ugggh im so upset!(rant)


New Member
ok, i know there have been a couple of threads about chris rock's "Good Hair" and how much everyone hates it but i just really need to rant today because im highly upset:angry2:

Today in my anatomy class we were talking about the Integumentary system or in other words the Skin. Hair is included in the Integumentary system so we discussed that as well. My professor is Hispanic and i really like him as a professor and he keeps class interesting because he makes funny jokes related to what we're discussing that day. Well, when we got to hair for some reason i started getting nervous because i had a feeling he was going to say something about black ppl and their hair. Well after a good 15min of discussing hair he didnt mention anything about black ppl so my nervousness went away but right when we were about to switch topics he was like "Ooooh,just to point out something that's interesting, the way people perceive hair vaires with different cultures. I learned this from Chris Rock and that one movie Good Hair. White and Hispanic women dont care when people touch their hair but Black women will not let anybody come near their hair,also black women tend to wear extensions more than any other race but they spend more on hair then any other race.":blush::nono::wallbash:
OMG i was so embarrassed/shocked/pissed considering that im one of the only 2 black ppl in the class and on top of that everybody turned to look at me and the other black girl.and the fact that the other black chick had this tore up looking weave did not help either. i felt like saying something but i honestly had no clue what to say.sigh.
that d@mn chris rock.
ok, i know there have been a couple of threads about chris rock's "Good Hair" and how much everyone hates it but i just really need to rant today because im highly upset:angry2:

Today in my anatomy class we were talking about the Integumentary system or in other words the Skin. Hair is included in the Integumentary system so we discussed that as well. My professor is Hispanic and i really like him as a professor and he keeps class interesting because he makes funny jokes related to what we're discussing that day. Well, when we got to hair for some reason i started getting nervous because i had a feeling he was going to say something about black ppl and their hair. Well after a good 15min of discussing hair he didnt mention anything about black ppl so my nervousness went away but right when we were about to switch topics he was like "Ooooh,just to point out something that's interesting, the way people perceive hair vaires with different cultures. I learned this from Chris Rock and that one movie Good Hair. White and Hispanic women dont care when people touch their hair but Black women will not let anybody come near their hair,also black women tend to wear extensions more than any other race but they spend more on hair then any other race.":blush::nono::wallbash:
OMG i was so embarrassed/shocked/pissed considering that im one of the only 2 black ppl in the class and on top of that everybody turned to look at me and the other black girl.and the fact that the other black chick had this tore up looking weave did not help either. i felt like saying something but i honestly had no clue what to say.sigh.
that d@mn chris rock.

I'm sorry, girl. I feel you though. Was it really necessary for him to mention it? Class could have carried on without that comment.
That damn Chris Rock ruined everything. Also, the part about being annoyed when people touch your hair is a lie. Lots of other women don't like their hair being touched either...there is a thread about it on NC. Logically speaking it would have more to do with the style rather than the race. This should be obvious to people...
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Umm, Imma need more people on this board to get some courage. Everytime people tell these stories they always talk about "I just sat there without knowing what to say." SAY SOMETHING DAMN IT! Why did you just sit there and let him get away with spewing such garbage?
I swear if anyone and I mean ANYONE comes at me with some Chris Rock stuff boy o boy yall are going to get a nice thread about what I am going to say. I already have what I am going to say in the vault but believe me it WILL NOT BE NICE AT ALL.

It seems like folks are pulling out this Chris Rock movie like its the end all to be all. KTFOHWTBS!!!!!!

Why dont they comment about how whites wear pieces all the dang TOO or that UGHHHHH!!!!
People are not watching this damn documentary to learn something "culturally" new. They watch it to get their own ego boost. Something tells me that if a documentary came out with about the Natural Hair Movement that showcased BW wearing their own hair with pride, these same people would not be interested to see it.

Believe it or not, many people HATE seeing BW confident in who they are.
I swear if anyone and I mean ANYONE comes at me with some Chris Rock stuff boy o boy yall are going to get a nice thread about what I am going to say. I already have what I am going to say in the vault but believe me it WILL NOT BE NICE AT ALL.

It seems like folks are pulling out this Chris Rock movie like its the end all to be all. KTFOHWTBS!!!!!!

Why dont they comment about how whites wear pieces all the dang TOO or that UGHHHHH!!!!

We should all start sharing fantastic comebacks when/if this situation arises. Us BW are a creative bunch! LOL
He's a professor so he has to have some intelligence, how is he going to let a Chris Rock documentary be his main source of information on black women's hair when he had two black women in the class he could have gotten real first hand responses from? Plus where has he been ? White women have been wearing hair extensiions for the longest time, its just that people assume that it is their real hair .
People are not watching this damn documentary to learn something "culturally" new. They watch it to get their own ego boost. Something tells me that if a documentary came out with about the Natural Hair Movement that showcased BW wearing their own hair with pride, these same people would not be interested to see it.

Believe it or not, many people HATE seeing BW confident in who they are.

Exactly I dont understand how ANYONE would look at chris rocks movie as a real DOCUMENTARY I MEAN HE'S CHRIS ROCK GOTDAM IT He PLAYED POOKIE...

I would have told him to keep it professional "Prof so and so I would have thought that someone of your caliber would not be spouting "facts" (yes I would have put up the fingers) from a comedian who have never as far as I can tell has spoken about anything seriously. Prof. this movie was supposed to help his daughter blah blah blah.......

He would have probably kicked my *** out for embarrasing his *** LOL
I am having trouble understanding what his comment had to do with anatomy. There is nothing scientific about CR's movie so how is it even relevant to class discussion regardless if the lecture was on hair or not. I have never known any professor to use a movie as some type of proof or to back up any theories especially scientific theories or ideas.

Are you sure you didn't imagine this? Because this story just doesn't seem to have the ring reality to it to me. No shade but it just doesn't come across as authentic.
I am having trouble understanding what his comment had to do with anatomy. There is nothing scientific about CR's movie so how is it even relevant to class discussion regardless if the lecture was on hair or not. I have never known any professor to use a movie as some type of proof or to back up any theories especially scientific theories or ideas.

Are you sure you didn't imagine this? Because this story just doesn't seem to have the ring reality to it to me. No shade but it just doesn't come across as authentic.

There are plenty of Prof. that talk out their asses so I believe it. There are many people who want to have a better understanding about our hair and instead of picking up a book with real history what they got was this coon really did not talk about much from as far as I can tell ( I REFUSE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE)

I may have to watch this movie or maybe NOT.
There are plenty of Prof. that talk out their asses so I believe it. There are many people who want to have a better understanding about our hair and instead of picking up a book with real history what they got was this coon really did not talk about much from as far as I can tell ( I REFUSE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE)

I may have to watch this movie or maybe NOT.

Maybe I was lucky or maybe not. But, my ignorant professors were better at disguising their ignorance and tended to use real or seemingly credible research to push their ignorance.

Oh well...still doesn't seem authentic to me. But hey if you believe it carry on.
I am having trouble understanding what his comment had to do with anatomy. There is nothing scientific about CR's movie so how is it even relevant to class discussion regardless if the lecture was on hair or not. I have never known any professor to use a movie as some type of proof or to back up any theories especially scientific theories or ideas.

Are you sure you didn't imagine this? Because this story just doesn't seem to have the ring reality to it to me. No shade but it just doesn't come across as authentic.

I would have to agree with you on everything except the story being fraudulent. Anyone being paid to give facts and to teach students about anything should only speak the facts only. I doubt "Good Hair" is referenced in a text book.:nono:
I think that you should have said something in class. I am in law school at a VERY white populated school and one day in Employment Discrimination the topic of hair came up regarding a case where a woman had cornrows but the airlines did not allow employees to wear conrows, twists, locks, etc. The plaintiff's lost her case. Anyhow, the professor (who is white) was discussing the hair issue in class based on something she read and it did not seem to truly convey the issues that the students needed to hear about Black hair. Although I hate being the spokesperson for my race, I also don't want a class full of ignorant (not saying in a mean way) white people to continue to believe stereotypes about Black people that are not true. Therefore, I spent almost the entire first half of class schooling my white peers about Black people's hair. After class, many of my friends and some others came up and thanked me for speaking up and saying something in class.

Because you decided not to say anything, people in your class are going to believe what your professor said and are going to assume that all Black women wear extensions in their hair. I know it is hard to stand up in class of people who have no clue and speak on these issues, but we for too long have not had a voice and now that we do have a VOICE, you need to set the record straight. Like I said in a previous thread, Chris Rock has set us back when it comes to telling our truth about our hair. Your professor was incorrect on so many levels.

***Please disregard any grammatical errors. It's late and I don't feel like proofreading.***
:lachen: So, he got his vital information about black hair from a male comedian.
Why do people think Chris Rock is speaking for all of us??
Because I have what is termed in some circles as a "smart a$$ mouth," I probably would have been like....I get what you saying about movies reflecting the real world, kinda like how Eddie Murphy wanted to be cool in that movie Nutty Professor because you know Professors can be lame... yeah mmhmm, stay in your lane senor....

Even if I hadn't have said it I would have thunk thoughts are even more smart mouth than my mouth is....
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Don't get me wrong I totally get why you are mad, I hate when non-black people especially teachers making sweeping generalizations about us. I particular hate it when they talk about our hair, and I'm just as mad as everybody at Chris Rock for making that damn movie. I do think you prof was out of line for his comments, and he probably said it as a conscious or subconscious way to degrade and embarrass BW. I mean they really do hate to see us shining and confident.

black women tend to wear extensions more than any other race but they spend more on hair then any other race

But are were really pretending like this isn't true.
:arrowdown: :arrowdown:

If I were you, I would approach him after class and set him straight! Tell him how he has been culturally and racially in sensitive, basically shame him to apologizing in front of the whole class. If he didn't apologize, next time in his class, I will stand up in front of the whole class, and shame him publicly!..... wat a stupid JERK!!! :angry2: :hammer:
Are you sure you didn't imagine this? Because this story just doesn't seem to have the ring reality to it to me. No shade but it just doesn't come across as authentic.

really, i have had some professors say some crazy stuff before. this doesn't sound that bad compared to things i've heard :/

op sorry this happened to you, i'd talk to your professor about it.
really, i have had some professors say some crazy stuff before. this doesn't sound that bad compared to things i've heard :/

op sorry this happened to you, i'd talk to your professor about it.

The point I was trying to make is not that a professor won't say crazy stuff. BUT, that to me, based on the scenario she gave the comments don't match. I can't see the connection between CR's movie and an atanomy class. What does not wanting your hair to be touched have to do with the science of hair? The scenario and the comment seems contrived to me. However, this is the type of topic and story that will get most folk on this site all up in arms.

If the story is true I would be interested to know how his comment came about based on the lecture and/or class discussion.
The point I was trying to make is not that a professor won't say crazy stuff. BUT, that to me, based on the scenario she gave the comments don't match. I can't see the connection between CR's movie and an atanomy class. What does not wanting your hair to be touched have to do with the science of hair? The scenario and the comment seems contrived to me. However, this is the type of topic and story that will get most folk on this site all up in arms.

If the story is true I would be interested to know how his comment came about based on the lecture and/or class discussion.
Maybe you've been lucky in life to not have professors that just go off topic or try to tie in something that has nothing to do with anything.

In my public speaking class my prof made this out of the blue comment that rap was unimaginative, stole from other music genres and rap was just a dumb genre. This had nothing to do with anything at all.
My eng prof started talking about concrete writing and segued it into common law marriage discussion (idk) Nothing to do with anything. At all. (Matter of fact I told her and told her we don't have that in VA) She said i was 'such a geek' and talked about my clothes. Really nothing to do with a college writing class.

so it doesn't seem farfetched to me. You're right that it has nothing to do with anything though.:ohwell:
Maybe you've been lucky in life to not have professors that just go off topic or try to tie in something that has nothing to do with anything.

In my public speaking class my prof made this out of the blue comment that rap was unimaginative, stole from other music genres and rap was just a dumb genre. This had nothing to do with anything at all.
My eng prof started talking about concrete writing and segued it into common law marriage discussion (idk) Nothing to do with anything. At all. (Matter of fact I told her and told her we don't have that in VA) She said i was 'such a geek' and talked about my clothes. Really nothing to do with a college writing class.

so it doesn't seem farfetched to me. You're right that it has nothing to do with anything though.:ohwell:
Your public speaking professor who spoke about rap music was at least speaking about something that is loosely related to public speaking. So I could imagine that coming up in class discussion in her attempt to "relate" to the students. Although, she failed miserably. English class and common law I could see depending the books and authors you may have been reading/discussing at the time. So no your examples don't seem far fetched. However, I just can't come up with how CR's movie can be tied to an anatomy class or even how black women and their hair issues could even come up. Sorry just can't picture that.
Your public speaking professor who spoke about rap music was at least speaking about something that is loosely related to public speaking. So I could imagine that coming up in class discussion in her attempt to "relate" to the students. Although, she failed miserably. English class and common law I could see depending the books and authors you may have been reading/discussing at the time. So no your examples don't seem far fetched. However, I just can't come up with how CR's movie can be tied to an anatomy class or even how black women and their hair issues could even come up. Sorry just can't picture that.

We weren't talking about that at all. In english we were talking about concrete writing and then she started talking about common law marriage and her various suitors. I told her this had nothing to do with descriptive writing and VA had no common law marriage. She told me "you are such a geek. You always wear sweatshirts with letters on there. Why do you? What do the letters mean?' then she laughed. So no it had nothing to do with anything.

His comment had nothing to do with anatomy, you're right. But they had to do with hair. It was a just a related comment.
To be a professor he is ignorant especially to reference a comedian for facts. Also if it bothered you speak up about it. Unfortunately he may say it in the future since his action was not corrected. I would have used it as an opportunity for him to learn his comments could be hurtful to blacks in addition to him knowing that's a boundary for you. *hugs*
Your public speaking professor who spoke about rap music was at least speaking about something that is loosely related to public speaking. So I could imagine that coming up in class discussion in her attempt to "relate" to the students. Although, she failed miserably. English class and common law I could see depending the books and authors you may have been reading/discussing at the time. So no your examples don't seem far fetched. However, I just can't come up with how CR's movie can be tied to an anatomy class or even how black women and their hair issues could even come up. Sorry just can't picture that.

if you can see how the other topics relate, then why don't you get this one? they were talking about HAIR, and he brought up a movie called 'good HAIR'...he probably thought he was adding a 'fun fact' since they were on the topic...
We weren't talking about that at all. In english we were talking about concrete writing and then she started talking about common law marriage and her various suitors. I told her this had nothing to do with descriptive writing and VA had no common law marriage. She told me "you are such a geek. You always wear sweatshirts with letters on there. Why do you? What do the letters mean?' then she laughed. So no it had nothing to do with anything.

His comment had nothing to do with anatomy, you're right. But they had to do with hair. It was a just a related comment.

It sounds like your professor is mental and she was out of line for calling you a geek. And it seems that she was making fun of you questioning her by questioning you. If I were you I would have reported her to the dean or head of the English department. I have done that before for a professor I was at odds with.

Anyway back to the OP, it's apparent from her post that she was very uncomfortable during this discussion so it seems to me that maybe he picked up on that and was trying to be "inclusive" by stating the only thing he could think of about black women and hair. :lol: Because that's the only reason I can come up with as to why a white man would make that statement to a room full of people when only 2 of those people are black. It's not like white folk are just running around discussing black women and their hair hang ups all willy nilly.