Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Last night I was freaking out because I thought my growth was really slow. But then I realized that I've been measuring my hair unstretched ( I have about 1"-1.25" unstretched). In most areas when I stretch it, I'm very close if not more than 2 inches :yay:

OT: I love the movie "What's Love Got to Do With It?" It's on tv right now and I'm carrying on like I've never seen it before. LMAO at Ike with that dang beatles wannabe wig on.
I will be one year post on Monday, and I'm so ready to BC! I'm not gonna do it though...not yet. I may cut another 2-3 inches very soon, but I still need to see some length. Keeping my hair straight has actually allowed me to retain my length, but I can't wait til the relaxed ends are gone so I can wear it out and curly.
Welcome on board girl!!! It's all in the name of transitioning. I'm sure the support will be beneficial.

I'm also transitioning to texlaxing! i'm 22 wks post :-)

The last couple times I relaxed I unintentionally texlaxed! I figured I'd continue.... my hair's thicker and less prone to breakage this way since I've gotten better with detangling and keeping my hair moisturized.

Don't get me wrong! I'm growing to love my natural texture. I'm going to do a long transition to natural once I reach BSL-relaxed. :-)
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Has anyone been able to transition for 1-2 year without losing or trimming the ends.

Just wondering if it's possible to reach APL without breakage.

I got to APL from above SL at the one year mark of my transition. I have now trimmed (not mini chopped, trimmed) twice since starting my transition. I'm now graving BSB on a good day.
I'm also transitioning to texlaxing! i'm 22 wks post :-)

The last couple times I relaxed I unintentionally texlaxed! I figured I'd continue.... my hair's thicker and less prone to breakage this way since I've gotten better with detangling and keeping my hair moisturized.

Don't get me wrong! I'm growing to love my natural texture. I'm going to do a long transition to natural once I reach BSL-relaxed. :-)

I am 22 weeks post too!!!:yep::yep::yep:
Has anyone been able to transition for 1-2 year without losing or trimming the ends.

Just wondering if it's possible to reach APL without breakage.

I went an entire year without trimming or relaxing (this was February 2008-March 2009); then I bit the bullet and texlaxed in March 2009 (still didn't trim). I got my first trim in December 2009/January 2010. There's no need for me to trim (in my opinion) because I wear my hair up. There are times when my girls or my sister give me flack because my ends are "jacked up" and my hair is "breaking off" (totally false, they only assume this because my ends are not even, but what do they know
other than blunt even ends are better than uneven ends).... Anyway, with proper maintenance, I have experienced no breakage.
I made 14 weeks today, and still have not made a firm decision about transitioning. Oh well, just keep stretching, just keep stretching...
Just popping in to say hi. I'm 15 weeks post texlax going to transition for 18-24 months without BC'ing - just trimming along the way. I'm so happy! When my hair has what it needs it's SO MANAGEABLE! And it's getting thicker too! I can't wait to see what it looks like 18 months post.
Just checking in to say hi ladies! As of last Thursday, I am officially 17 weeks post relaxer. Last night, my dh gave me an inch trim and once I hear back from my braider I will be getting extensions to alleviate the manipulation of my tresses I am having to do on a weekly basis. I plan on keeping them in for 2-3 months and letting my hair rest for 2 weeks and rebraiding.
Well, I'm 10 months post and still surprised I've lasted this long. A whole 40 weeks. The beginning was easy cos I had more relaxed than natural hair but as I went into month 5, it began to get a little tough so I wore cornrows under a wig for 4 weeks, braids with extensions for 8 weeks and I've been in a weave for the last 6 weeks or so. I get a couple of days to a week's hair rest between styles. I measured my leave out hair in front and I have about 5 inches of natural hair so far. It's longer in the crown but can't measure for now. Is that a good length for 10 months? I'm just happy my hair is growing. I wanna be natural so bad. I have 4b hair in the back and 3c/4a in front and crown I think. HHJ everyone :)
I want to be MBL before I even consider cutting off the relaxed ends. Hopefully that will happen within the next three years.

I that is my goal too. I was barel SL when I started (see hair album in profile) I think it is totally doable. I have 4B hair and with just some patiece (esp when washing you can get there with minimal breakage/damage.
I'm still 49 weeks post.

I've realized there are no other hair products to buy or styles to wear. I just need to wait until time passes and I reach my desired length. I'm just bored, that's all.
Has anyone been able to transition for 1-2 year without losing or trimming the ends.

Just wondering if it's possible to reach APL without breakage.

I am over 2 years post and reached APL a few months ago with no trimming or breakage however, since then I have been experiencing breakage and only have about 2 inches of relaxed hair left in most places:ohwell:.
I'm still 49 weeks post.

I've realized there are no other hair products to buy or styles to wear. I just need to wait until time passes and I reach my desired length. I'm just bored, that's all.

hahaha at 33 wks, I'm very bored as well. But I can't rush time cause I got other things to do non-hair related:spinning:
I'm bored too; I've done every style under the sun. I can't get too wild and crazy with my hair because I work in a corporate enviroment, but I'll be gosh darn it I wear another bun, ponytail, rollerset, or straight hair...

now that I think about it, I should do some two-strand twists and pin them up.
I think it's next wednesday I'm gonna be a year post. And I'm going on holiday with a few friends in 2 weeks. I was telling my friend that I might BC and where a small afro, but I don't want to, because I don't want my hair to be short. Her advice to me was to relax my hair. RELAX MY HAIR? Does she even know what I've been through to be relaxing my hair :crazy:
OK, so I go to the salon last night to get my 6 week trim and to just check on my progress. problem. As she is going through my hair, she shows me like 3 areas where my hair has broken off at the demarcation line. WHAT?!? I knew about the break off at my nape area. I am not happy about that area but I figured it was OK since it was such a small area. Now I have nearly my ENTIRE crown area broke off. No wonder I was experiencing some major styling issues right in that area. What is the deal with that? I don't understand what I've done wrong. My regimen is pretty simple. I don't do anything extravagant as I am new to this whole natural styling thing. It was a major disappointment. She said that we are going to have to watch this because if I continue, I might just have to do the BC to my natural hair (which is about 4 inches long). I don't know what to do. :alcoholic :cry:
OK, so I go to the salon last night to get my 6 week trim and to just check on my progress. problem. As she is going through my hair, she shows me like 3 areas where my hair has broken off at the demarcation line. WHAT?!? I knew about the break off at my nape area. I am not happy about that area but I figured it was OK since it was such a small area. Now I have nearly my ENTIRE crown area broke off. No wonder I was experiencing some major styling issues right in that area. What is the deal with that? I don't understand what I've done wrong. My regimen is pretty simple. I don't do anything extravagant as I am new to this whole natural styling thing. It was a major disappointment. She said that we are going to have to watch this because if I continue, I might just have to do the BC to my natural hair (which is about 4 inches long). I don't know what to do. :alcoholic :cry:
Just wanted to say, I feel your pain. After months of not knowing what to do (sorry I am saying this) I ended my transition and texlaxed. I know I had some breakage from my 11month stretch, but after texlaxing I am really able to see it. Now I wish I just BC'd instead or just did the relaxer much sooner. I dunno how the ladies that stretch for a long period were able to combat the breakage. I PS'd the whole time, barely using heat, DC'd, moisturized, protein when needed, but still had too much breakage. So watch the breakage, do your best not to manipulate, or just BC and have a great day! Good luck.
This is quite normal, it's nothing that you have done wrong, it's just how hair is at times. All the TLC won't stop some people who have damaged, relaxed, colored, or straight hair from breaking off from the natural hair that is growing in. The key is to take care of it as much as possible so that it breaks off in a healthy way (if that makes sense).
OK, so I go to the salon last night to get my 6 week trim and to just check on my progress. problem. As she is going through my hair, she shows me like 3 areas where my hair has broken off at the demarcation line. WHAT?!? I knew about the break off at my nape area. I am not happy about that area but I figured it was OK since it was such a small area. Now I have nearly my ENTIRE crown area broke off. No wonder I was experiencing some major styling issues right in that area. What is the deal with that? I don't understand what I've done wrong. My regimen is pretty simple. I don't do anything extravagant as I am new to this whole natural styling thing. It was a major disappointment. She said that we are going to have to watch this because if I continue, I might just have to do the BC to my natural hair (which is about 4 inches long). I don't know what to do. :alcoholic :cry:

When I had this problem, I had to change my detangling and shampoo regimen. I now:
  1. Detangle one section at a time using conditioner mixed with EVOO and a wide tooth comb
  2. Afterwards, I loosely plait and put a barrett at the end until I have 6 plaits on my entire head
  3. Then I shampoo and deep condition in those loose plaits
  4. After DC, I take down one section at a time and apply my leave-in mixed with EVOO and lightly comb thru, then secure that section with a long metal clamp
  5. When I'm through with leave-ins, I use the scarf method then airdry and protective style via braided bun
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