Well-Known Member
I have never EVER seen a woman wear her natural hair in its ABSOLUTE natural condition. I'm not talking wash n goes, or twist outs. just your regular hair (combed/uncombed), not doing anything to it's texture or form etc and completely unmanipulated (no product either). I wear my hair like this at home (because it's the only way I don't get a headache) but if I were to set foot outside the door looking like this well..let's just say I may convey the message that I belong in a mental institution. I tried google, but it comes up only with hair that has in some way been manipulated into a particular style.
does anyone wear their hair like this outside?
This year I'm experimenting with a minimal product based regime, but even within those restrictions I manipulate my hair before going outside. Frankly, I don't really ever just let it hang loose because working out those tangles is too much work and breakage for me. Right now I use water, my natural sebum, coconut oil and a very small amount of mineral oil on my hair and that's it. So I'm as close to product free as I can be, but I'm going to arrange my hair in some kind of pleasing way before I leave the house or wear a beautifully wrapped scarf.