Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

7 months post. Still rocking buns, twistouts, and flat-ironed. Starting in May I'll wear cornrows for 2 wks at a time.
Well I am no longer relaxed as of today at 11:00 am. I just cut all the relaxed hair off (too much in some areas). I am debating on posting pictures because I cut unevenly, so I'm going to post pictures in July when I have grown out an inch. I'll cut to even out what I did, and then post pics!
Well I am no longer relaxed as of today at 11:00 am. I just cut all the relaxed hair off (too much in some areas). I am debating on posting pictures because I cut unevenly, so I'm going to post pictures in July when I have grown out an inch. I'll cut to even out what I did, and then post pics!

Well I am no longer relaxed as of today at 11:00 am. I just cut all the relaxed hair off (too much in some areas). I am debating on posting pictures because I cut unevenly, so I'm going to post pictures in July when I have grown out an inch. I'll cut to even out what I did, and then post pics!

Conrats on your BC!!:yay:
50 weeks post!:grin::yay::superbanana::woot:

Man I am loving it back at natural. I went to the gym this morning and it took no time to do my hair. It was puffed out, but still looked nice. I cut a little bit more today because I had my left handed shears.
I am SOOOOoooo up in this thread officially now :yep::grin:

I'm going to transition by incorporating flexi-rod styles, braids, and buns. I 'm gonna do the scarf method to keep my edges up to par:)

NOT BC'ing until i'm BSL-MBL stretched!!:clap:
i am coming up on 48 weeks this wednesday and i just took out my install of 11 weeks and will be getting it re done on tuesday. i am so excited on coming up to a year of transitioning. i dunno when i will do the bc . i cant believe that my hair is actually growing. it never seemed like it was when i was getting relaxers. good luck to you ladies!
:grin::grin::grin: Thanks!! I love smileys:D

What did/are you all do to help get past the 8, 10th week, 6 month hurdles??

What tools did you use?? Products that help with detangling??

And what was/is your staple transitioning style(s)??

Hmm....I didn't do anything special to get past 8 or 10 weeks because I'd been familiar with stretching my relaxer for 13 weeks. So I just followed my normal regimen. I'm going on 20 weeks post now and I am forced to detangle (once a week) on wet hair (not soaking wet) with oil, conditioner, or leave in. Whereas before, I was detangling with my hair saturated with coconut oil and evoo but on dry hair. Hopefully I can still do the same things at 6 months I don't want this to get too difficult.....oh yeah co-washing 3 times a week is a MUST otherwise my hair gets matted by the time I'm ready to detangle at the end of the week.

My staple styles are buns, braidouts, wigs, and half wigs. I'll probably do yarn braids and crochet braids in the summer as well.
Approaching week 8 and I have rollerset for the week. It was my first time trying mesh rollers and it turned out alright. Last night I did some loose flat twists and wore a twist-out. My hair was BIG today!:afro: Probably because I never flat iron my roots... So big, a small family decided to stare at it for 2 minutes when I was in line at Walgreens.:wacky:
I'm almost a year post and I'm getting the urge to BC. I think I'm going to get a sew-in soon. As much as I like Senegalese Twists, I want to try another transitioning style.
Approaching week 8 and I have rollerset for the week. It was my first time trying mesh rollers and it turned out alright. Last night I did some loose flat twists and wore a twist-out. My hair was BIG today!:afro: Probably because I never flat iron my roots... So big, a small family decided to stare at it for 2 minutes when I was in line at Walgreens.:wacky:

I've had big hair days too. My hubby seems to like it for some reason while I feel like my head is being swallowed up!
Update: In week 38. No urge whatsoever to BC, but wishing my processed hair wouldn't clump together so much after washes and be so hard to detangle. I've somewhat remedied the problem, but only by slathering my hair root to tip with shea butter and olive oil creams, as well as saturating with juices (S-Curl, HS 14N1). I have much looser, longer appearing NG in the back, and tighter coiled in the front, though it all seems to be the same texture. I think it's just that the hair in the back is longer and "weighs" the NG down, making the curls/waves appear to be looser. I'm enjoying my hair progress, and can see myself keeping this up for years, even.
:grin::grin::grin: Thanks!! I love smileys:D

What did/are you all do to help get past the 8, 10th week, 6 month hurdles??

What tools did you use?? Products that help with detangling??

And what was/is your staple transitioning style(s)??

Well I love bantu knot outs. They are my tried and true transition style that never lets me down. Of course large tooth detangling comb. I was using one with the interlocking teeth that works really well, but since then I have switched to using a bone comb. Silicon mix is great for DC-ing as well a detangling. You have to find what works for you. HTH
ETA: For the six month hurdle, I also relied on protective styles such as buns. This helped a lot to get through the rough patch with my hair.
Did a braidout and they always come out ugly. I'll just stick to my flexirods. How's everybody else doing?

My braid-outs, twist outs, everything comes out horrible with these relaxed ends still in transition is not as frustrating as some people because I live my life in extensions...but since I have discovered the hair boards I miss playing in my hair when Im in extensions now lol...I used to take one install down and go get a fresh one the same I try to give myself at least a week in between installs just to get used to working with my hair....the sad part is that I make sure that I am not going anywhere major during that time in between lol bcuz it takes me sooo long to get this transitioning hair to look decent....btw, im 17 months post relaxer....maybe 4 inches of relaxed ends remaining...Im praying for it to be gone by August...but Im not going to my stylist for a trim and flat-iron until November...I will be 24 months then!! So it gets easier as you begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel but you also get more anxious as you start to see less and less of the relaxed ends....

Transitioning has its get to see what your natural hair loves and hates and you get to learn all about caring for natural hair instead of BC'ing the day you decide to go natural and having to figure it all out at once...
I'm about 8 months and 1 week now, but the last time i washed my hair about 10 days ago my hair got really tangled. So next time i wash i have to wash in sections. I feel :grin: because i know my hair is grow, but in another was :sad: because of the extra work and the annoying relaxed ends. How many months post were you girls when you decided to wash in sections?
11 months post TODAY! :woot: I honestly never thought I would last this long. Even though I have some frustrating hair days and even more frustrating wash days, most the time they have been good days :) I'm so happy I've managed to go this long!! Rollersetting/ straight styles have definitely helped me out and DC with almost every wash have been my saviors!!!

Thank you all for the great tips, suggestions, and support on this thread! Happy transitioning to all~
I am trailing you by a couple of last relaxer was on 05/21/09:grin:!! I cannot believe it either. Bunning has been my saving grace for the past 2 months. I plan on being 100% natural by the end of this year!

11 months post TODAY! :woot: I honestly never thought I would last this long. Even though I have some frustrating hair days and even more frustrating wash days, most the time they have been good days :) I'm so happy I've managed to go this long!! Rollersetting/ straight styles have definitely helped me out and DC with almost every wash have been my saviors!!!

Thank you all for the great tips, suggestions, and support on this thread! Happy transitioning to all~
11 months post TODAY! :woot: I honestly never thought I would last this long. Even though I have some frustrating hair days and even more frustrating wash days, most the time they have been good days :) I'm so happy I've managed to go this long!! Rollersetting/ straight styles have definitely helped me out and DC with almost every wash have been my saviors!!!

Thank you all for the great tips, suggestions, and support on this thread! Happy transitioning to all~

I am almost 2 months post and washing in sections is the only way I wash. It helps TREMENDOUSLY with detangling.

I am trailing you by a couple of last relaxer was on 05/21/09:grin:!! I cannot believe it either. Bunning has been my saving grace for the past 2 months. I plan on being 100% natural by the end of this year!

Congratulations Ladies! Keep up the good work!:clapping::congrats:
Approaching week 8 and I have rollerset for the week. It was my first time trying mesh rollers and it turned out alright. Last night I did some loose flat twists and wore a twist-out. My hair was BIG today!:afro: Probably because I never flat iron my roots... So big, a small family decided to stare at it for 2 minutes when I was in line at Walgreens.:wacky:

CaliDiamond, I think that is so cute. Big hair Rocks!!!! :Copy of 2cool:
I went to the club with another couple and my hubby this past weekend. I cowashed and did a light blowdry and flat ironned. I was rushing so I couldn't take my time, but my hair was really full but bouncy and straight. Well, at the end of the night my DH and girlfriend keep trying to smooth down my hair because they both said I look like a lion with a wild mane. :hair: They later told me that the girls sitting behind us were laughing bc everytime one of them tried to tame it, I would shake it out :afro: so it was all over my head again. :lachen:(I was also a little tipsy):rolleyes:

I am trailing you by a couple of last relaxer was on 05/21/09:grin:!! I cannot believe it either. Bunning has been my saving grace for the past 2 months. I plan on being 100% natural by the end of this year!

I am right behind you both!!! My last relaxer was May 22, 2009. :drunk:
I was thinking about transitioning then, but because it was Memorial Day Weekend, I wanted straight hair. :wallbash:
I will be 11 months post next week Friday!
Does anybody use the coconut milk/lime mix to keep their newgrowth in check?? I want to try this when i get to 8 or 9 weeks post if just co-washing isn't helping anymore.
Ok, I may have cheated...slightly...:look:

My daughter and I are both transitioning. When I removed her latest install, we both agreed that the RELAXED ENDS MUST GO....We cut about 1 to 2 inches off, so she is ALL NATURAL after transitioning since December 08..Her hair is SL and very thick! :yep:

I am still transitioning ( last relaxer March 09)...My hair looks horrible :wallbash:...I am going to continue with installs until I can get this anemia under control because my braid outs, twist outs, buns, or anything for that matter are just dreadful :nono:..( in my Dwight voice)