Trim/dust/cut Check In

I trimmed 1/2 inch all over Sunday night on a strengthening day. Next trim will be in October if needed, or December if I make it that long.
I did a trim on August 24th, which coincidentally fell on the lengthen day for the lunar calendar. I'm gonna try and stick to scheduled trimming. May do a mini one on the fall equinox or in October.
I did a trim on August 24th, which coincidentally fell on the lengthen day for the lunar calendar. I'm gonna try and stick to scheduled trimming. May do a mini one on the fall equinox or in October.
Great timing! I wish I had trimmed on a lengthening day, but I guess my hair needs strength too.
I've added the next 'strengthen' dates (9/5-7) to my phone calendar which falls during Labor day. It will be raining, I will be off from work, and my phone will ring. No way I can miss this.
Did my first trim of my own hair...didn't take off very much as I'm still getting the hang of it. Definitely like the idea of doing it myself and will watch more videos to get better at the technique. Bonus is I trimmed on a strengthening day!
I just got a light dusting when I got my color on August 30th, 2016. I was just excited that I didn't need anything more than a dusting--or maybe it's because I scared my stylist into only cutting what was absolutely necessary!! :yep: :yep:
Got my trim a few days ago and my hair looks so much fuller. I should have probably let her cut more in June but it was my first time using her. She didn't cut much, but I asked her to cut a bit more so I don't have any thin ends. I should only need dusting in December.
I'm going to postpone the trim I was going to do this equinox until either the full moon in november or the winter solstice. It's just too soon after the last trim and I need to stop being so scissor-happy.
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I may do a search and destroy tonight if this is a trim day...

eta It was yesterday, so I will wait until Thursday or Friday
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Last trim was about 6 months ago at a Dominican salon after a blowout, she took off a little less than an inch. I just flat ironed and plan on trimming (about an inch) sometime this weekend. I am currently waist length.
Winter Solstice is Dec 19, 20 and 21. These are all strengthening days. The lengthen and thicken days are earlier in the month...
I got a trim on Saturday. I was trying to hold out until January 1. It looks good, much better than it did before. And I love that there are no more ssk.