Thats it!, im done, finish, say what you want i dont care!

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I haven't read this whole thread but I am really sad right now. Silvergirl I feel your frustrations and I'm so sorry you are being treated this way. Please consider staying because you have come so far and you're such an inspiration to many. I have really enjoyed seeing your progress. Just don't let people get to you like this. You know that your hair is natural and that's all that matters. Please stay! I hope you're not gone already.
Pokahontas said:
I haven't read this whole thread but I am really sad right now. Silvergirl I feel your frustrations and I'm so sorry you are being treated this way. Please consider staying because you have come so far and you're such an inspiration to many. I have really enjoyed seeing your progress. Just don't let people get to you like this. You know that your hair is natural and that's all that matters. Please stay! I hope you're not gone already.

(Silvergirl decided to stay!!! Woohoo!)


I'll bet them haters maaaad, now! Now go on and swing that hair in their faces!:lachen:
silvergirl said:
So...... ive been informed by some members of a diff forum that i should come back here to read a few msgs.

i declined and told them. that my time was better spent elsewhere, cause i dont need another headache with ppl hamering crazy remaks my way.

then i was pm'med to death (which is a good thing ;) thanks) in fotki, asking me to, well telling me i need to come back and read this thread.

so here i am. 21 pages later.
and all i want to do is give you guys a big hug! im such a baby sometimes lol. but i had no idea there was this much support. i should of known.. but i didnt expect this much!

i love you all. most of you anyway ;) i really enjoy this board. i couldnt imagine leaving it for good. but i really needed to take a break. i still do.

while i can understand innocent questions about my hair, those i dont mind answering. but when ppl pm you asking why your lying about being natural, or accusing me of having put product, in my no prodcut pictures. or having a texturizer. i even got a pm accusing me of lying, saying im really biracial and thats why my hair is the way it is. riduculous. like i wouldnt know my own hair and where i come from.

but thank you all whove shown the love and support. im still going to take a lil bit of a break. and post here and there.

im still going to stalk all your fotkis lol. that i cant do without. so ill see yall there.

there wont be any names as per mods request..

but to the haters. you know who you are. 1 even had a set of mini balls to pm me again. im not going to pound a b!tch slapping into you even though thats what you deserve. instead ill ask you to start loving yourselves. love what god/goddess/the creators giving you. accept it. care for it , and it will grow and blossom into beautiful hair too.

take charge of your own hair and dont hate on me or anyone else just because we have what you want. .

we've worked our asses off for it

do the same!
good day
Guess I should've read the whole thread first before responding...hee hee. I'm glad you're staying silvergirl. You had me upset. Take some time off if you feel you need to. Always do what's good for you. You know I'll be by your fotki to visit. Take care girl!
Lol, I'm all late and silver had me all upset:lol: . I just finished reading 22 of the pages and I'm so glad she decided to stay:woot: .
I can't believe this happened to you, silvergirl. Your hair does not look like a texturizer to me at all! Chemically texturized hair looks distinctively different than your hair texture. Some people will never understand the diversity of natural hair textures among black women. Keep showing how beautiful, unique, and blessed you and all of us natural women are with the variety of God-given beautifully made hair textures.
Poohbear said:
I can't believe this happened to you, silvergirl. Your hair does not look like a texturizer to me at all! Chemically texturized hair looks distinctively different than your hair texture. Some people will never understand the diversity of natural hair textures among black women. Keep showing how beautiful, unique, and blessed you and all of us natural women are with the variety of God-given beautifully made hair textures.

I agree with you. I really honestly can't see why someone would think that. And even if someone is stupid enough to think that, why the heck would you actually send someone a PM like that?!?! Some people are just crazy.

SG, I am glad you are staying!
Oh no! Don't do it. I am not surprised people are hating but it does disappoint me. The hater are doing what they do best. Ignore them and focus on the love your receiving form the rest of your LHCF Sista's.
I hope you reported the nasty PM's, silvergirl. Cyber stalking and harrassment is not tolerated on any well-moderated board. Don't let anyone bully you.
Oh I'm glad you're staying Silvergirl!! You have inspired me so much!! I've learned so much from you! Your hair is beautiful just the way it is - natural. I love it!
Oh thank God for that!
FlowerHair said:
Wow, I'm glad you decided to stay Silvergirl. Why is it so hard to believe that black women can have any hair type? :huh:
That's one good reason I don't have the comment function turned on in my Fotki. I don't have ANY time for nasty comments etc. :nono:
Stay beautiful!

Now you know that's not your hair, chile :lol:

Just kidding... I don't know why people are so hateful.

I'm glad Silver, the runaway, is back home (or will be soon) ;)
Welcome back SG!!!!!!!

and to the will it help you or make your day go by better by harrassing someone about THEIR hair? It doesn't impact your life one way or another.:cool:
I am very sorry this has happened to you. I am very surprised at the circumstances. You know something? This is a result of people lying in real life about what is their hair that when people REALLY do have a certain texture, people don't believe it. I would not worry about those who say negative about your hair. It is nice and healthy. People in the past have questioned my hair.:p

Woooh, I got to this thread late. SilverGirl, I'm pleased you are staying. I've always loved your hair, so pretty. Just ignore the haters. There are many more of us here that appreciate you. :kiss:
I know this has gone on long enough but the thing that was trippin me out is WHY?? I mean I can't believe people even "care" that much whether a person is lying or not about their hair.....enough to make them actually have to send her a PM, etc????? Geez. That is definitely straight up jealousy. Even if I thought, which I don't, but if I thought she was lying I would not care enough to take the time to send her a note. Its her f'ing hair so let it do what it do and let her say what she wanna say where its concerned. I've just never been jealous like that so I don't understand it. I can swoon over someone else's hair and say "dang, I love it...wish it was mines" and be done with it. I never even have the energy to invest in whether its weave, a wig, chemically treated...whatever. Just work it!
Really, she cut the rest of her relaxed ends off, and thats all she wrote. Haters came out the woodwork.:cool: Glad you are staying.
good lawd, i been gone for 3 days and this board turned Gangsta! Silver, i'm glad u decided to stay and i'm glad that you decided to shake those haters off. Maybe if you didn't respond to any ignorant or dumb comments then you won't be so tired of dealing with them. just straight up ignore them.
thats a damn shame that people were doing that to you. im more upset at my fellow nappies. have this journey NOT taught them anything? have they not learned that black hair is diverse? they obviously have some deep rooted issues

to hell with them. glad you are staying
I just joined LHCF because I've been so inspired by the hair of women like you. But I think that I can identify with you a bit. I'm the child of two black parents who both have black hair and brown eyes. I'm not adopted and my mother didn't use a sperm donor. I'm their biological child. But though I was born with the same skin color; I was born with white blonde hair. My hair has darkened a little; but I'm still a blonde. People used to stop my mother and ask her repeatedly 'Why do you bleach that child's hair?' As I got older people constantly harassed me. Pulling on my hair. Accusing me of wanting to be a white girl. Telling me that it couldn't be possible that I had long blonde hair. Constant daily harassment for my whole life. I recently went into a NYC salon where I had intended to switch over to their relaxer and get my deep conditioning done there. Believe or not the person who would have been doing my hair absolutely did not believe that I did not have a weave and dye job. He kept lifting up my hair to see the roots and/or tracks. He could not believe that my 4/A-4/B BSL natural blonde hair could possibly be real! Needless to say I will not be going to this salon and will continue to do my own hair. After what's been done to you I would never post photos of my hair, but I will continue to be a part of LHCF and I hope that you know that there are loads of women on your side who support you. Don't leave - you are loved!
Now, lefardinier, you know EVERYBODY on this board wants to see your hair! I know I do. Maybe when you have been here a while, you will let us see it, I hope :)
SG, glad you're sticking around.

lejardinier said:
I just joined LHCF because I've been so inspired by the hair of women like you. But I think that I can identify with you a bit. I'm the child of two black parents who both have black hair and brown eyes. I'm not adopted and my mother didn't use a sperm donor. I'm their biological child. But though I was born with the same skin color; I was born with white blonde hair. My hair has darkened a little; but I'm still a blonde. People used to stop my mother and ask her repeatedly 'Why do you bleach that child's hair?' As I got older people constantly harassed me. Pulling on my hair. Accusing me of wanting to be a white girl. Telling me that it couldn't be possible that I had long blonde hair. Constant daily harassment for my whole life. I recently went into a NYC salon where I had intended to switch over to their relaxer and get my deep conditioning done there. Believe or not the person who would have been doing my hair absolutely did not believe that I did not have a weave and dye job. He kept lifting up my hair to see the roots and/or tracks. He could not believe that my 4/A-4/B BSL natural blonde hair could possibly be real! Needless to say I will not be going to this salon and will continue to do my own hair. After what's been done to you I would never post photos of my hair, but I will continue to be a part of LHCF and I hope that you know that there are loads of women on your side who support you. Don't leave - you are loved!

My cousin has beautiful blondish-red hair...she's been tormented by others for years about whether it's real or not. It's pathetic.

Lejardinier, we would love to see pics of your hair. It sounds lovely. :)
lejardinier said:
I just joined LHCF because I've been so inspired by the hair of women like you. But I think that I can identify with you a bit. I'm the child of two black parents who both have black hair and brown eyes. I'm not adopted and my mother didn't use a sperm donor. I'm their biological child. But though I was born with the same skin color; I was born with white blonde hair. My hair has darkened a little; but I'm still a blonde. People used to stop my mother and ask her repeatedly 'Why do you bleach that child's hair?' As I got older people constantly harassed me. Pulling on my hair. Accusing me of wanting to be a white girl. Telling me that it couldn't be possible that I had long blonde hair. Constant daily harassment for my whole life. I recently went into a NYC salon where I had intended to switch over to their relaxer and get my deep conditioning done there. Believe or not the person who would have been doing my hair absolutely did not believe that I did not have a weave and dye job. He kept lifting up my hair to see the roots and/or tracks. He could not believe that my 4/A-4/B BSL natural blonde hair could possibly be real! Needless to say I will not be going to this salon and will continue to do my own hair. After what's been done to you I would never post photos of my hair, but I will continue to be a part of LHCF and I hope that you know that there are loads of women on your side who support you. Don't leave - you are loved!

Ok you know you have to post some pix of your hair now right? Like you could mention blond on a black woman and not let me ogle...i mean admire that combo. :D
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