Trim/dust/cut Check In

It took almost 2 hours to straighten and trim... now my neck hurts. I can't really tell how much my hair has grown, because I have more volume than length. I only did one pass on 300 degrees
I dusted/trimmed my ends 12-19. In some areas i took of near half an inch, other areas i took off a bit less depending on how crunchy it was. I had my hair in twists and pulled the end taute and snipped it.


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I trimmed/ dusted my hair coil clump by coil clump on Friday. I took off up to an inch in some spots. For the most part it was only mm of weathered or thin ends that had to come off.


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I got my hair blown out and straightened at the salon. My ends aren't looking all that, so I don't want to wait until March to trim. The next beneficial trim day is the 31st (strengthening day) so I will dust between 1/8-1/4 inch at that time. Then to keep my hemline full, I plan to dust every other month instead of every 3 months.

Since I am a straight haired natural I have to make sure my ends are on point to avoid breakage.
Today is a beneficial lengthening day. I might trim tonight if I end up blow drying my hair. If not tonight I'll do it during the Spring Equinox
I just had a precision cut about 4 weeks ago. I didn't realize how badly I needed one until the next time I washed my hair and it detangled like a dream. I'm natural and my stylist told me that is an indication that you need a good trim, when your hair starts tangling up. I probably had about 2 inches cut off. Probably the best trimming experience I have ever had, my hair looks great.
Crazy. I joined the waist length challenge (which I forgot I'd joined), yet didn't subscribe to it, doh! I was looking for it to add an update (still can't find it), when I saw this thread, as my scissors are sitting here beside me.

I just did a trim of 1/2 inch the other day, yet today, I'm still noticing a few very small splits. Since I'm not doing much in the way of manipulating my hair, I'm wondering if my somewhat new scissors aren't sharp enough and are causing splits as I trim?

Currently, I'm doing search and destroys as I browse the web. My splits aren't massive enough to warrant anything else aside from that or dusting.

OAN - I used to trim based on the lunar calander. I never noticed a difference.

ETA: Found the challenge, but it was for bsl/mbl. I need to join the wl.
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I'm sacred but I think I'm going to the hair rules salon in NYC for a trim this summer. I can't wait for that feeling of running my hands through my hair. If I can see a noticeable change, I'll be able to tell when I need a trim or not in the future. I'm scared because I'm at WL now and don't wNt to go back to MBL or shorter.
I'm sacred but I think I'm going to the hair rules salon in NYC for a trim this summer. I can't wait for that feeling of running my hands through my hair. If I can see a noticeable change, I'll be able to tell when I need a trim or not in the future. I'm scared because I'm at WL now and don't wNt to go back to MBL or shorter.

It's the best feeling! Being able to run your hands through your tangle free hair, after a fresh trim. I completely understand your fear though. Be sure to explain to them exactly what you want. Heck, make them SHOW you how much they intend to trim before they do it so you can veto if you need to.
I trimmed 1/2 inch all over tonight and my hair seems much thicker. I'm not sure if I retained any length since my trim in December, but my ends look fabulous.
I got my hair colored (semi perm black), blow dried and trimmed yesterday.

The stylist listened. She even used the term "dust your ends" when I told her I wanted a light trim all over NOT an even cut.

Praise Jesus. I was pleased.
Did my trim last night. Think I over did it. Well, it has until December 2016 to catch up. My hair is so not what it used to be and I don't have the time and energy to do what I used to do :( it feels dry and it looks thinner too. So I'm going to protein treat about every 6/8 weeks as I used to. I think I can at least do that....
I went to the stylist for the first time in yeeeearrrs today. I needed to do something to pick myself up and I'm so happy I did. I got a major trim, which means my hair is short again. It's back at BSL now. I'm hoping this helps with how much breakage I experience during wash day. Now that I've found a pretty reputable hairstylist, I'm going to try to go every 3-4 months for a trim. So next trim will be early September.

I have to say that I went in for a wash/blowdry/trim/flat-iron and I've never been in and out of a salon so fast! The whole experience took about only an hour. And when she washing my hair, there were no tangles. She was so gentle with my hair, I barely felt her. Even blowdrying seemed easy for her to do. She flat ironed my hair in like 20 minutes and its smoother than I ever get it! My wash day when I do flat iron takes hours and I experience breakage and tangles if I had tried to do it as quickly as she did. I'm literally amazed right now.
I went to the stylist for the first time in yeeeearrrs today. I needed to do something to pick myself up and I'm so happy I did. I got a major trim, which means my hair is short again. It's back at BSL now. I'm hoping this helps with how much breakage I experience during wash day. Now that I've found a pretty reputable hairstylist, I'm going to try to go every 3-4 months for a trim. So next trim will be early September.

I have to say that I went in for a wash/blowdry/trim/flat-iron and I've never been in and out of a salon so fast! The whole experience took about only an hour. And when she washing my hair, there were no tangles. She was so gentle with my hair, I barely felt her. Even blowdrying seemed easy for her to do. She flat ironed my hair in like 20 minutes and its smoother than I ever get it! My wash day when I do flat iron takes hours and I experience breakage and tangles if I had tried to do it as quickly as she did. I'm literally amazed right now.

Happy you've picked yourself up to get your hair did! Enjoy it, and I hope you get to rock it this weekend. DO YOU, boo!