TWA Support Thread

[USER=339871 said:
Robot[/USER].;18307129]I tried the LOC method recently and I've noticed my hair is moisturized continuously for days. I was always skeptical of following an oil with a cream but I guess it works :drunk:

But I've noticed my roots stay damp a lot longer so I'm wondering if I've got too much moisture going on. I would like to add a protein condish to the rotation and I'm between one from Komaza and one on etsy.

I canceled my appointment for a haircut at the salon to go to my much cheaper barber :look: She's very good so I'd rather save my money for a bit. I can always go to the salon later if I feel I need to. Gonna dye my hair this weekend too. :grin:

Slowly getting back into twistouts too. I've made the decision to officially stop cutting my hair so I'm going to start doing scalp massages and taking supplements again.

If you are considering protein, I would recommend ShescentIt Okra Reconstructor over the etsy brand you are looking at. It has a lot of rave reviews from the LHCF ladies.

I would say the thing with the roots, is just your hair staying moisturized longer so your hair isn't drying out as fast. It just sounds like you finally got a good seal of moisture going on.
My failed blow out twist out pics below. I have been dying to try this style. I ended up doing it today for a party tonight. Did not let it set long enough. And I guess the product used did not give enough hold. Although I am here panicking about what to do with my hair for this party I need to be at in 2 hours, I am so happy at my length. I am claiming neck length.



Hi ladies! I just did my BC on Wednesday so here goes:

BC Date: 4/24/13

Hair Type: 4A, looser curls in the crown section

Regimen: Co wash daily with VO5 conditioner, oil with Castor and Coconut oils, DC with Trader Joes Nourish Conditioner (still trying products out) spritz with water and alternate between Ecostyle Argan Oil Gel and Long Aid Curl Activator

Goals: Looking to grow my hair naturally without permanent straightening & just have fun with my new journey! Going to add color this weekend!

Pic is included! So excited!

Welcome. Happy you joined this thread. It does get a bit cold around here.
Had a dream that my hair finally started showing curls...but I had 100% shrinkage and my dream WL hair was TWA when I did a wash and go. I had to stretch ALL THE TIME....that would probably be amazing. Aside from detangling and ssk's. I wish my hair WAS like that.
My failed blow out twist out pics below. I have been dying to try this style. I ended up doing it today for a party tonight. Did not let it set long enough. And I guess the product used did not give enough hold. Although I am here panicking about what to do with my hair for this party I need to be at in 2 hours, I am so happy at my length. I am claiming neck length.

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You are definitely neck length. You will be SL before the end of the year.

How did you end up wearing your hair?
I was going to try to do finger coils for a few weeks but I didn't like the way the 2nd set looked. So switching over to flat twists. Hopefully they will look better every week. They are definitely good for low manipulation.
Trying to decide if I wanna take these twists out and wash my hair tonight. Its itchin somethin fierce...if I wait until friday it would have been 3 weeks that I had them in. But they are gettin frizzy and hair is starting to come out of the twists from me scratching it.

I dont know if I should push it and wait until wed/thurs? or should I just take them out. only problem with that is I dont have a lot of time between now and in the morning to experiment with styles that might look decent on my noggin. Ugh. I hate take downs. this is so stressfull.
Welcome!! I did my BC the day before you did. I am enjoying it here.

Hi ladies! I just did my BC on Wednesday so here goes:

BC Date: 4/24/13

Hair Type: 4A, looser curls in the crown section

Regimen: Co wash daily with VO5 conditioner, oil with Castor and Coconut oils, DC with Trader Joes Nourish Conditioner (still trying products out) spritz with water and alternate between Ecostyle Argan Oil Gel and Long Aid Curl Activator

Goals: Looking to grow my hair naturally without permanent straightening & just have fun with my new journey! Going to add color this weekend!

Pic is included! So excited!

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You are definitely neck length. You will be SL before the end of the year.

How did you end up wearing your hair?

I was pleasantly surprised for sure. About what I ended up doing: I had a sample of miss Jessie baby butter cream laying around. I applied that to small sections and set it on the royal blue perm rods. I left it in for about an hour and half. It was not perfect, but I had no other choice to wear it out. DH hates updo s. he was like: people will be to busy looking at your dress to notice your hair... Yeah, he's a sucker for his woman in a dress.
The front looked ok, but the back was horrible. I tried to stand against a wall as much as possible, lol. Everytime my back was exposed I felt heavy eyes on my neck,lol. Here are the pictures.


Hi I bc'd again 2/15/13. Good news is I'm on the grow.

Pic taken 3/7/13


Pic taken 4/26/13


I've been daily cowashing with As I Am Coconut Cowash. Then I use kinky-kurly knot today leave in. I top that with long aid activator and eco styling gel. I shampoo once a week with Shea Moisture Coconut Hisbiscus shampoo. I haven't deep conditioned my hair since I bc'd. I feel bad about it. Lol. But I don't think my hair is suffering. I plan on starting to use henna once a mth.
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I forgot to post my hair type. I'm not sure.. I think 4a. Here's pics of a wash and go when my hair was longer



My goal is APL curly length. Or WL straight.
Ok, I did the BC on Saturday afternoon, 4/27/13.

I went ahead and got a fade because I am so uninterested in styling any 2 inches of hair. I'll worry about that as it grows out. lol

I feel so light and free like I lost 5 pounds and having a fade makes you instantaneously fierce.

At work, it would have caused too much of an uproar to walk in with the fade, so I'm wearing a cute pixie wig by day and my fade at night! I feel like a superhero when I step out!

Of course my mom hates it from what she saw in a pic I sent, but I'm way too old to care. As she stated, "can't even roll my hair with rice now"! LOL

So ladies thanks so much for all of your posts in this thread. I've been natural before and this is how I will remain. I know the perils of my 4b hair and moisture and I look forward to all of your tips. Once I have 2 inches of hair, I can't wait to do some Havana twists and that will be my go to style. When I get bored, I'll wig it. :)

For the time being, I have perfect 4b wash and go hair. I've got 99 problems and my hair ain't one! :D


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Congrats on your BC Xerxes!!! It's adorable--and your mom is hilarious! :lachen: rice! :lachen:

If you have issues/questions with products and whatnot come see us in the "struggling with your natural hair?" thread! Plenty of great info there too!
*le sigh*

I am so cotton pickin sick of this length! Where is APL already!!! Maybe it's time to consider putting it up for a while. Am feeling style 'stuck', bored, and irritated with my TWA. She's full NL stretched but still... Aint enough to throw in a bun yet. That probably won't be until next spring. :cry:
:hiya: Welcome to all the new ladies!!

@ everyone:

I'm trying something new today. I bought some long aid activator gel and shingled it into wet hair today.



And that is a turkey and Doritos sandwich on wheat :lachen:
[USER=343979 said:
DarkJoy[/USER];18328923]*le sigh*

I am so cotton pickin sick of this length! Where is APL already!!! Maybe it's time to consider putting it up for a while. Am feeling style 'stuck', bored, and irritated with my TWA. She's full NL stretched but still... Aint enough to throw in a bun yet. That probably won't be until next spring. :cry:

You will get there before the end of the year :yep:

I'm tired of this length as well and I'm not even NL. I don't want the year to fly by but I do want longer hair. So I won't wish my life away. I will just be patient.

I think we should put our hair away for a while.
love the color APrayer4Hair! And a cute style too.

You make a woman wanna play with some activator..just gotta wait until there's more moisure in the air here or the glycerin will destroy my strands!

Perhaps using your activator shingling method, I can make something like these styles work but with obviously shorter hair.

Hmmm... these make me feel less style bored.. :)
You will get there before the end of the year :yep:

I'm tired of this length as well and I'm not even NL. I don't want the year to fly by but I do want longer hair. So I won't wish my life away. I will just be patient.

I think we should put our hair away for a while.

I'm so trying to work with it faithVA! Ugh! And all these mishaps I keep having are maybe a sign. But then there's some nice styles like the above that give me hope!

IDK.. you gonna wear your wig all the time? It's getting to hot here already...80+ with a wig = no bueno :nono:
Congrats on your BC Xerxes!!! It's adorable--and your mom is hilarious! :lachen: rice! :lachen:

If you have issues/questions with products and whatnot come see us in the "struggling with your natural hair?" thread! Plenty of great info there too!

Thanks DarkJoy! I'll definitely check out that thread too! And yes, my mom is a pistol! :)

*le sigh*

I am so cotton pickin sick of this length! Where is APL already!!! Maybe it's time to consider putting it up for a while. Am feeling style 'stuck', bored, and irritated with my TWA. She's full NL stretched but still... Aint enough to throw in a bun yet. That probably won't be until next spring. :cry:

Firstly, I have only heard my dad say "cotton pickin', " and secondly have you tried a faux puff to fake a bun, or braid extensions or the Havana twists to help get you out of your rut?

Havana twists:

I can't wait to try these!

:hiya: Welcome to all the new ladies!!

@ everyone:

I'm trying something new today. I bought some long aid activator gel and shingled it into wet hair today.

View attachment 207161

View attachment 207163

And that is a turkey and Doritos sandwich on wheat :lachen:

Thanks, APrayer4Hair for the warm welcome and your shingles and sandwich look great! :)
I'm so trying to work with it faithVA! Ugh! And all these mishaps I keep having are maybe a sign. But then there's some nice styles like the above that give me hope!

IDK.. you gonna wear your wig all the time? It's getting to hot here already...80+ with a wig = no bueno :nono:

I don't wear my wig to work. I just wear it on the weekends. Right now it is only in the 70s here. Not sure when or if it will get hot. I am going to put in some havanna twists over the memorial day holiday.
faithVA I won't ever use another gel on the length of my hair. Very moisturizing . I'll keep Eco around for smoothing. This pic is 8 hrs later


And it's still damp in some places which never happens
@faithVA I won't ever use another gel on the length of my hair. Very moisturizing . I'll keep Eco around for smoothing. This pic is 8 hrs later

View attachment 207247

And it's still damp in some places which never happens

Thank You. I will be trying that out. I think someone in the Low Porosity support forum had mentioned it to me before. It was on my wish list. I just had not purchased it yet.
DarkJoy this color is the pits. I can't wait til it's gone. I know my hair will be better of without it...but u live and u learn. I've been thinking of using indigo to darken my hair or cassia for strength. I'll do the cassia for sure but debating on the indigo. Any experience with these?
DarkJoy this color is the pits. I can't wait til it's gone. I know my hair will be better of without it...but u live and u learn. I've been thinking of using indigo to darken my hair or cassia for strength. I'll do the cassia for sure but debating on the indigo. Any experience with these?

APrayer4Hair no I haven't used those. Been using henna and cocoa powder to tone down the henna copper and it's working.

I will be getting indigo in the near future to turn my hair black soon though.

*.~.*Sent from a distant Galaxy in the Unicorn-verse*.~.*
Excited about my hair. Was in twists for about three weeks, took them down last night did a DC 2 1/3 hour DC and a 10 minute protein treatment and my curls feel so curly. A larger amount of them are clumping up and forming curls now even after I finger detangle. Now I am starting to feel larger pen sized spirals in the back and a little above my ears and larger clumps of s waves on the top/front. I think my hair likes being put up atm, so going to the BSS to see about getting a short wig to wear in between braid installations just to keep my hair up, and to keep me from thinking about length too much...especially now when I cant see growth as easy. I feel like my hair is going to get bigger before it gets longer.