Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Ok.. so today I did my first ever henna. I needed to cover some grays at my hairline and I wanted to see how it would help with the texture of my hair.

I'm not sure I see any texture difference. But I did notice my hair seems thicker..geez! I want this to help make it easier to transition... But I'm not sure it will help. Anyone else have this experience with Henna?
Hey ladies, I'm officially 1 year post (as of 7/3/10) :yay: :band: :dance7: I definitely could not have done it without all of the support that I get from my fellow tranitioners. I got a full-head sew-in, so won't be bothering my hair for another 2-3 months. 6 more months to go!
I would love to join in this challenge, I am transitioning from Texturized, I have bout 3 inches of Texturized hair, it is so hard to tell the difference in where the newgrowth starts, so I plan to transition for a whole year by way of Crochet braids. Right now I am using NeXxus Haircare Products for Cleansing,Conditioning & Protein Treatments & Qhemets Burdock Root for moisture. so far so good!!
Umm...I want to get braids after a year of transitioning with weaves....Any suggestions with extension braids....It seems that synthetic hair breaks my natural hair.
Also for those who are trans. with weaves , what do you do about blending?Or do you get full sew ins?

i've been transitioning with weaves since october and will be getting braid extensions for the rest of my transition...19 more weeks and i will be getting yarn braids. personally ive had almost every hair extension when it comes to braids or twists and i think yarn braids are easier to do on your own and they retain moisture. anywho ive worn aamh kinky curly, and rho afro kinky curly because the blending was much easier then when i had the kinky straight which isnt as bad as silky straight, but i still had to use a flat iron. and ive been getting full sewins with a perimeter or horseshoe left out. HTH
i was close to getting a relaxer last week because i was frustrated
butttt i undid my temp twists and let it go wild and it looked so nice!
it put me right back on the train lol

i need to take pictures of my new growth because i haven't updated my fotki in forever lol
Hey ladies, I'm officially 1 year post (as of 7/3/10) :yay: :band: :dance7: I definitely could not have done it without all of the support that I get from my fellow tranitioners. I got a full-head sew-in, so won't be bothering my hair for another 2-3 months. 6 more months to go!

I would love to join in this challenge, I am transitioning from Texturized, I have bout 3 inches of Texturized hair, it is so hard to tell the difference in where the newgrowth starts, so I plan to transition for a whole year by way of Crochet braids. Right now I am using NeXxus Haircare Products for Cleansing,Conditioning & Protein Treatments & Qhemets Burdock Root for moisture. so far so good!!

:welcome: and congratulations on your decision to tranistion!
:welcome: and congratulations on your decision to tranistion!

Thank U for the Welcome! this is my first time really transitioning, I usually would just BC and then get frustrated and relax, but since I now have a Protective style, there is no stopping me LOL!!! My hair and scalp is so much healthier when Natural!!!:yep:
I had the BC itch this past weekend because I was tired of trying to comb through my hair but I'm over it now. I'm gonna try to stick it out until May 2011. I'm currently deep conditioning with NTM Deep Recovery Mask. I HATE it. I haven't rinsed it out yet but that stuff is way too thick. I used nearly the entire container because it was so thick and didn't spread well. It reminds me of Lekair, but Lekair is cheap so I don't mind having to use alot. Good thing I didn't pay much for it. I hope it softens my hair up so that detanlging is easy today.
I'm 48 weeks post. I'm getting really nervous b/c my relaxed ends are getting weaker. I already cut from full MBL to full APL. I really hate to cut any further. My goal is to transition until I can have a ponytail.

I purchased a really cute wig yesterday. I have NEVER worn wigs before. I may just wear one tomorrow to "W-O-R-K" :look: . It really looks nice on me so I'm told. I'm just hoping I won't have to cut above APL.
I officially made 1 year post on 6/27/10 :grin: I celebrated by doing a henna treatment and flat iron. I've been wearing twistouts lately trying to give my hairline a break from all the buns. So far I haven't had any urges to chop.
I had the BC itch this past weekend because I was tired of trying to comb through my hair but I'm over it now. I'm gonna try to stick it out until May 2011. I'm currently deep conditioning with NTM Deep Recovery Mask. I HATE it. I haven't rinsed it out yet but that stuff is way too thick. I used nearly the entire container because it was so thick and didn't spread well. It reminds me of Lekair, but Lekair is cheap so I don't mind having to use alot. Good thing I didn't pay much for it. I hope it softens my hair up so that detanlging is easy today.

So either that stuff is good or DCing is good lol My hair was so easy to detangle. I was able to detangle one section in the shower and it only took 5 minutes! But I can't stay in the shower for 20 minutes extra (5 mins times the 4 sections) so I detangled outside. But it only took 30 minutes versus my normal hour. So I will be DCing once a week to aid in detangling. The downside is I used basically the entire jar for my entire head. I applied it like a relaxer and then made sure to get it on the majority of the strands. I have a little bit left for Friday, maybe for one section and I will try Lekair for the rest of the sections to see how it compares.

I also have a new reggie that I think will cut back on tangles.
I will only wash twice a week and will wear braidouts everyday (rebraid in 4 braids nightly). Hopefully I'm still able to retain length this way so I can make it to waistlength by December.

How's everyone else doing?
I had the BC itch this past weekend because I was tired of trying to comb through my hair but I'm over it now. I'm gonna try to stick it out until May 2011. I'm currently deep conditioning with NTM Deep Recovery Mask. I HATE it. I haven't rinsed it out yet but that stuff is way too thick. I used nearly the entire container because it was so thick and didn't spread well. It reminds me of Lekair, but Lekair is cheap so I don't mind having to use alot. Good thing I didn't pay much for it. I hope it softens my hair up so that detanlging is easy today.

me too (at the bolded), and i was soo shocked. I never thought BC'ing would even come to mind, but this weekend, I was like, i dunno how much longer I can go. My natural hair is soo strong, and stronger than the relaxed hair. Well, I plan on doing the BKT within the next week, so hopefully that can help me.
8 months post and I'm still going! I need a trim though. Did anyone transition for a year without trimming? I'm so afraid of hair stylists now!

I haven't trimmed since my last relaxer and I'm 13 months post. I figured that since I was going to cut off the relaxed hair eventually and I'm PSing, it wouldn't matter if it got a little beat up
Is it too late to jump in here for some support? I had the urge to BC today and I still have that urge... for some reason i want to see some curls and coils, although i'm pretty sure i don't have any, my hair seems to have no texture or definition.
Is it too late to jump in here for some support? I had the urge to BC today and I still have that urge... for some reason i want to see some curls and coils, although i'm pretty sure i don't have any, my hair seems to have no texture or definition.
I thought mine didn't either, prior to my BC....I was wrong:look::grin:. Don't be discouraged, if long term transitioning if what you want. By the same token, don't be afraid to BC, if you are ready.
I think i'm going to cut a small piece on the side and one in the middle and give it a few weeks to see what happens with the cut pieces. I know that it's going to remain lifeless for a while, but I want to see if I have something to look forward too or if it's going to be a huge disappointment...
I'm creeping up on 16 weeks post. I've decided on doing a long term transition. I really want to transition for 2 years. So wish me luck. I have about 2" of NG and I LOVE IT! I just received a trim this past weekend... so I am now back to lower NL and almost SL. Hope to be full SL by the end of the year. I'm hoping focusing on length will keep me distracted from doing the BC. I haven't had any major problems with the two textures yet so I'm happy and I'm just going to take things as they come.
The end of this month I will be 9 months post :) I've added Cowashing to my reggie and oiling my scalp again. I DC three times per week, which is great for my hair. I make sure to use a water based moisturizer and seal with oil. One thing that has been especially helpful is using a light protein-based condish on my line of demarcation, then coating the rest of my hair with a moisturizing one. I put on my plastic baggie and apply heat for 45 minutes. I really believe that this has helped to keep my relaxed ends from breaking off.
So, I thought I was going to wear my hair loose and straight all the time. But I've grown tired of it and scared all the heat/manipulation will hinder my progress. Also my hair is very short and layered, and as my hair grows, it starts to grow out of the style/cut, and doesn't look very cute without constant trimming.

I've never been a big fan of braids, but I'm going to bite the bullet and go ahead and get some kinky twists. And rotate in and out of braids until I reach my goal and so I can go longer between trims.

So, my next task is to research how to take care of hair while braided up and to look for different cute braid styles to try.

My goal is APL by end of 2011. That will be the longest my hair has ever been in my life. The longest I've been is shoulder length.
Has anyones hair color changed since they started transitioning? My hair keeps getting lighter and lighter. It has spots of sandy reddish brown.

I usually hear the opposite, that people's hair gets lighter when its relaxed.

But as a little girl (before I got relaxers) my hair always had reddish brown streaks, but got darker when I started relaxing.
I've noticed that my hair seems a little lighter, I don't know if its just because it's summer time?

Thats what I was thinking at first, but I am not in the sun anymore than I was when I was relaxed and it wasn't this color. Actually, I went to college in Florida and was probably in the sun alot, walking around campus and such. My hair hasn't been this light since I was a child.
14 weeks today! :yahoo: My mom keeps trying to get me to relax by saying stuff like "Oooh imagine how long your hair would be if you relaxed your hair now."

No thanks! :grin:
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Has anyone been able to transition for 1-2 year without losing or trimming the ends.

Just wondering if it's possible to reach APL without breakage.
So Idk why my hair was so easy to detangle on Monday because it sure as heck wasn't today. So I WONT be adding "DCing" to my reggie because I "DC'd" overnight and my hair was still hard to detangle. I did half my head with Lekair and half with the rest of the NTM Deep Recovery Mask and both sides were hard and no where near as easy as Monday. So yup, I'm gonna buy GVP The Detangler tomorrow and see how that works.