Twist/braid/bun For Growth Challenge 2017 (no Extensions)

I'm back from vacation. I'm going to wash tomorrow. I'm thinking about putting in two strand twists and keep them in for about 10 days until my next event. If they turn out well, I may wear them throughout April until my next length check. If they don't work out, I think I will take the lazy right and keep doing the flat twist to one side. I'm finally retaining a little length where I can get away with just 7 flat twists on wet hair versus the 12 or so I had to do before.
The end of the quarter is coming up at the end of this week.

Let us know if you are in for another quarter and if you are going to do anything differently.

If you haven't joined yet, jump on it for the quarter starting April 1.

If you are taking a break for the Spring quarter, let us know that too.

My Failed Execution:

@MileHighDiva, I think it still looks good! My hair NEVER turns out the way it looks in the video. No matter how simple or easy the style may be or they make it seem. I've just come to terms that I have to "Daina-ize" the styles and make it work for me.

Quick question, where did you get that barrette you are using to secure your hair in the back?
I'm looking forward to getting to a length where I can rock box braids on my own hair. I'm thinking my hair may be a decent length towards the end of the summer but I'm just guessing. I want them to be long enough to hide most of my neck. We shall see.
Quick question, where did you get that barrette you are using to secure your hair in the back?
Kroger owned grocery stores run a BOGO on Goody products about every six weeks or so. I always pick up some spin pins and ouchless barettes, during those BOGO promos.
Yay :yay:

I know I'm in for April but not sure if I'm in for the whole quarter. I'm thinking about trying some WNGs but we shall see. One failed WNG and I will be back in flat twist again. I will figure it out at the end of April.

Maybe next time I do this challenge I will just do month to month.
I wore my hair out this weekend and co-washed this morning. Made sure to include my quarterly comb detangling session. Will twist back up later today.

I think I'm good for another quarter.
Ok. Last night I applied henna and slept in it overnight. Tonight I am steaming and setting my hair on rollers to dry overnight. Tomorrow I am going to start my medi-twists on stretched hair. Thank goodness for spring break.
@MizzBFly, I usually use the time that it takes to twist my hair to catch up on netflix and tv. Also, I have yet to try washing my hair in twist because I feel that they will just look bad afterwards. My hair type is already prone to frizz, so I can't imaging that they would not be a frizzy mess after washing.

I took some up close pics so you could get a better idea of the size.
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