Ultra Hair Thick Shake

I also feel slightly full Beana and I use skim - so I think it's the shake and I am also LOVING it and also feel it's really gonna add to my growth.

How often do you drink it? I take mine everyday!
Tracy, i cant thank you enough for recommending this!!!! It really improves my vit routine. I take mine everday as well (i even cheated once and took it twice
) the thing is.. i've been slacking on my pills b/c of this. starting with June i should be taking them BOTH.

I have about a week of mix left and i'm thinking i should buy like 3 more to last me for a while... the best thing about this shake is that it doesn't taste vitaminy (not a word , i know
) it tastes like regular ole vanilla mix.
Oooh oooh oooh Beans...!

I'm gonna do EXACTLY the same thing...take vits again beginning June 1 so I can see the total effect of vits, the shakes and the summer have on my gtowth....
I love the flavor of it as well - eps. with my additions. Have you evert had coquito? It tastes like coquito without the rum....:D

I'm so glad you're enjoying it! Wanna be shake buddies?
We can check in with one another and see how much it's helping...

P.S. Shhhhh: I sneak and take it twice sometimes too...- it's only 90 something calories after all....
I have been wanting to try this shake for a while now but instead I have been taking whey protein. My question is for those of you who have been taking this (Ultra Hair Thick shake) faithfully have you noticed any growth and if so how much growth are you getting?
Marcia16, my hair is in braids now, which I will be taking out this weekend. So I'll let you know about the growth, I can say that I have had a lot of growth in the month of May. My mom was looking at my braids, and she said they look like "really thick ropes", from all the hair that has grown in. So I'd have to say that's a good thing.
Thanks Chipmunk. I am looking forward to hearing how much growth you have had. Good luck. Also are you taking any vitamins specially for the hair or can you recommend a good vitamin or any thing good that has been working well for you. I have very thin hair (relaxed) and every time I wash, comb or just do anything to it, it comes out. I am really thinking about getting braids to see if that helps. Can you offer any advice. Thanks for any help you can give.
Yes I do take vitamins for my hair. I have found the most success with Biotin, MSM, and Inositol.

I really can't help you w/your hair problem, sorry

I haven't relaxed in quite some time, and when I was I didn't know how to take care of my hair. You should probably do a search on threads about hair breakage. I have found success w/hot oil treatments w/carrot oil in stopping breakage. But I am sure you can find better advice from some of the other ladies. I'll see if I can find some threads for you.
...I have very thin hair (relaxed) and every time I wash, comb or just do anything to it, it comes out. ...

[/ QUOTE ]

I know not everything works for everybody in the same way, but I have relaxed hair too, and it used to be thin. Jade 21 and Tracy recommended I take 1000 mgs of Pantothenic Acid, broken up into 500 mgs in the morning and 500 mgs at night (that equals 2 pills which is great because I am not an enthusiastic pill taker). I also was taking MSM, which did wonderfully to stop my hair from coming out. And, last but not least, I continued to keep my hair in protective styles (it's more effective at keeping my hands out of my hair - not completely, but better - and that also effectively reduced breakage).

Good luck!
I have not seen this kind of shake, but if anyone can help me, I just got Spring Valley -Soy Protein (Isolate Power)
Okay. I took my braids down. I thought it was thicker, but hey that could have been b/c that's what I wanted. I asked my mother for a second opinion and it is definitely thicker.

I guess that means it works.
Ok - my verdict is in. I think it's a combo of my realxer choice and this stuff because this is all I've really been "taking" for the better part of a month...

But my hair is definitely thicker than ever before. I'd even laid off my beloved Pantothenic Acid for a while (just never got a chance to pick it up - about 3 months now) and I SWEAR I have thicker hair DIRECTLY after a relaxer than I have EVER had before. I know it's not the relaxer only (or I don't THINK it is) because I've been using the one I'm using for a while now and I didn't notice this much thickness before.

It's hard to explain, but my hair feels LUSH, it feels FAT...hard to explain....but My hair is EVERYWHERE. I'm having trouble containign it. I had an Asian woman today ask me my diet because my hair (MY color-treated, relaxed hair) looked so healthy and full!

It's too soon to see how this affects my growth rate, but it definitely is having a positive effect on the overall health of my hair. This one's a keeper and a PLEASURE to take. It's my new midnight snack. I started mixing it with Vanilla Silk and doing my reg spices and it's positively YUMMY. An added benefit!

This one's a keep for me girls!
ooooooo i am so glad to hear this. i can never tell how anything works for me because i always have someone jack my hair up so i can really tell how much things are working for me. i also mix the shake with silk but the regular one. i'll be able to tell how well this is working for me when i get a touchup next month. i need to stock up too because this is great for me to have at night when i dont feel like cooking when i get home. its quick and easy and filling.
i wonder what would happen if you are using the b5 along with this. i take my pills every day and drink the shake so i can imagine the results.
God bless you all.
Tracy, Chipmunk, Beana-
I'm really happy to hear about you guys' success with this this
Of course, now I really want to try it too. What do you guys do as far as the rest of your vitamin regime? I currently take the following:
- 5mg Biotin
- 100mg B-Complex
- 1 Solgar VM 75
- 2tsp powdered MSM (when I remember)

Would doing all this plus the hair shake be overkill?

I don't think so. I think of it as a matter of absorption and differences in composition. I posted my summer vit regime in the 365 chalenge thread. I'll bump it if I can find it. I'm taking lot's of B's and Aminos.
Thanks, girl! I just found your post on the 365-Day Challenge thread. Now I am seriously considering this. I will let you know how it goes.

BTW, you hair looks absolutely heavenly in the gallery!
I'm noticing a boost in new growth, just last week I had close to no noticeable new growth. This week my new roots are defintely "there". I think the shake has helped me with a much needed growth spurt...because i was wondering why my hair did not seem to be growing

I'm too broke to repurcahse the shake for another week
but when i do, I'll be ordering in bulk because I'm thinking of making this my primary supplement.
Me too Beana...I was just thinking this last night. I need to definitely figure out a way to get a nice supply of this stuff for not too much money. I consider this the "base" of my vit regime.
OMG maybe this is what was working. i remember when i got my touchup my hair was jacked up and i noticed a thinning spot by my temple. now the area is thicker and hair is covering the spot that i thought was balding. you know let me not talk about this any further because people keep asking me how i can be so calm about my touchup experience and i believe it is because of avoidance and repression.
God bless you all.
let me not talk about this any further because people keep asking me how i can be so calm about my touchup experience and i believe it is because of avoidance and repression

[/ QUOTE ]

It's too soon to see how this affects my growth rate, but it definitely is having a positive effect on the overall health of my hair. This one's a keeper and a PLEASURE to take. It's my new midnight snack. I started mixing it with Vanilla Silk and doing my reg spices and it's positively YUMMY. An added benefit!

This one's a keep for me girls!

[/ QUOTE ]

I drink vanilla Silk too. Maybe I can substitute this for my protein shake
I actually find that's it's yummier with the Silk lala - and that full feeling I mentioned before is no more since using the Silk.
wow this is soo good. I mixed with nutmeg, cinnamon, skim and vanilla silk... yum!

I believe mine was 13.88 from the Vitamin Shoppe...wonderful suggestion!
I just saw this shake at vitalglo.com. 1lb for $11.28 + $5 shipping. I was looking for some cheap silica and apricot oil and I ended up buying the shake, too. I'm so weak...
get it. i find it is better than pooping pills. plus in the summer time when it gets too hot to cook this is great for a quick meal or snack. plus it taste good and its thick and filling. i come home at night and i have this and i am good. i am going to restock this because i get the vitamins i need without having to almost gag over some horse pills and its something that actually taste good.

BTW the directions say mix with water, juice or milk but i dont know how french vanilla would taste with orange juice. i think it would taste a whole lot better with milk. God bless you all.
I also purchased this shake & I must say that this is one of the best tasting shakes that I have tried. I noticed on the can right above the directions that it says for best results that this shake should be taken in conjunction with Ultra Hair tablets. Is anyone taking the tablets along with this or any other hair vitamin?
<font color="purple">Tracy, I have a question to ask of you. I had bought some Designer Whey powder in the past. I really love the taste of it as a shake, as well as making pancakes with it. This powder has 17.5g of protein, B vitamins, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Sodium and Potassium. It can be mixed with either water, milk, juice or yogurt for a delicious smoothie, when added with ice and fruit.
Since this is mostly whey protein, can this be a good alternative of getting enough protein without the weight gain? Can any whey protein supplement do just as well as the soy, only better? </font>