TWA Support Thread

Hey lovely ladies, I'm getting a weave on Friday and I have enough hair to blend!


I'm glad cause my edges need a break from the braids. I'm trying to get a cute bob.

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Getting bored with my TWA. Its too long to do some stuff and too short to do other things. Any style suggestions?
I can actually start using bows ad clips! I just discovered this this morning. :D


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Getting bored with my TWA. Its too long to do some stuff and too short to do other things. Any style suggestions?

Do you like wearing beanies? When I start getting bored I have three hats that I can wear. I leave the front part of my hair out (either pinned to the side with some type of pin/bow or in my regular curls no ornaments) and put the rest under one of my hats. It also makes it hard for people to know how long my hair is. You could try that.
Do you like wearing beanies? When I start getting bored I have three hats that I can wear. I leave the front part of my hair out (either pinned to the side with some type of pin/bow or in my regular curls no ornaments) and put the rest under one of my hats. It also makes it hard for people to know how long my hair is. You could try that.

I do! I need to get some more. I actually just should knit some but I currently have a cowl on my needles right now and that needs to be finished....maybe that will be my next winter project...some beanies (cause they are super expensive!). I have some scarves I am going to experiment with too. I flat twisted my hair last night to put under my work beanie and I like how it looks plus it keeps my ends tucked.

I also came on here to talk about something else but I completely forgot....

OH! Color update:
I think I am going to have to transition out of whatever damage I have on my crown. I don't know whats going on with it still but its slowly working itself out its starting to curl up to about an inch away from my hairline but a lot of it is still straight...not sure whats going on but I will probably let it grow out with the rest of my hair for awhile and either twist it up or try some straw sets on it to get it to curl until it is long enough to cut bangs again.

Does anyone have curly bangs? Does that look weird?
I haven't posted in here in a while and now I'm here to complain. I'm looking at my hair everyday wondering why it still looks so dang short. I'm getting annoyed. I feel like my hair is going to be 3 inches forever. When I do my wng or a twist out my hair looks visibly longer but when I stretch it and see that it's still so short I get discouraged.

I know my hair is growing but I'm getting impatient. And it's only going to get worse because I'm going to keep watching it. It doesn't help watching all these youtube videos where people have chin length hair in 5 months! Ugh!
[USER=317255 said:
KammyGirl[/USER];19127427]I haven't posted in here in a while and now I'm here to complain. I'm looking at my hair everyday wondering why it still looks so dang short. I'm getting annoyed. I feel like my hair is going to be 3 inches forever. When I do my wng or a twist out my hair looks visibly longer but when I stretch it and see that it's still so short I get discouraged.

I know my hair is growing but I'm getting impatient. And it's only going to get worse because I'm going to keep watching it. It doesn't help watching all these youtube videos where people have chin length hair in 5 months! Ugh!

You need to find something to distract yourself. I swear my hair has been at 4" since last November :ohwell: So I use my blog to count down weeks of twist so it gives me something else to focus on.

Find a mini project or something else you can focus on for weeks at a time.
I've been trying to do that. I've been trying to focus on things that have nothing to do with hair at all. Yesterday I took time out for guitar practice and I decided to watch a video lesson of a song I want to play. Why oh why did the girl have a cute little braid in the front of her head that I just had to get up and see if I could do. Of course I couldn't though. lol

I was thinking of getting braids but I know I'll never be able to go that long without touching my hair.
[USER=317255 said:
KammyGirl[/USER];19127487]I've been trying to do that. I've been trying to focus on things that have nothing to do with hair at all. Yesterday I took time out for guitar practice and I decided to watch a video lesson of a song I want to play. Why oh why did the girl have a cute little braid in the front of her head that I just had to get up and see if I could do. Of course I couldn't though. lol

I was thinking of getting braids but I know I'll never be able to go that long without touching my hair.

I won't lie. It's tough. I think it's just something you have to go through until your hair gets long enough where you get bored with it :ohwell:

So get your vent on girl :lol:
So last night I did my normal coconut milk and egg hair mask that I've been too lazy to do for about a month. Well it made my hair baby soft and turned my blooming mushroom back into a fade lol. My stylist just shaped it up two weeks ago but for the last week it looks like it has recouped all she trimmed off and was shrooming again. Now everything has tightened up.


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Okay guys. I need a cream based moisturizer/activator that is silicone free...right now I am using Curls Creme Brule but I can not get to target anytime soon and I just used my last bit this morning. Does anyone have suggestions that I could purchase online? Preferable Amazon cause I get free two day shipping hahaha
[USER=375439 said:
hnntrr[/USER];19136083]Okay guys. I need a cream based moisturizer/activator that is silicone free...right now I am using Curls Creme Brule but I can not get to target anytime soon and I just used my last bit this morning. Does anyone have suggestions that I could purchase online? Preferable Amazon cause I get free two day shipping hahaha

Why don't you just buy the Curls Creme Brule from Amazon since you already know it works for you?
I've been trying to do that. I've been trying to focus on things that have nothing to do with hair at all. Yesterday I took time out for guitar practice and I decided to watch a video lesson of a song I want to play. Why oh why did the girl have a cute little braid in the front of her head that I just had to get up and see if I could do. Of course I couldn't though. lol

I was thinking of getting braids but I know I'll never be able to go that long without touching my hair.

same for me. try focusing other things, maybe doing your nails, skincare, or makeup.

hang in there!
Why don't you just buy the Curls Creme Brule from Amazon since you already know it works for you?

they don't have it where I can get it quickly. I have amazon prime and I don't like paying for shipping if I don't have too hahahaha. edit again: I am too broke to pay for shipping.

I got this instead: CURLS Curl Souffle, hopefully I won't have to get eco styler and this will work. Ive been using the moisturizer AND eco styler but if I don't have to use Eco styler I would rather not. Plus it says its ideal for cold winters and I am a little worried about my end this winter. I keep hearing its going to be a horrid winter in Boston (honestly it hasn't been that cold but everyone is wearing heavy coats already)
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So today I learned I could plait my bangs! Granted it was a last ditch effort because I pinned my bangs back I had one little puff/wave rebelling. In the first pic idk if you can see the rebelling hair, but the second pic is of the plait. It's a bit sloppy but the more I do it the better I'll get.


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So today I learned I could plait my bangs! Granted it was a last ditch effort because I pinned my bangs back I had one little puff/wave rebelling. In the first pic idk if you can see the rebelling hair, but the second pic is of the plait. It's a bit sloppy but the more I do it the better I'll get.

That's cute. And it looks nice. You will get better the more you do it but I think it looks nice as it is.
Sooooo, for the first time I tried the Tresemme Naturals Conditioner and using it as my leave in as the Curly Girl method suggested. (I was very hesitant about leaving conditioner in my hair...I was thinking don't I need to rinse this stuff out?) Well I noticed that my hair was much softer and easy to manage. It felt so good. I kept up with daily moisturizing of course, but overall, I didn't have one day where my hair felt brittle like straw as it ordinarily would feel like. So I am going to keep trying this method and see how it goes since I am very happy so far and I am now interested in looking more into the Curly Method. I have already eliminated the cones, I've tried the leave-in suggestion, but the only thing I can't get into as of yet is the No-Comb method. I dunno...I just need to pass something thru my hair more than just fingers. Oh well, we'll see.
Sooooo, for the first time I tried the Tresemme Naturals Conditioner and using it as my leave in as the Curly Girl method suggested. (I was very hesitant about leaving conditioner in my hair...I was thinking don't I need to rinse this stuff out?) Well I noticed that my hair was much softer and easy to manage. It felt so good. I kept up with daily moisturizing of course, but overall, I didn't have one day where my hair felt brittle like straw as it ordinarily would feel like. So I am going to keep trying this method and see how it goes since I am very happy so far and I am now interested in looking more into the Curly Method. I have already eliminated the cones, I've tried the leave-in suggestion, but the only thing I can't get into as of yet is the No-Comb method. I dunno...I just need to pass something thru my hair more than just fingers. Oh well, we'll see.

I'm doing an adjusted Curly Girl method. That straight finger detangling and no shampoo is a no go for me. So I took what I liked and threw out the rest. Good luck. :)
In 4 days I will be officially 8 months post. So here is my...length check? I guess? haha. Ignore my face, I got food poisoning yesterday night/this morning and I am not really feeling well.

ps. I really don't know whats going on with those straight pieces in my crown. I am going to cut them off when my hair gets a little longer, I've slowly been trimming that section

1st pic: stretched back/nape
2nd pic: stretched side (both sides are the same length minus like 1/4 an inch)
3rd pic: hairline
4th: back/crown
5th pic: back of my head on May 20th. so 2 months post. After my first BC, it turned out I did not cut all the relaxed ends off (I did another mini BC in June before I left and a good inch and a half /two inches of hair was cut off in June, so all my hair was about 1/2 to an inch all over, but I don't have a picture of it.)

p.p.s: I have a towel on.

p.p.p.s: I just realized...since she had to cut off so much relaxed hair that I missed am I really 8 months post? Cause from looking at that May photo... Am I really only 4 months post since she cut my hair correctly (i think minus those straight ends in the 4th pic) in June and not in March? o.o. Is going from 1/2-1 inch to 4 - 4 1/2 inches in aprox 4 ish months good?


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I applied Cassia on my hair Friday and will do it again this Friday. My hair feels stronger and even a bit fuller but it is dryer so I will combat that with some extra moisturizing TLC to my hair. im using up my Cassia before I venture into Henna next month. I'm nervous about the color but I'm looking forward to the conditioning benefits.

On another not I am very discouraged with my twist out attempts. My ends are so bushy that the twist unravel immediately and they just look a hot mess the next day. Overall just trying to style my twa in thos in between phase has been a complete failure and its getting on my nerves. Im tired if depending on my half wig

Im gonna go look for those hair tie thingies to try a puff style. I been looking everywhere for one. The puff is my last try because twists are not working for me and I don't know how to cornrow.

I hate the terrible twos!
I'm going to attempt another twist out this weekend. Any tips? My plan is to use my Komaza Protein Strengthener (since I've been putting it off for so long), then DC with Komaza Olive Moisture Mask. Now here is where I'm not sure what to do. I get A LOT of shrinkage so should I blow dry or twist on wet hair? I plan to use Taliah Waajid Curling Cream, Eco Styler and coconut oil to twist with. Should I use rubber bands to make the roots a little smoother? Help me out here ladies. I want this to be a success.
I'm going to attempt another twist out this weekend. Any tips? My plan is to use my Komaza Protein Strengthener (since I've been putting it off for so long), then DC with Komaza Olive Moisture Mask. Now here is where I'm not sure what to do. I get A LOT of shrinkage so should I blow dry or twist on wet hair? I plan to use Taliah Waajid Curling Cream, Eco Styler and coconut oil to twist with. Should I use rubber bands to make the roots a little smoother? Help me out here ladies. I want this to be a success.

Same here.
This is the first time in months that my hair has felt softer. I found that using a different leave-in, putting on the plastic cap for 10 minutes, then sealing with a butter made my hair feel better. Oiling my scalp with a liquid oil mixture also helped the tenderness I felt on my scalp. My hair is growing slowly, but I hope some new products will help.
I'm doing an adjusted Curly Girl method. That straight finger detangling and no shampoo is a no go for me. So I took what I liked and threw out the rest. Good luck. :)

iVR Yes the finger detangling is not practical for my hair. I tried a few times and to go back to my comb or Denman brsh.
When I wash my hair it looks so long. As soon as that bad boy dries I look like a mushroom head. I can't stand it. lol I'm trying to figure out how to get the look I have when my hair is soaking wet with conditioner. It looks defined, stretched and fabulous. I wish I could expermient everyday. Unfortunately, I have a full time job. lol
Re the above, I think I've figured it out. It's the products. The products that are so moisturzing and give me nice shine but cause so much shrinkage. Last night I cowashed and then wrapped my hair in a towel to get out the excess water. Then I added Shea Moisture's Curl & Style Milk (I think that's what it was - I don't use it often because usally milks do nothing for my hair) and added just a tiny bit of argan oil on top. Wrapped my hair in the towel again for a few minutes.

Hours later my hair was dry but hadn't shrunk one little bit. And it was soft as silk and stayed that way until this morning. And I didn't even tie my hair up last night, I just slept on my satin pillowcase. I have to rethink all my products now.