Trim/dust/cut Check In

I trimmed this morning before 09:08 before the moon in Pisces went void of course. :look:

I did a deep trim that should hold me until Spring. I've done a few minor trims and lots of S&D over the last few months, but I kinda went in this morning. I had to get that coarse, uneven and broken crown under control. I'm happy and my length (APL) was maintained.
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For some reason, I thought the solstice was tomorrow/Friday and not today.

Did a quick dusting all over, mostly focusing on my ends. I didn't have that many SSKs/ splits from what I could see, but then again my hair is uneven all over. Today's trim was for strength according to the calendar. My next trim dates may be in either February or on the spring equinox.
I really need to do a search and destroy. I have a few ugly ends thst need to GO! I will most likely do it on Full moon/New moon
Trimmed my ends and took off a 1/2 inch to an inch in certain areas. Lightly dusted the front area. Will look at them again in 10 weeks.
Lightly dusted the ends of my plaits because I felt some annoying SSKs. It's a strengthening day on the calendar and the spring equinox is coming up. I don't think I'll be doing a proper trim until end of April/early May.
Today was a strengthening day. I trimmed an inch from my hemline, sides and bangs. I didn't trim my crown, because I want those layers to grow out.

Now I have more of a U shape instead of a V
I've set the dates on my phone to trim every 10-12 weeks. I want to take off a total of 6 inches by YE. I get anywhere from 0.75 to an inch in growth per month. Depending on how my hair grows I'll still be able to retain between 3 - 6 inches. I want to get rid of the rest of my heat damage. The difference between my healthy hair and the remaining damage is becoming too much for me to ignore. Had 2 inches taken off in March. I will self trim an inch each time.
With my hair in twists it's really easy to see where my damage is...took the spaghetti damaged ends off of 5 twists in my crown area. I quickly put the scissors away cause I would have kept going and regretted it. Will stick to my schedule and do my next official trim in May.
I got a trim on the 24th march and my hair feels so much better
You ain't never lied. I mean after my cut, my hair is behaving so well too. I think I will be trimming every 3-4 months from now on - No longer than 4 months anymore.

BY the way, this APL length really looks great on me plus it's wayyy more manageable than BSL to me. Sooooo, APL it is for me moving forward. I'll just concentrate on thickening her up a bit more. I really really like this length a lot.
Did a dusting of my ends yesterday before I installed braids. I only did it because the blow-dryer did a number on my ends. It ended up being a day for root work, so that's something.
I flat ironed yesterday and trimmed today. I took off 3/4 to 1". I didn't take off enough in February so I wasn't able to make it 3 months. I'm hoping since this was a decent trim, I can make it 3 months and just need a dusting in July. I will be working on a regimen for my ends starting now. I'm still trying to figure out how to make them happy.