Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Can anyone recommend a good DC? I used to swear by ORS Replenish Paks, but this was when i was totally relaxed. Now that I have a good amount of NG it seems to make my hair feel like crap :(

Have you tried mixing it with EVOO? That makes a HUGE difference. I apply the ORS first and then the EVOO with a color applicator bottle, with heat for 30 min. Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose is good too (I also add EVOO).
As of yesterday, I'm officially 21 weeks post!!!! The longest I've ever gone is 8 week! So far so good. Co-washing and Herbal Essence LTR are my BFFs!
still hanging in there at 39 weeks post (almost 10 months :bouncegre) I'm trying to do different styles because I'm honestly sick of bunning for right now. I'm not having too many issues with the two textures thus far and I hope it stays that way. I have at least 8 more months to go.
Congratulations on making 1 year post!

I'm like 40 weeks post and in love with my hair. It's being so cooperative, I'm almost scared to mess with it. I can't wait until I'm able (i.e. ready) to BC.

Thanks, BrooklynQueen! :grin:

I can see why you're in love with your hair; your waves are that with or without products? Yes, I sooo hear you on when you're able/ready to BC. I know I won't until my new growth is substantially long!

HHG to you! :)
do you wear hair bands around your head like the one in your pic? i noticed that those things made my daughters edges thin. then we started using the thicker ones and it made it much better.

:lachen:You really can't tell. I have always had a problem with my balding edges and the top of my head. It's filling in nicely since I stopped relaxing.
Checking in- my hair is still in box braids. I am afraid to do anything else with my hair out of fear of line of demarcation breakage as I got two lines to look after....natural/ texturized and texturized/relaxed.
About 17 weeks post I think. Just took my hair out of a full weave, but I didn't have time to do anything to it, so its in a 'partial' braid out right now. As my SO says, I have my Erykah Badu look going on right now. Can't wait to wash and DC it today. Then it will be back to braids next week
do you wear hair bands around your head like the one in your pic? i noticed that those things made my daughters edges thin. then we started using the thicker ones and it made it much better.

Yes I do. Everyday. But my breakage came from braids. The ind I have on my head has the gel on the underside if that makes sense. I was using cloth headbands at first and they snagged my hair constantly. It's been about 4 yrs since been wearing headbands non stop. I wanna break free, but it's like I can't. I'm an addict. :look:
Some texture shots to add...Sigh, I'm so excited about my hair...but can't tell what it will be like just yet...


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I'm 8 1/2 months post now. I must confess, I did texlax a small horse shoe leave out for my install back in March, but I won't be doing that again. I'm just going to stick with Kinky Straight textures instead of Virgin Indian Hair. I will continue to transition with weaves for another year or so. For the most part, I haven't been doing anything different with my hair, then when I was relaxed. Just more DC's. I also trimmed about 2 inches of my hair in February, split ends, etc. When I take out this install I will do a trim/dusting, extra haircare and re-install. Good Luck Ladies...
I have some questions. I'm one week shy of 7 weeks post. My nape was shaved from a hair cut I had and some hair has grown back in that area. Since it was shaved low is the hair that grows back considered natural or will it still be chemically altered for a while? In different areas in my nape, some of the hair is in what looks like a tiny, tight finger coil (You probly wouldn't see it unless I point it) out but I can stretch it out and I'm constantly pulling and playing with them. Will that loosen? Does that tell me what my texture or curl pattern may be? I was playing with those yesterday putting water and moisturizer on them and it would stretch a little for a second then pop back into the coil but it's only small random parts of my hair that is like that. Also the ends still look straight but I don't know how that can be when it was shaved down. TIA
hey ladies!!

I don't believe I've stepped in this thread yet but I'm about 9 1/2 months post (40-45 weeks?) and I don't plan on chopping until sometime between 20-24 months post. I'm getting a new weave next weekend so hopefully I can keep it in until I'm at the 1yr post mark- weave definitely helps when you're having the chop chop urge like me... stay strong girls!!
I have to drop out ladies. I bc'd today after 6 months of transitioning.

Pookaloo, don't do that to your pictures. Put a happy face or something. :( Did you see Clash of the Titans?

Anyway, today is my 1 year anniversary! I really and truly want to transition for 2 years or until the relaxed ends drop off. They are long gone at my nape already.
Pookaloo, don't do that to your pictures. Put a happy face or something. :( Did you see Clash of the Titans?

Anyway, today is my 1 year anniversary! I really and truly want to transition for 2 years or until the relaxed ends drop off. They are long gone at my nape already.

:lachen: You stupid. No I didn't see it. You think it's scary? You should have seen the other pic I had.
Tee hee. When I first saw your picture it reminded me of the faceless witches in the movie. :( I was like, "noooo not that pretty little girl's mommy!"
Posted in other transitioning thread, but posting here as well:

Hmmm, I have a question. I'm 6 months into my transition (and I'm totally surprised because I give up on things easily, lol), and it's frustrating...I cut my hair to neck length about 9 weeks ago to keep my hair from tangling as much while transitioning. I am planning to transition anywhere from 12-18 months. Now to my question..

I am mostly wearing my hair in perm rod sets, but gosh they get dry and frizzy after a few days. I try not to manipulate them too much, and when I put my moisturizing spritz (honeyquat/distilled water), my hair gets sticky and even more frizzy and dry. This time around, I used Sally's Argan Oil, and it helps, but I don't think it's meant to be moisturizing...or is it??

What can I use on these sets to keep the curls without a frizzy/dry mess?
welp, i think i've found my answer to prevent me from cutting. im gonna keep my hair straight and not wash it for as long as possible. im used to washing almost every day, which of course spurs my urge to cut almost everyday because Im constantly feeling the curls. im hoping to stay straight for two weeks at a time which would mean i would only use heat twice a month. hopefully this works out.
are you putting anything in your hair while its wet, prior to rolling the hair?

Posted in other transitioning thread, but posting here as well:

Hmmm, I have a question. I'm 6 months into my transition (and I'm totally surprised because I give up on things easily, lol), and it's frustrating...I cut my hair to neck length about 9 weeks ago to keep my hair from tangling as much while transitioning. I am planning to transition anywhere from 12-18 months. Now to my question..

I am mostly wearing my hair in perm rod sets, but gosh they get dry and frizzy after a few days. I try not to manipulate them too much, and when I put my moisturizing spritz (honeyquat/distilled water), my hair gets sticky and even more frizzy and dry. This time around, I used Sally's Argan Oil, and it helps, but I don't think it's meant to be moisturizing...or is it??

What can I use on these sets to keep the curls without a frizzy/dry mess?
hey ladies!!

I don't believe I've stepped in this thread yet but I'm about 9 1/2 months post (40-45 weeks?) and I don't plan on chopping until sometime between 20-24 months post. I'm getting a new weave next weekend so hopefully I can keep it in until I'm at the 1yr post mark- weave definitely helps when you're having the chop chop urge like me... stay strong girls!!

Oh I couldn't agree with you more! I just took my install out last Monday, and just had to fight ther urge again a few minutes ago as I put my deep conditioner in and detangled my hair...just looking at all my curly, wavy new But I'm getting crochets this Sat. that I'll hopefully keep in for a month then weave it up again over the summer.
Ok, so after a few of wash and go horror (never again). I have decided to that I will continue to keep my hair straighten (either heat straighted or with a blow dryer). I just bought a new hair dryer, a tourmeline (I can't spell) so I'm hoping that I can follow the same idea as pinkskates (I wish she was still about). Tell me what you all think?
I had been doing wet sets but they don't last very long and have to be twisted every night or I get horrid tangles. And rollersetting is not for me.