Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

I have some breakage too, but I think I'm going to keep 'a truckin... I need a good creamy leave in recommendation and also some kind of moisturizer for my hair while it is in a braidout. I plan to get braids for a couple of months, but that won't be until sometime next month...
17 weeks tomorrow: the longest I've ever been without a relaxer in 13 years (and I'm only 23!). I'm so proud of myself! Now if only I could beat this DRRRRYYYYYNNNNEEESSS! :wallbash:
Thanks SherylsTresses. I will have to try that this weekend. It's funny you mention changing the shampoo regimen because that was the first thing my hairstylist asked me as far as what I was using. Now do you just use the EVOO that you get from the grocery store?!? Thanks again.
Thanks SherylsTresses. I will have to try that this weekend. It's funny you mention changing the shampoo regimen because that was the first thing my hairstylist asked me as far as what I was using. Now do you just use the EVOO that you get from the grocery store?!? Thanks again.

Yes but I get mine from Sams b/c I like the huge container it comes in.

ETA I also do protein treatments in those 6 loose plaits. I lose much less hair now. I'm also changing from shampoo to Indian shampoo bars. I usually use a shampoo comb to scrub my scalp while in those loose plaits. When my hair gets dry, I just cowash with Suave Naturals mixed with EVOO and don't rinse it all out, then airdry using scarf method into a braided bun again. Also, I DC overnight. HTH again.
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I want to be MBL before I even consider cutting off the relaxed ends. Hopefully that will happen within the next three years.

Me too.

I did my last trim/dust at BSL (Just to level hair) But will now aim for MBL by December 2010, and stay there with regular trims until fully natural, then grow it out to waist length.:grin:

I will NEVER EVER BIG CUT.. Just trim until theres no chemical altered strands left.

I cant wait :spinning:
SherylsTresses, ok, I will stop bothering you soon. I just have a couple of questions about your regimen:

1 - What is the garlic powder for in the prepoo recipe?
2 - Do you just mostly wear your hair in a bun or do you redo the style every night? I like to wear my hair out and so I'm not sure if spraying it with water and baggying at night works for that.
3 - What is JBCO that you use at night?

Again, thank you so much. I am going out right now to get me some of the ingredients for the prepoo so that I will be prepared to use it Saturday night. I'm really going to try to make this thing work. I so desperately want my long hair back that I used to have before all the chemicals came into play (some 20+ years ago).

OK, I think that's it. :grin:
SherylsTresses, ok, I will stop bothering you soon. I just have a couple of questions about your regimen:

1 - What is the garlic powder for in the prepoo recipe?
It helps with shedding
2.a. - Do you just mostly wear your hair in a bun or do you redo the style every night?
I used to wear it out while transitioning but my ends started breaking off. Now I always wear it in a braided bun and out on special occasions
2.b. - I like to wear my hair out and so I'm not sure if spraying it with water and baggying at night works for that.
I only spray the natural hair b/c it dries out quicker then immediately tie it up for bed; I don't baggy
3 - What is JBCO that you use at night?
Jamaican Black Castor oil supposedly helps with thickening the hair

Again, thank you so much. I am going out right now to get me some of the ingredients for the prepoo so that I will be prepared to use it Saturday night. I'm really going to try to make this thing work. I so desperately want my long hair back that I used to have before all the chemicals came into play (some 20+ years ago).

OK, I think that's it. :grin:

Wishing you all the best.... :yep:
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I'm a little past 54 weeks and I'm back to ponytails and buns. I was trying to give my hair a rest by not wearing styles that would be hard on my edges but it's so ridiculously hot right now that I was having some major bad hair days because of the humidity. Overall I feel like my hair is doing pretty good and I seem to have gotten the breakage under control. I'll just be happy when the weather calms down so I can go on with my life. :lachen:
OK, so I go to the salon last night to get my 6 week trim and to just check on my progress. problem. As she is going through my hair, she shows me like 3 areas where my hair has broken off at the demarcation line. WHAT?!? I knew about the break off at my nape area. I am not happy about that area but I figured it was OK since it was such a small area. Now I have nearly my ENTIRE crown area broke off. No wonder I was experiencing some major styling issues right in that area. What is the deal with that? I don't understand what I've done wrong. My regimen is pretty simple. I don't do anything extravagant as I am new to this whole natural styling thing. It was a major disappointment. She said that we are going to have to watch this because if I continue, I might just have to do the BC to my natural hair (which is about 4 inches long). I don't know what to do. :alcoholic :cry:

What is your regi? I have 4b hair and I had some breakage but chaing up how I handled my hair esp. when wet stopped this.
What is your regi? I have 4b hair and I had some breakage but chaing up how I handled my hair esp. when wet stopped this.

I alternate between these two every 3 days:

Shampoo with Jane Carter
Apply Jane Carter conditioner
Sit under hooded dryer with shower cap on for 15-20 mins.
Cold water rinse out of conditioner
Apply Jane Carter leave-in conditioner (I just ran out of this so now I am going to try Design Essentials HCO leave-in)
Apply water-based moisturizer (right now it is Chi Keratin Spray but I was using Black Earth Mist Bodifying spray which I will be going back to)
Apply oil (Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil)
Apply Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue
Style hair in either a strawler set or flat two strand twists


Co-wash with Garnier Fructis conditioner
Apply Jane Carter conditioner
Detangle and leave on as I finish washing in the shower
Cold water rinse out of conditioner
Apply Jane Carter leave-in conditioner (I just ran out of this so now I am going to try Design Essentials HCO leave-in)
Apply water-based moisturizer (right now it is Chi Keratin Spray but I was using Black Earth Mist Bodifying spray which I will be going back to)
Apply oil (Hydratherma Naturals Hair Growth Oil)
Apply Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue
Style hair in either a strawler set or flat two strand twists

Then, in between these washes, I will apply the water-based moisturizer and oil in the morning and at night. No combs or brushes, just finger combing in the morning. Sleep in a satin bonnet and loosely twist or coil hair in sections. I just bought some Miss Jessie's Curly buttercreme so that is what I used this morning instead of the other 2 products. We shall see. I take half of a one-a-day for women each day (I haven't done too well with vitamins in the past so I am slowly easing my way into taking them). I was going to add the prepoo that SherylsTresses uses this weekend.
Me too.

I did my last trim/dust at BSL (Just to level hair) But will now aim for MBL by December 2010, and stay there with regular trims until fully natural, then grow it out to waist length.:grin:

I will NEVER EVER BIG CUT.. Just trim until theres no chemical altered strands left.

I cant wait :spinning:

This is what i plan on doing as well. I did the bc before and it just didnt work for me. I'm thinking if I transition long term and do little trims (1/2 inch at most) every 6 months it will be more workable for me than just doing the bc. I already stretch 5-6 months at a time without a prob so I dont think it will be too hard for me to do. Well at least I hope not.

Since I already know what my natural hair looks like the curiousity of seeing it without relaxed ends shouldnt bother me too much. Thats what caused me to bc the first time around.
OK, ladies I've given up. I went ahead and BC'd because I was experiencing WAY TOO much breakage and tangling. The relaxed ends were terribly damaged anyway!! Good luck to the rest of you guys!
13.5 months in and i'm still doing well.

I think that I need to look into doing a hardcore protein treatment, but I just restarted with OCT so I'm holding off to see what the protein in that does.
Ok so I'm just beginning my transition and I'm in braids. Haven't had a relaxer since March 10, but I'm scared to BC. I'm APL and wanted to know how long you guys think it would take me to transition to about NL stretch so at least if I press it, it'll be a nice lil' bob or something.
^^^It'll take a good while for you to have a full bob. A layered bob shouldn't take long depending on your growth rate. My nape is about to my neck now but it'll be a long time before the top or the crown of my head to reach my neck....maybe about a year? Check out the newly natural thread and ask those ladies since they've already BC'd.
I solved my dryness problems...! Saw an old thread about using regular conditioner as a leave in! Great decision...along with shea butter, of course..
Ladies still hanging in here at 7 months post. Not experiencing much breakage but the dryness is what I'm still battling. What do you ladies use for dryness?
the best part about this is my nape is growing in nicely..
i wish i took a before pic

i rarely trim. only time is when i see i need to get rid of some. i'm a bit past APL near BSL and i need the length lol
Transition still going well. Will be 13 months post next Thursday! This Sunday will make 3 weeks with my crochets in and I plan to keep them in 5-6 weeks. I haven't straightened my hair since my last relaxer, last June, but plan to for Thanksgiving and can't wait! I'm hoping to be MBL by then. :)
Ok so I think Lekair is a new staple??? MAYBE! I'll see by August if it's truly a staple. But I've been "deep conditioning" with it for 6 hours-overnight these past couple of weeks...well today was my third time doing it. My hair was soooo easy to detangle today. I LOVED IT! And my hair was so soft as it was drying BEFORE I put on my leave ins. And I love that it doesn't have cones in it! This stuff is awesome. I hope it just gets better and better and better since it's so cheap. I was gonna go to only natural products but this may have to be an exception! I've also found the perfect moisture balance for my hair. My new growth has been sooooo soft for the past couple of months after making a few changes to my reggie. I LOVE my reggie. I'm so in love with my hair now...which is crazy because a few hours ago I was depressed and whining about slow growth and being fat lol but I'm loving it. I hope the rest of my transition goes this well. I'm aiming for 18 months!
Ladies still hanging in here at 7 months post. Not experiencing much breakage but the dryness is what I'm still battling. What do you ladies use for dryness?

I have started using diluted Vo5 and seal with a shea butter mix (includes evoo and coconut oil) and my hair stays moisturized. I don't even have to moisturize everyday. MY hair stays soft for about 2 or 3 days before I have to re-apply it and my new growth looooves it!
So I got kinky twists day before yesterday. I was afraid they were too tight and almost took them out for fear of having bald spots ( I was totally freaking out, I have read too many braid horror stories), but my scalp was not red or no bumps or anything, so hopefully it is just me being tenderheaded. So I wet them w/warm water and conditioner spray and put alot of jojoba oil on my scalp hoping to get them to loosen up which they have. And avoided trying to move them around too much. I even took a few out along the perimeter to examine my hair and scalp and it looked fine. (I just retwisted those parts up with just my real hair and it blended in fine)

I thought I would miss my straight hair, but so far not at all, it is a welcome change. If my real hair were this thick/long I would definitely rock some twists. I bought some hair accessories and earrings from Urban Outfitters and Forever21 yesterday, so I think it will be a fun style to play with.

What I am looking forward to the most is not worrying about my hair as far as exercising. I never exercise on the weekend only during the week when I am wearing my hair straight. So I end up trying to cram all my workouts in during the week. Now I can take a workout class on a Saturday, go on a hiking trail on a Sunday, etc.
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Okay so ultimetly I joined LHCF to have healthy relaxed hair and even though i drooled over natural hair i just didnt feel it was for me. But my last relaxer was April 16 2010 and as the days go on...I keep putting off my relaxer day. So i decided if i can transition without the big chop then great. Ill just trim my ends a lil at a time. So hopefully i make it and dont chicken out!!!!!