Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I alternate between these two every 3 days:...

Youre regi sounds good, sometime you have weak hair that is going to break HOWEVER. If yo uhave ben using alot of products without clarifing try this on on your next shampoo day followed by a moisture DC.

Also as I tell eryone ceramides are your friend. I use wheat germ oil in my oil mix/sealing but I hear that hot six oil has them as well (I have not used it however)
Ladies still hanging in here at 7 months post. Not experiencing much breakage but the dryness is what I'm still battling. What do you ladies use for dryness?

Here is a link to a greater start for a moisture DC for dryness.

When I first started transitioning I tried everything on the planet for dryness and asked everyone I met. I was told to ust DC. Well I was but it wasn't cutting it. I started doing this as a pre-poo (keep in mind I don't use many products durring the well that coat my hair, if you may want to wash/clarify and then try this.

BTW I add aloe vera gel and wheat germ oil to this. And I use camellia and coconut oil as my oils.
Okay so ultimetly I joined LHCF to have healthy relaxed hair and even though i drooled over natural hair i just didnt feel it was for me. But my last relaxer was April 16 2010 and as the days go on...I keep putting off my relaxer day. So i decided if i can transition without the big chop then great. Ill just trim my ends a lil at a time. So hopefully i make it and dont chicken out!!!!!

Congrats on deciding to transition! I understand how you feel. I wish you luck on your journey!
My friend is still on my case about what I'm gonna do to my hair for our holiday next week.
She told me she's getting a £85 lacefront, that's for the installment and hair.
I told her I haven't relaxed for almost a year and was telling her I might cut it.
She gave me three options, lol.
1) Relax my hair :crazy:
2) Dye my hair brown :crazy:
3) Steam it, which is okay, but I'm still gonna be dealing with the new growth and scab hair so don't see the point. Might as well do a deep condition like I normally do every two weeks.
Thenn we started talking about Naomi Campbell and her edges and I was saying that, that was why I don't wear weaves and no longer want to relax. Then she went on to say "whatever, that only happens to people with natural hair, and if you want to keep a bush or frizzball on your head then good luck"
:shocked: :crazy: : sad:

But then I said that natural hair can look good when looked after and that I didn't really look after it when I was natural before.
Then she said " well if you cut it, it will help it to grow properly and might look nice straight"
:rolleyes: I told her I won't be wearing my hair straight.
I'm 7 months and 3 weeks now and It seems like my braidouts are not working out too well for me.. But I won't give up.. My NG is growing Sprial in the middle and back of my head and I just need to keep that moisturized.. I was in braids for 1 month and half may start wearing cornrows.. Not sure just yet.. Seem like the only style I can get right now without flat ironing is in a bun.. I haven't flat ironed in a while..

Right now just co-washing every 2-3 days and DC with Steam or under dryer on Sat or Sun.. Just did a henna gloss and the indigo did not cover up my grey this time..
Just checking in ladies!!! I am almost 14 months into my transition. It has been a journey!!! I seesaw between chop and not chop....but I have yet to reach my desired length. It all still seems very healthy. My summer hair is braid extensions and I hope my fall hair will be weaves....

These pics are from my July update


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Thanks LaFemme and Bun Mistress for the tips. The Patchouli Metod looks interesting and is similar to what i do w/o the different oils. Hopefully that will help.

7 months post yay!
2 months post has come around really fast. i have been experiencing an increase of shedding. however, i think my hair sheds more than usual during the summer. the past month was pretty easy. i wore braidouts, buns and phony ponies.

i have fell in love with fotki and youtube all over again. there's so much inspiration out there!!

here are my 2 months post NG pics. the waves and curls are starting to come in yay!!:grin:


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I am 16 weeks post. I decided to blow dry in small sections and flat iron Sunday night. Happy I did. Hair is nice an thick (except for the ends). I am at the very tip of APL so in another couple of months I will be able to claim it.
I am 21 weeks post. i did a 6 months (26 weeks) stretch before in 2009 so I have been there before. But now that I know I am transitionning, I can't wait for the NG to get longer. I won't BC for sure. I ll trim every 3-4 month with my split ender (about 1/2 inch at a time) and we will see how long that will bring us with the relax end I have.
I am getting worried about this since i start having relaxer thought again... My main reason for transitionning is the fact that I know I ll do it one day and the sooner, the better I think ( I don t even know why I didn't turn my first 6 month stretch into a transition... but anyway). And the other reason is I am going to bring my little niece to come live with me in canada and I know she will want a relaxer to have straight hair as her schoolmates and I want to show her that natural hair is beautiful and know how to proper care of my natural hair in order for me to care properly of her and teach her how to properly care for her. So I know I will continue this transition, I just can't wait for the length the kick in. HHJ to all
Hola, everybody!

Took a pic after a cowash and I'm happy that I could BC and have a nice chin-length blunt bob - I hate mullets, lol! I'm not going to chop (at least 18-24 mos to go), but it's nice to know.

It's amazing how thin the relaxed ends look when my natural hair is not straightened. Not noticeable at all when straightened, however.

Hola, everybody!

Took a pic after a cowash and I'm happy that I could BC and have a nice chin-length blunt bob - I hate mullets, lol! I'm not going to chop (at least 18-24 mos to go), but it's nice to know.

It's amazing how thin the relaxed ends look when my natural hair is not straightened. Not noticeable at all when straightened, however.



I want! I want!:grin:

ETA: The thickness
So I did my usual braided bun this weekend BUTttttt I looked in the mirror at the back of my hair. I never know my how much newgrowth I had honestly. My roots are very thick :grin: and it seems that my ponytail is the only part that is relaxed. I still have about another 18 months to go but will be trimming as needed.

My hair idol changes as the wind blows but as of today, my hair idol is Kimmaytube. :yep:
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I am loving my natural hair journey. July marked my 1 year of transitioning. My goal was not to become natural, I just wanted to stretch my relaxers for 4 months in between. Once I noticed how fast my hair was growing and how healthy it looked. I decided to give my hair a chance of being relaxer free. My hair is so soft now, and it is long again, like it was when I was a child. I looked in the mirror yesterday and noticed that I have waves in my hair. I had no idea that my natural state of hair was wavy. OMG, I can't wait until all of my relaxed ends grow out and I can see the true beauty of my hair...

Oh, I would not have been here without all my LHCF ladies. THANK YOU!
Two weeks ago, I hit my one year mark. :grin: Woo hoo! I am soooo ready to cut my hair, but I'm trying to hold out for 6 more months so I can get som more length. I may do a 1-2" trim in another week or so. I can't wait to be 100% natural!
Checking in! 1 year plus and going strong. I haven't straightened this entire time so I'm looking forward to a lenght check, planned for September, when I flat iron for my brother wedding. This transition is really working out. I'm so tickled that I finally found the "zone". I'm not even thinking about cutting. Woo Hoo!
:hiya2: SherylsTresses finally checking in at 1 year post...!!! Thanks to all my transitioning sistas and LHCF of course.

:thumbsup::band2::band::cheers::rosebud::clapping::orders::clap::bouncegre:woot::bouncy::bouncegre: :gorgeous: :blowkiss::Copy of 2cool::lots::love4::rocker::bounceline::sunshine: :superbanana:

^^^ I know I overdid it but I've waited a long time to submit this post.
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