back negative. sorry you had to go thru this. good things are going to come your way you will see. keep your head up.

I am so glad that you were using protection and that your tests came back negative. I wish you all the best.
Whew! Thank the Lord everything came back clean. You dodged a bullet there.

Your ex is seriously in denial. I’m amazed that he thinks that your relationship was nothing more than a speed bump in the road and that everything would be ok. He needs therapy to find out who HE TRULY IS! Glad that the truth was revealed to you. Now just heal and do you sis!

Still baffled at the black men in the military in Japan comment. Just WOW! :shocked: