Twist/Braid/Bun for Growth Challenge (1/1/2012-3/31/2012)


Well-Known Member
No hiding the hair;
No wigs, no weaves, no extensions, etc.

This challenge is for twist, braids and buns on your own hair. This is not a hide your hair challenge.

Twists (challenge definition): 2 strand twists, flat twists, 2 strand flat twists, coils, bantu knots

Braids: box braids on your hair, plaits, cornrows, french braid, etc

1. All styles must be done with your hair exclusively.
2. Your hair must be in twist, braids or bunned for at least 5 consecutive days.
3. You can wear your hair out for up to 2 days after taking your twists out (like in twist-outs, afros, wash and go, etc).
[If you need 3 days let us know in your inital post. I understand there are some moms/students out there that 2 days won't work for]
4. Check in when you restyle your hair or at least every 2 weeks since the challenge is short.
5. When you restyle give us an update. (regimen, style, moisturizing secrets, etc.).
6. Post a picture of your twists at the beginning of the challenge and at the end.
7. The challenge will be from January 1, 2011- March 31, 2011.
8. You will have 1 pass during the challenge to cover you for a week.

Feel free to join at any time.

Start by Telling Us (Cut and paste)
  1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
  2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
  3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
  4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
  5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
  6. Include Starting Pic. (You are not a challenger without a pic).
Share any suggestions for the challenge (other than extensions, wigs, etc).

Happy Growing Ladies! :yahoo:

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I'm in! Ill use my picture from the end of the current challenge. Will come back with responses.

Primary style - twists & braids

Regimen - remove protective style, bentonite cleanse, finger detangle under running shower water, dc (aubrey organics conditioners), oil rinse every 3 or 4 weeks. Rinse & dc in twists/braids twice a week. Pin up. Spray with a mix of water & castor oil daily.

I'm natural haired.

I hope to achieve and maintain more length, continue to improve health

I don't wear my hair out..I know...I'm not fun lol
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Im in

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
Twists and or corn rows

What is your style maintenance regimen?
wash, steam, twist once a week, once in a while I may go 2 weeks wihout washing and just retwist to refresh

Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
length, maintain/improve thickness

After wearing your hair out will you restyle after 2 days or 3 days?
I usually pull my hair out on either thursday or friday and wear a twistout on the weekend. So I'll go with 3 days

I'll post a picture later on closer to the start of the challenge

pictures taken Dec 24 2011


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    front 24 dec 2011.jpg
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    temple 24 dec 2011.jpg
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    RT nape 24 dec 2011.jpg
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Welcome ladies. I can't wait to see all of these great buns. :look: :lachen: Yeah I know I'm just being silly. But really to see more natural buns will be great. The twist pics from last challenge were fantastic.

I think this challenge will be better than the last. :yep:

davisbr88, your bun has inspired me and made me more excited about this challenge :yep:
faithVA: That tiny thing is inspiring??? Lol. Stretching my hair first definitely makes them look bigger, so it works. I'm hoping for more impressive wet buns by next summer :)
...& u know this maaaaan :grin:

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? = All of them. I wear twists for 3-? days and wear a twist out for 1 day. I can wear braids (singles) for up to 20 days & buns for 3 days.
2.What is your style maintenance regimen? = Huh? I am style challenged:yep:. Occasionally I do something spectacular:lachen: But for the most part I keep it basic with french rolls and pinned up styles.
3.Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? = Natural
4.What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?= Length. Protection.
5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after 2 days or 3 days?= Most likely 2 or less. Having my hair out at this length is asking for trouble.

ETA: Starting Pic. Heavily oiled and moisturized:
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I'll join. I'm doing the Crown and Glory challenge too, so this will fit right in. I'll post info on the 1st.
Let's make it happen cap'n!!

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?--Twists for 12 weeks at a time, bunning for the 13th week. I think that takes me through the challenge :look:.

2. What is your style maintenance regimen?--Wash and DC weekly. Take twists down every 3 weeks, wash and do mild/moderate protein treatment, retwist. For week 13, wash, DC bun for 3 days, then repeat.

3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?--Natural

4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?--Length/thickness, giving my hair a chance to be left alone for extended periods of time.

5. After wearing your hair out will you restyle after 2 days or 3 days?--Out?!?! What is this out that you speak of? Nah son, my hair won't be out at all during this challenge. All protection, all the time :grin:.
Count me in...!!!

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
Twists and buns
What is your style maintenance regimen? Cowash, DC airdry into twists or buns
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Full MBL by end of year
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after 2 days or 3 days? No, will put back into twists or bun
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Count me in...!!!

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? Twists and buns
What is your style maintenance regimen? Cowash, DC airdry into twists or buns
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? Full MBL by end of year
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after 2 days or 3 days? No, will put back into twists or bun

Ok... before I put my foot in my mouth, SherylsTresses, are you aware that there are no wigs allowed for this challenge?

When I read your post it says "wig it", but when I quote you it doesn't :perplexed:

Just wanted to make sure we are on the same page. If you aren't wiggin it, then Welcome. If you are wiggin it only for the 2 day rest period thats cool. Otherwise Hyh may be a better fit.
@faithVA: That tiny thing is inspiring??? Lol. Stretching my hair first definitely makes them look bigger, so it works. I'm hoping for more impressive wet buns by next summer :)

When you can't pull your hair back to make a bun, then yes that "tiny thing" is inspiring. It means I may be there soon enough. I need all the inspiration I can get :yep:
Let's make it happen cap'n!!

1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?--Twists for 12 weeks at a time, bunning for the 13th week. I think that takes me through the challenge :look:.

That really ticks me off, that you can wear twists that long :tantrum: :lol:
faithVA: You're right. I waited so long to be able to do it. It really made the regi super simple. You'll get there! Why is the challenge so short by the way?
@faithVA: You're right. I waited so long to be able to do it. It really made the regi super simple. You'll get there! Why is the challenge so short by the way?

Because I can't promise that I will want to host it for more than 3 months. I may want to wear my hair out more in the spring. I struggled with restarting it in January. And I dislike starting a challenge and then dropping out of my own challenge :look:

Hopefully someone else will pick it up for April 1st.
Because I can't promise that I will want to host it for more than 3 months. I may want to wear my hair out more in the spring. I struggled with restarting it in January. And I dislike starting a challenge and then dropping out of my own challenge :look:

Hopefully someone else will pick it up for April 1st.

That really ticks me off, that you can wear twists that long :tantrum: :lol:

Oh no no, fear not. I have to re-do them every 3 weeks, else I'll have shedding that I shudder to think about :nono:. And it's really difficult to keep them in for 3 weeks because they have a fondness for unraveling, but I MAKE them behave!! And thankfully, my SO doesn't mind them being in so long.
Oh no no, fear not. I have to re-do them every 3 weeks, else I'll have shedding that I shudder to think about :nono:. And it's really difficult to keep them in for 3 weeks because they have a fondness for unraveling, but I MAKE them behave!! And thankfully, my SO doesn't mind them being in so long.

I guess that makes it bettter! hmmph! :look:
Ok... before I put my foot in my mouth, @SherylsTresses, are you aware that there are no wigs allowed for this challenge?

When I read your post it says "wig it", but when I quote you it doesn't :perplexed:

Just wanted to make sure we are on the same page. If you aren't wiggin it, then Welcome. If you are wiggin it only for the 2 day rest period thats cool. Otherwise Hyh may be a better fit.

Thanks FaithVA. I will join the HYH journey.

Start by Telling Us (Cut and paste)
  1. What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
  2. What is your style maintenance regimen?
  3. Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?
  4. What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?

Of course I'm in as well.

1. Twists are my primary style.
2. Moisturize and seal as needed. I also massage my scalp with a sulfur oil or pomade 3-4x a week.
3. I'm a nappy-kinky-coily natural!
4. I hope to maintain styling ease and growth retention.

Pictures soon to come. :drunk:


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What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?

My primary style will be bunning.

What is your style maintenance regimen?

Moisturize, seal, and wrap hair at night. (Apply hairdrenalin to hair before bedtime) Cover hair with a satin scarf. Put hair into a bun in the AM, wear my hair in a bun for at least 16 hours a day. Wash and deep condition hair weekly.

Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?


What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?

I'm hoping to achieve a noticeable amount of growth and great retention.

After wearing your hair out will you restyle after 2 days or 3 days?

After 2 days.
Of course I'm in as well.

1. Twists are my primary style.
2. Moisturize and seal as needed. I also massage my scalp with a sulfur oil or pomade 3-4x a week.
3. I'm a nappy-kinky-coily natural!
4. I hope to maintain styling ease and growth retention.

Pictures soon to come. :drunk:

I thought you had grown tired of us NappyNelle.
faithVA Of course not!! I thought I was finished with twists until the new year, but I may put in a chunky set tomorrow. I love my fro, but I miss my twists! LOL
WOW Finally! I have been doing this from day one of my hj, I definitely must join. I am no weava diva and it has worked wonders for me :)!

What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)?
Single braids or twists...updos and buns

What is your style maintenance regimen?
satin pillow, satin scarf but I am married so the scarf doesnt always stay on ;) I do my styles very neat so I dont get frizzies

Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning?

What do you hope to achieve from the challenge?
Healthy length retention and patience when I get knots. Nothing I do combats the knots except extreme moisture...I mean dcing over nite once a week and constant moisture adding to my strands like cowashing and refreshing my twists or braids with shea butter mix.

After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days?
Usually 3 days, Im a workaholic:nono:
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I'm so happy faithVA included buns. I haven't been posting in the other challenge because one day I just COULD NOT retwist my hair and I've been bunning... Sorry!

But this I can do. I promse.

Start by Telling Us (Cut and paste)
What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? Bunning!!!
What is your style maintenance regimen? I will probably spritz with water and scrunch in some creamy moisturizer, and make a bun. Baggy at night.
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural!
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? More growth, and more freedom with styling my hair. I've grown it to my waist and I want to keep growing, but I need to enjoy it too!
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? Yes! I'll be shampooing, DCing, detangling, rinsing, and styling in a wash and go on Fridays. On Sunday I will spritz, scrunch in moisture, and bun for the week. So I'll bun it on the third day.

Thanks again!

I'll post a length check picture before the year end.



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[USER=88629 said:
cch24[/USER];14869785]I'm so happy @faithVA included buns. I haven't been posting in the other challenge because one day I just COULD NOT retwist my hair and I've been bunning... Sorry!

But this I can do. I promse.

Start by Telling Us (Cut and paste)
What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? Bunning!!!
What is your style maintenance regimen? I will probably spritz with water and scrunch in some creamy moisturizer, and make a bun. Baggy at night.
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? Natural!
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? More growth, and more freedom with styling my hair. I've grown it to my waist and I want to keep growing, but I need to enjoy it too!
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? Yes! I'll be shampooing, DCing, detangling, rinsing, and styling in a wash and go on Fridays. On Sunday I will spritz, scrunch in moisture, and bun for the week. So I'll bun it on the third day.

Thanks again!

I'll post a length check picture before the year end.

Um your hair is too pretty. I cannot allow you in this challenge :lol:

That bun is some kinda big girl. Can't wait to see some more. :yep:
I will update the challenge list after xmas. I'm too lazy now. I haven't even included my own posts yet :ohwell:
What is your primary style (twists, braids, bunning)? Twists.
What is your style maintenance regimen? Braiding my twists in sections at night after dampening with water. In the morning, removing braids with mango butter on my fingers.
Are you natural, relaxed, transitioning? natural
What do you hope to achieve from the challenge? growth and retention
After wearing your hair out will you restyle after [Pick One] 2 days or 3 days? 3 days.I'm a student (eek!)

ETA: Starting pic in my fotki under Oct-Dec '11. (pw in profile)
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