Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (7/1/2012 - 9/30/2012)

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Just checking in. I have my hair in about 10 large braids. Feeling kind of lazy these days. I've been washing / co-washing / conditioning with these braids in for the last week and a half... I will take them out and give my hair (and scalp) a good washing and put a deep conditioner in there... Still have not put my twists back in but I will. About 2/3 of my hair is natural now. I have been cutting the relaxed parts off for the last year or so, about an inch at a time, mostly because they are so damaged and scraggly looking. I'm still not sure if I'm going to stay natural for good, but I know I am for now.
Redid my twists! FINALLY!

I've been so busy with preparing to my move/grad school. I'm leaving in 2 weeks, I'm so nervous but so excited! :drunk:

Anyways, so I kept my chunky twists in for 3 weeks. Taking them out wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Yes, I did have my share of tangles but it wasn't a nightmare. I had about 3 twists that were knotty at the ends but with water, condish and oil ... oh yeah, and patience (lol) it took no more than 5 minutes.

I was inspired by the mini twists photos and made my twists a bit smaller. I will post pictures later but they are like a small/medium size. It took me 3ish hours but it was so worth it.

Oh! And I almost forgot to mention... I've been doing twists for 5 weeks now and I'm already noticing length retention. Unless I get sick of twists I may continue this til the end of the year! I am getting super close to APL which is how long my hair was when I "mini-BCed" and went natural 1 year ago. I can't believe I'm almost there already!

Ugh, I gotta run but I'll be back with photos. I hope everyone had a good weekend!
I've been strolling through the thread, and everyone seems to be doing well! :grin:

I still have my twists in, and I've been wearing them clipped up with wavy bangs. I'm not exactly ready to release them, but I am missing my braid out. Oh well... these will have to stay in for a few more days.
I took my 3 strand twists out on Thursday and washed and twisted yesterday.

This time I just did flat twists coming down into a 2 strand twist. it took a lot less time. We'll see how long they last, if they can last until Friday, I'll be happy
Still wet bunning. May do some semi-mini-twists (if that makes sense) and pin them up and bun them different ways. Really wanting braids at times...we shall see! :)
I was worried about using the gel that I have. It is cheap but I bought six bottles because I was "couponing" and they were like 25cent per bottle for me. I looked up the ingredients and all but one was water soluble so I figured I could get away with a mayo dc and a co-wash afterwards.

The braids I wore. Then my braid out day one and day two.
Finally looked decent!!!! I was worried my hair would be hard but it feels good. I even pulled out the scissors and trimmed my hair. I lost 1.5 inches off the back and about half that off the top. I lost my claim to shoulder length but my hair looks good!!! Oh well, a healthy chin length :-) I think I'm going to give twist another try.


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Hey ladies! I did a wash n go Saturday and have been wearing 2 flat twists with a little hair out in the back since Sunday. It's easy, fast and cool. This was taken a while back but this is the style:


May do twists tonight for a twist out tomorrow..
[USER=216296]Caramelangel247[/USER] said:
I was worried about using the gel that I have. It is cheap but I bought six bottles because I was "couponing" and they were like 25cent per bottle for me. I looked up the ingredients and all but one was water soluble so I figured I could get away with a mayo dc and a co-wash afterwards.

The braids I wore. Then my braid out day one and day two.
Finally looked decent!!!! I was worried my hair would be hard but it feels good. I even pulled out the scissors and trimmed my hair. I lost 1.5 inches off the back and about half that off the top. I lost my claim to shoulder length but my hair looks good!!! Oh well, a healthy chin length :-) I think I'm going to give twist another try.

Ur Braidout is cute!
Oh my gosh - I have SO much catching up to do AND checking in. Just running in to let you guys know I'm still alive but I've been swamped by work (no complaints!). I'm still in two-strand twists except this set was done weekend before last - braided roots (less than 1") and twisted ends. Hoping to get an even 2 weeks out of this set by making it to THIS Saturday! I can't post pics because my data cable is *MISSING*. As soon as I can find it, I'll upload! Hope everyone is well :)

*zooms off to work*
Sooo...reporting live from my summer biology class that I have mentally checked out from. I'm living for Thursday, the last day!

Last night I washed and blow dried and followed up with my 8-week trim. I noticed as I was parting my hair that I have some shorter sections of idea what could have caused such breakage :ohwell: kinda made me want to shave it all off lol. Ah well...natural hair is good at hiding damage because once that blowout was unleashed I was foxy Cleopatra, chile! :look:

Hair is in a cute bun today, and I plan to put in mini twists over the next few days, hopefully finishing by Friday! Glad you ladies are keeping up the great progress :grin:
Photos, as promised...

This is a nice change from chunky twists. Like I said they aren't really "mini twists" but they're small enough for me! The 2nd photo is from today. I'm secret baggying my twists underneath my beanie :grin:


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I was worried about using the gel that I have. It is cheap but I bought six bottles because I was "couponing" and they were like 25cent per bottle for me. I looked up the ingredients and all but one was water soluble so I figured I could get away with a mayo dc and a co-wash afterwards.

The braids I wore. Then my braid out day one and day two.
Finally looked decent!!!! I was worried my hair would be hard but it feels good. I even pulled out the scissors and trimmed my hair. I lost 1.5 inches off the back and about half that off the top. I lost my claim to shoulder length but my hair looks good!!! Oh well, a healthy chin length :-) I think I'm going to give twist another try.

Caramelangel247...that braidout is CUTE! You are right, it DOES look good! :grin:

Sooo...reporting live from my summer biology class that I have mentally checked out from. I'm living for Thursday, the last day!

Last night I washed and blow dried and followed up with my 8-week trim. I noticed as I was parting my hair that I have some shorter sections of idea what could have caused such breakage :ohwell: kinda made me want to shave it all off lol. Ah well...natural hair is good at hiding damage because once that blowout was unleashed I was foxy Cleopatra, chile! :look:

Hair is in a cute bun today, and I plan to put in mini twists over the next few days, hopefully finishing by Friday! Glad you ladies are keeping up the great progress :grin:

PYT aka Foxy Cleopatra: I hate science classes! Im a Nurse with an Assosciates degree, and I want to continue on further...but the thought of more science courses maks me want to vomit lol.

Photos, as promised...

This is a nice change from chunky twists. Like I said they aren't really "mini twists" but they're small enough for me! The 2nd photo is from today. I'm secret baggying my twists underneath my beanie :grin:

Isawstarts....those look soooooo good! Love the beanie! I plan to buy me some for the fall..but gotta find a deal lol.

Im happy to say tomorrow marks 1 week in this second set of twists an they have held up very well! Only a few unraveled in the back. I found a good "sticky" mix to hold the relaxed ends together....Shea butter mixed with Taliah Waajid Curly Curl Cream. Winning combo! Im actually going to leave these in til Friday or Saturday I think and give my hair the spa treatment this weekend. Im due for a dusting/trim too. Ill probably do a twistout for a couple of days, then back to protective styles for the rest of the week. Im trying to get back into my workout routine too so that may change my regimen some since I sweat like a maniac :lol:.
Re-did my twists this morning and rocking a high messy bun today.

Will keep these in until Thursday or Friday then wear my hair out for 2 days.

ETA: I know my edges probably look a hot mess, but I didn't feel like slicking them down today.

MsDee14 those look thick. I like bigger twists really, but I notice when I try to make bigger ones the unravel almost immediately lol.

Thanks for the tip not to mist them and handle them wet, that made all the difference in the world on this set of twists.

Thanks! I have five beanies/berets! I get them at the flea market. There's a lady who crochets a TON of different hats and purses. Depending on the type of yarn they are 4 or 5 bucks per hat. You can't beat that!

Strangers always give me the side eye when they ask where I got my hat and I respond saying the "flea market." I guess they assume everything at the flea market is used and dirty :lol:
@MsDee14 those look thick. I like bigger twists really, but I notice when I try to make bigger ones the unravel almost immediately lol.

Thanks for the tip not to mist them and handle them wet, that made all the difference in the world on this set of twists.


Have you tried gel? So far flaxseed gel is working well for me

You might also want to look into 3 strand twists. I notice that my big 2 strands tend to unravel (although this set is holding up!) but the 3 strand twists hold really really well, no unravelling
I have been in bantu knots since sat night. I love this style soo much, i will post a pic soon.
The cutest thing-my little godsisters saw me at a bbq one day and the next day, they have heads full of bantus courtesy of their mom, lol.
I can see myself leaving this 2 weeks for sure.
This challenge is so perfect for me this summer. I keep my minis up in a high bun and I don't have to be bothered at all for 2-3 weeks. This is the life...I've been so disinterested in my hair the past few months, and this works out great.

I installed twists on my best friends hair tonight. Her last relaxer was October 2010 and she's been transitioning mostly with weaves. When I finished she was like, "So can you post my picture on that hair site you're always on??" :lol: lmao so here's her first mini twist set and she loves them!


here are my bantu knots.

in all honesty, they are kind of messy- i wasn't too careful with the parting.:look:
everyone seems to love them or think they are super strange-i get some stares with this hairstyle. i just walked into an israeli restaurant and my moms poked me like, "they're all staring at you right now, you know." :lol:
oh wells, i know i'm fabulous. :gorgeous:

Just poppin' in to post a pic of my bun with the front in mini twists. The front took three hours alone o.O I'm gonna be marathon twisting tomorrow and will be high bunning them like Victoria44 !

You ladies look great!! :grin:

Victoria44 Tell your friend we say hello and her looks thick and healthy. :wave:

-PYT That bun is fabulous. The pinned twists look cute in the front.

Rocky91 How do you sleep? Do the bumps just take getting used to? I've never seen a cuter photo of bantus. I'm too shy to rock a style like that.

isawstars The beanie and your twists look very nice. I'm glad you stuck with us for the challenge because your hair is so cute!

Tomorrow I have a follow up from last week's interview, so I really hope it goes well. I think I'm going to wear my twists pinned up in the front and wavy toward the back. It's definitely time for me to take these twists down and shampoo.
here are my bantu knots.

in all honesty, they are kind of messy- i wasn't too careful with the parting.:look:
everyone seems to love them or think they are super strange-i get some stares with this hairstyle. i just walked into an israeli restaurant and my moms poked me like, "they're all staring at you right now, you know." :lol:
oh wells, i know i'm fabulous. :gorgeous:

Rocky91 You wear that style very well! Not that many people look good in them a a style, but it looks soooooo good on you! I wish I could wear them! My head is way too big lol.

Just poppin' in to post a pic of my bun with the front in mini twists. The front took three hours alone o.O I'm gonna be marathon twisting tomorrow and will be high bunning them like @Victoria44 !


PYT Im in love with your huge bun! My bun wants to be like that when it grows up lol.

NappyNelle Good luck on your interview!
-PYT I am in lurve with ur big bad bun. :love: I want a bun like that when I grow up. You know I've never actually attempted a bun....EVER.
bajandoc86 girl I'm just now starting bunning 2.5 years in! I blow dried this time so my hair was MUCH easier to pull into a ponytail and I pinned the ends down all around. Stretching with braids does nothing for me :sad:
-PYT thats always my issue...I can never get a sleek contained pony without blowdrying (and I only do that for length checks - I hate how my hair feels blowdried). So to get the roots to lay down flat so I have enough hair to even try to make a bun is always a hassle. :ohwell:
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