Twist/braid/bun For Growth Challenge 2017 (no Extensions)

@Nightingale, the @MileHighDiva set is between 6 - 8 braids that can be worn pinned up or as a braidout. For me I do a cross between a cornrow and a regular plait. I don't have a picture of the set so have tagged MHD to give more deets!

@Nightingale, @Daina is right with her description. Your part placement is important, so when you're running around town or in the house, with the braids in a bun or up do, it looks like an intentional style, not just random Snoop Dogg braids. Basically, your Celie/Snoop Dogg braids look very well groomed.

I part my hair in a mohawk, as if I'm going to do a rollerset. The mohawk/middle section will have three to four braids. The sides will be one or two braids.

The five braids will show off your length more vs. the eight braids when you undo the braids. The look you're going for will determine whether you use five or eight braids.

You want to keep these braids "lubbed to the Gawds" via the LCO or LCOB M&S method.

When you have a professional or social event you undo the braids and rock your "Fly" braid out.

I'll take pix and post them in this thread showing the life of a MHD braid out within the next month or so.

I'm sleep surfing and typing, so I'll edit anything that doesn't make sense in the morning.
@Nightingale, @Daina is right with her description. Your part placement is important, so when you're running around town or in the house, with the braids in a bun or up do, it looks like an intentional style, not just random Snoop Dogg braids. Basically, your Celie/Snoop Dogg braids look very well groomed.

I part my hair in a mohawk, as if I'm going to do a rollerset. The mohawk/middle section will have three to four braids. The sides will be one or two braids.

The five braids will show off your length more vs. the eight braids when you undo the braids. The look you're going for will determine whether you use five or eight braids.

You want to keep these braids "lubbed to the Gawds" via the LCO or LCOB M&S method.

When you have a professional or social event you undo the braids and rock your "Fly" braid out.

I'll take pix and post them in this thread showing the life of a MHD braid out within the next month or so.

I'm sleep surfing and typing, so I'll edit anything that doesn't make sense in the morning.

Thanks. I actually do this already, but i dont mohawk. I'll try that method next time.
Taking these braids out Thursday. Dusting my ends and probably putting them back in on Sunday. Just without blow-drying, doing them on just stretched hair
I washed my hair yesterday and put in twists that I'm wearing in a bun. Wash day was quick painless and I'm still experiencing at least half the amount of shedding as I would have gotten before this.

I got a silk headband and satin scrunchies to protect my hair further. I've been doing my twists in a way that it looks neat so I don't have to remove them when going out. That's made it so when I do go out all I have to do is my baby hair and put on a hair accessory to jazz up the style.
I know I posted my stats already....maybe :look: but umm yeah :hiya:
I installed these medium sized twists last night. I love them, I was afraid I would've made them too small but it's perfect! Hub was like wow! and my daughter was like whoa! :laugh:
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3 week install take down. Taking kids to the movies this morning and will retwist tomorrow or Monday. After install and now takedown of my twists, for some odd reason I just feel like my hair is light. It feels like nothing on my head, like it has no weight to it, any other ladies feel that way?
IMG_0173.JPG IMG_0176.JPG View attachment 399921 Quick length check from my struggle kitchen via stretch in my Beetlejuice dress or jail dress as hubs call it:drunk:
I already took my braids out. I was watching a movie and playing with my hair, unraveling some and I just kept going.
Likely still going to do them again Sunday
Same! Bunning is my every day style. I occasionally wear my hair down on the weekends, but for the most part I'm always in a top knot.

Plus I'm a @faithVA groupie and join her challenges as often as I can.

Do you move the location of your top knot to avoid breakage? I read on the forum if you wear your bun in the same position all of the time it will cause your hair to break. I love high buns but avoid wearing them too often for fear of breakage.
Re twisted on Memorial Day this time it took 6hrs instead of 5hrs. I just couldn't grip the right size and I don't use a mirror until the lat 3 rows in the front. Honestly I still love them I'm becoming more accustomed to this look on me. This time Im going to push for 4 wks... I also want to trim so I can maintain healthy ends:look:IMG_0192.JPG
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Do you move the location of your top knot to avoid breakage? I read on the forum if you wear your bun in the same position all of the time it will cause your hair to break. I love high buns but avoid wearing them too often for fear of breakage.
Yes I alternate high and low, and make sure my bun is never too tight! I also try not to sleep in it.
I washed my hair but put gel on it already. Forgot about mini braids. Maybe next week because I'm not about to wash again.

Also I'm switching to 2 Bantu knots instead of 2 braids when stretching. More stretched and not much texture.
Not washing this week. I'm taking down my twist individually, oiling my scalp, spraying each section with Mane Choice Restorative spray, adding a layer of gel and retwisting. I want to add some grease to the ends but I'm too lazy to get up and get it. Maybe I will add it at the very end before I pin my twist up.
Back on the band wagon with buns held up by a pin. I'll be switching to a mini hair fork once the set I ordered arrives. New regimen is to wash, braid to stretch, and then twist and pin the braid out. No pictures at the moment.

I also found coconut vinegar so I'm going to try the detangler that nappyheadedjojoba raves about on her channel.
Back on the band wagon with buns held up by a pin. I'll be switching to a mini hair fork once the set I ordered arrives. New regimen is to wash, braid to stretch, and then twist and pin the braid out. No pictures at the moment.

I also found coconut vinegar so I'm going to try the detangler that nappyheadedjojoba raves about on her channel.
Please comeback and tell us how the detangler works!
Washed and retwisted this morning. They're supposed to be large twists but I twisted tightly and I don't have the density so they look like medium/ small twists.

So this is what they look like. I banded them so that they could dry elongated. Hopefully, I can get a good picture of them without the pony tail.


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I hennaed overnight and I braided my hair today to airdry. I am going to flexirod my hair tonight so that my hair can be stretched for twisting tomorrow. My plan is to get up early tomorrow because its going to take about 5 hours to install the medi-twists.
I washed my hair last night. As I was taking out my twists I decided to do a little length check by measuring the same section in the back that I always measure and I've gained a solid half an inch. It will be a month since I started this year long protective styling journey on the 11th of June so I'm very happy with that. Especially considering that the previous 2 yrs since my bc I only gained 6 inches in total.

I consider myself to have a less than average growth rate so I was quite surprised. I think leaving my hair in twists for a wk at a time, eating majority healthfully, drinking a ton of water, being more active, and taking vitamins religiously have all influenced my extra growth. I've also quit drinking alcohol which prob helped as well. I'm all around healthier and my hair is just one way I'm reaping the benefits.

My hair has never felt softer which I credit to double sealing and applying my leave in and sealants to soaking wet hair. My hair has never in my life felt as good as it felt before I washed last night.

So far I'm super happy with my progress and the overall health of my hair.