Update on Mister man


Well-Known Member
So remember that guy who i said i was talking too and some woman answered his phone...well..yeah :lachen::nono:..i suck i jumped to conclusion...anyhoo he has been sick since wednesday ( he called me to tell me he was driving himself to the ER) and he had to have surgery on his stomach, well the "lady" that answered his phone was his sister (who i met at his moms house) i knew the voice sounded familiar..i went to see him today...:nono: poor baby he is out of it, ive never seen him like that in my life...i feel even more bad because i assumed he was like the rest of them :look::ohwell:....so he calls me the day after his sister answers his phone all doped up like "did you call, i thought you did...you hang up?"...i was like "yeah all snappy" :nono:..he was like "okay i was on morphen (sp?) and i cant even recall alot but im stll at _____ hospital and i want to see you" im like "um hmmm"..i said "well i did call you but some chick answered your phone and i didnt want to disturb anything"...him: "that was my sister ____" :nono::nono:..wow...so i go to the hospital, and she is still there we hug and i give him a "im sorry kiss"......lawd..:drunk:
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