unmanipulated hair in its ABSOLUTE natural condition

I have never EVER seen a woman wear her natural hair in its ABSOLUTE natural condition. I'm not talking wash n goes, or twist outs. just your regular hair (combed/uncombed), not doing anything to it's texture or form etc and completely unmanipulated (no product either). I wear my hair like this at home (because it's the only way I don't get a headache) but if I were to set foot outside the door looking like this well..:look: let's just say I may convey the message that I belong in a mental institution. I tried google, but it comes up only with hair that has in some way been manipulated into a particular style.

does anyone wear their hair like this outside?

This year I'm experimenting with a minimal product based regime, but even within those restrictions I manipulate my hair before going outside. Frankly, I don't really ever just let it hang loose because working out those tangles is too much work and breakage for me. Right now I use water, my natural sebum, coconut oil and a very small amount of mineral oil on my hair and that's it. So I'm as close to product free as I can be, but I'm going to arrange my hair in some kind of pleasing way before I leave the house or wear a beautifully wrapped scarf.
what's wrong with grooming your hair? Did i miss something. I don't want dry hair, cuticles open, etc . . . I don't get it.
Kurlee said:
what's wrong with grooming your hair? Did i miss something. I don't want dry hair, cuticles open, etc . . . I don't get it.

I think this is a thread fail. I also think it was supposed to be deep but people aren't getting it. :lol:

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pookaloo83 said:
I think this is a thread fail. I also think it was supposed to be deep but people aren't getting it. :lol:

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I think it's shade. :look:

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At first I thought this thread stemmed from Solange..You know how she doesn't wear her hair in twist outs or has extra defined curls. But then when I read more of it..I guess it's about grooming hair in general?
I'm still confused..but I'll tell y'all this...even when my hair was in the most jacked up state..I would comb, style or do something to it..to make it look presentable. I can't see myself waking up and go..unless I have cornrows and wrap my hair the night before.
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I have done this a couple times. Usually it's only if I used a lot of product in my hair that day before. I will just rinse and let it dry without combing if I want to refresh it or get rid of frizzies. I usually don't do this on a day where I plan to wear my hair down but have once.

Generally my hair needs to be combed regularly and moisturized so this is not a regular thing at all. But suprisingly my hair does not look nuts without product (if it's done for only a day)

I even had to leave the house with just shampooing my hair without adding conditioner once (I ended up just going to a bbs). But along the way my hair dried about 50% and it didn't look that bad. I thought it was going to be absolutely terrible and it wasn't..I guess you never know.

I prefer my products though.
Why would we? The consequences FAR out weigh any benefit I would get from wearing my coily, kinky, uber nappy hair in an unmanipulated state. The tangles, the breakage from drying out etc...not worth it imho.

Yesterday I let my hair air dry in a pony with no product...best believe I had to dampen it to moisturize before bed! i work too hard to prove a point!
Ogoma said:
You really think your ex-Asian friend was not washing/combing/blow-drying/flat-ironing her hair? Because according to the OP that is what she considers wearing hair without manipulating. I think only certain tyoes of homeless people or people that are part of an art installation do that and it is not often by choice.

Time of death 8:55AM :lachen:

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wow this thread got 7 pages over night. I did not think i'd get so many responses.

From reading all the posts, I realise some people have misunderstood, probably cause I didn't clarify things.

When I say your natural hair in it's absolute natural condition, I do not mean

-dirty hair (abandoning cleaning products) No way
-tangled (abandoning combing) No way

What i mean is your hair in its purely natural form (clean and combed). The way my hair is now. I washed it 3 days ago, comb once a day to prevent to many tangles. But otherwise I leave it as it is. It's massive, but not shaped into a fro, as it's gone passed that length now.

I completely understand the practical reason, as reiterated by so many posts here, but aside from the practical reasons there are other reasons related to societal perceptions and unwritten rules concerning what is appealing and what is not. I have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks, and I plan to have my hair in its natural form. Hey, there has to be a first time for everything :)
wow this thread got 7 pages over night. I did not think i'd get so many responses.

From reading all the posts, I realise some people have misunderstood, probably cause I didn't clarify things.

When I say your natural hair in it's absolute natural condition, I do not mean

-dirty hair (abandoning cleaning products) No way
-tangled (abandoning combing) No way

What i mean is your hair in its purely natural form (clean and combed). The way my hair is now. I washed it 3 days ago, comb once a day to prevent to many tangles. But otherwise I leave it as it is. It's massive, but not shaped into a fro, as it's gone passed that length now.

I completely understand the practical reason, as reiterated by so many posts here, but aside from the practical reasons there are other reasons related to societal perceptions and unwritten rules concerning what is appealing and what is not. I have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks, and I plan to have my hair in its natural form. Hey, there has to be a first time for everything :)

Isn't that just a WnG? Because if so, I do this all the time. I don't think society looks at WnG's in a negative way. :ohwell:
What i mean is your hair in its purely natural form (clean and combed). The way my hair is now. I washed it 3 days ago, comb once a day to prevent to many tangles. But otherwise I leave it as it is. It's massive, but not shaped into a fro, as it's gone passed that length now.

So basically what you mean is a wash'n go (hair just washed, combed and left to dry) with no styling products.
I think that cleared things up a bit...
I have done this but not for longer then a day.
wow this thread got 7 pages over night. I did not think i'd get so many responses.

From reading all the posts, I realise some people have misunderstood, probably cause I didn't clarify things.

When I say your natural hair in it's absolute natural condition, I do not mean

-dirty hair (abandoning cleaning products) No way
-tangled (abandoning combing) No way

What i mean is your hair in its purely natural form (clean and combed). The way my hair is now. I washed it 3 days ago, comb once a day to prevent to many tangles. But otherwise I leave it as it is. It's massive, but not shaped into a fro, as it's gone passed that length now.

I completely understand the practical reason, as reiterated by so many posts here, but aside from the practical reasons there are other reasons related to societal perceptions and unwritten rules concerning what is appealing and what is not. I have a wedding to go to in 2 weeks, and I plan to have my hair in its natural form. Hey, there has to be a first time for everything :)
Spongebob - So why isn't a wash and go style considered unmanipulated hair?

After a wash and go dries, it's basically an unmanipulated style if you didn't put a whole lot of product in it or if you didn't twist/braid it for a twist/braid out.

Combing your hair once a day is manipulation no matter how you wanna put it. You're combing out your natural curl pattern.
I think this is a thread fail. I also think it was supposed to be deep but people aren't getting it. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone 4s using LHCF

I agree it was a fail. I think the opposite though it wasn't deep and we made it deep. I really don't know what we is talking about :nono: I hate that :lol:
We probably have 2 very different textures: if I clean my hair and leave it like that without products, I cannot comb it. Especially dry.
I think it's shade. :look:

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using LHCF

I think this is a thread fail. I also think it was supposed to be deep but people aren't getting it. :lol:

Sent from my iPhone 4s using LHCF

I think it's . . . I just don't know. If I want tangles and breakage, then sure I can do that. But if I want healthy hair that stays on my head, I need to have a leave in. I need butters and stuff. I don't know why there's so much pressure on black women to use nuts and berries on their hair to prove they love themselves. It's okay to braid, twist, gel, flat iron, cut and colour your hair. Our hair is very curly and just leaving it to it's own devices would actually take more work in the end. *shrugs*
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Poohbear said:
@Spongebob - So why isn't a wash and go style considered unmanipulated hair?

After a wash and go dries, it's basically an unmanipulated style if you didn't put a whole lot of product in it or if you didn't twist/braid it for a twist/braid out.

Combing your hair once a day is manipulation no matter how you wanna put it. You're combing out your natural curl pattern.

I totally agree. If you are combing your hair everyday that means have manipulated it and altered your natural curl pattern.

Plus if you are going to put the word absolute in caps 'absolute natural condition' that means u ain't doing ish to your hair - no tools, no products.
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So basically I think OP would like to say why do naturals wear braidouts or twist outs ? Why not go out 'un manipulated' which to her means a wash and go with a comb ran through it at least once. Just your hair in its natural state. There i said it!! :lol:

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This is hair last year unmanipulated (please excuse the skin... I had just given birth two weeks before :D)


I wore my hair like this for the past two weeks. I combed once week :look:

ETA: I understand what you mean OP. But not every can nor wants to do that.
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This is hair unmanipulated (please excuse the skin... I had just given birth two weeks before :D)

I wore my hair like this for the past two weeks. I combed once week :look:

My hair doesn't look like after hours of manipulation :lol: Aint gonna happen :nono:

I got more of a Don King Thang going on. :lol:
umm kaay

so more fros and wash and gos .... I see that often enough though

Im curious to know though, why the OP is opposed to moisturizing products (I can understand how someone (a purist) may be opposed to styling products)

I mean even bobo dreds add a lil oil to their locs for maintenance
Co-signing on the tangles. I don't even wear my hair in a semi-stretched afro for the same reason. That'd be asking for trouble. :nono:
My hair's getting long to the point where when I DC it I can put it in a ponytail and have it look halfway decent. But translating that to a style that I'd wear outside that doesn't force me to spend an hour in the bathroom getting it together is another story.:nono: Not to mention protecting it from the harsh climate. So nah...
Clean and combed? My hair is clean and combed after I shampoo and condition it. I assume you mean product free, and that will NEVER happen. My hair is too porous and gets too dry to do so.

There's a reason that the heavier, more moisturizing products are geared towards 'our' hair because it is prone to dryness and breakage if we don't moisturize.