Twist for Growth Challenge (Fall 2011)

Sad to report, I'm out of the challenge.

Decided to get some Senegalese Twists for a break for styling. This is my first time getting them and I plan on keeping them in until Christmas.

Best of luck to everyone in this challenge!!



Took out my twist yesterday and wore a twist out today and today. Going to mist with water and twist and wash it tomorrow. I think I will do mini twists tomorrow but we will see. It is definitely going up though.
Untwisted for the past 2 days. I have soooo much to do today & my hair is last on the list :( At the very least i'll detangle and oil it up overnight in prep for my mud wash tomorrow.
I was going to retwist today, but I still have some curls left from when I set my hair last Tuesday. In a day or two, I'll do the whole shebang; wash, dc, twist.

Tonight can be dd's hair night instead.
Wore my med-chunky twists until Friday then wore a pinned up twistout yesterday. Washed and dc-ed last night and chunky twisted for an airdry and twistout today. Now I have it all pineappled on top and am debating to re-twist smaller tonight or get the most out of this twistout and re-wash and twist tomorrow. Decisions, decisions.
Looks like Sunday is twisting day! :grin:

I'm in the process of making my medium sized twists smaller. I like the way the semi-mini twists look better, especially at this length.

My hair has definitely grown though, I'm swangin' my longer twists!
Didn't end up washing. Will wash and re-twist today. I need moisture! My hair is feeling dry. I don't really moisturize and seal as much as I could....
Taking my twists down today. They've been in for 2 1/2 weeks and they look alright. I just really need to wash my hair, my scalp is begging me to wash it right now and I could use a thorough detangling session. I think I'll braid my hair up tonight and wear a braidout for a few days before twisting it all up again.


Finally finished my twists. Why I wait so late to start I don't know :nono:

Enjoying my regi. Rinsed, oil+DC, steam, baggy 2 hours, rinse, leave-in, shea butter ends, air dry for 30 minutes. Twisted with KCCC.

I did my twists on damp hair with KCCC. I definitely like using the KCCC so will use it for the rest of the year. I made the twists small so I hope it will last for 2 weeks. If it does I may alternate wearing twists 2 weeks, 1 week, etc.

Unfortunately my camera died on me so no pics. Maybe I will pick up one this week.
in some chunky janky twists, its a public holiday in jamaica so Im just lounging around doing nothing.
I plan to mostly bun my twists, but I did buy a cute silk lined beanie from etsy and I want to wear my twists down when I wear the hat.

cch24 Do you remember the name of the seller on etsy? I need to add some more beanies to my collection. I think I'm going to "beanie it" again this winter. TYIA!
Avaya her name is Threadmill on etsy and she sells the hats and then you can add the silk lining option. I worked with her on a custom hat and she was very nice and prompt. I'm super happy with the quality of the hat and plan to get more.
Did some flat twists after debating how to do my hair today. I am so not in the mood for individual twists right now. Here's a pic
my hair's still in that same style with the ends tucked away. it's been a full week since ive been in this style and a full week since the last time ive touched or even seen my ends.

ive been baggying nightly for the past few nights and moisture's been pretty good...will continue to do this.
I washed, did a deep condish, and retwisted. I condensed 50 twists down to 32. They're in a bun for now.


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Twisted my hair earlier tonight in chunky twists. Makes me look juvenile, but I don't really care since they're gonna be hidden under my beanies anyway. :yep:


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    2011-10-17 21.58.41.jpg
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Whew! Just finished this weeks twists. In this momnet they are brushing my shoulders but i'm gonna grab a quick workout and then steam and mist till they shrink back to my ears LOL! I'll wear them down for the rest of the day but TRUST they will be pinned and tucked there after :)
Realized my twists were just small not mini-twists. Made them into mini-twists and love them! Tried to post pics but I have no clue how to work my iPhone yet.
I love lurking in this thread. My twists aren't quite long enough or neat enough to ever wear out in public so I like the motivation that I get from seeing all the lovely twist jobs done in here.
Took my twists down last night. Woke up, shampoo'd, deep conditioned, and re-twisted while watching youtube videos.

Here are some pictures of what my twists looked like untwisted. I like it, very defined. If I was to wear it out I wouldn't separate and fluff. I don't look good with too much volume.




I'm liking these flat twists. Think I'll wear a twist out for the weekend, moisturize and twist them right back up. But man it was a fight doing them! This hair is thick and fought me every step of the way :lol: