Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

Hummm the front and crown of my head is 7.5 months post. However the back of my head is 1.5yrs post. I have very little relaxed hair in the back. I think I may do a mini-bc next weekend and cut the relaxed ends off. Yeah I prob will do that.
Approaching week 8 and I have rollerset for the week. It was my first time trying mesh rollers and it turned out alright. Last night I did some loose flat twists and wore a twist-out. My hair was BIG today!:afro: Probably because I never flat iron my roots... So big, a small family decided to stare at it for 2 minutes when I was in line at Walgreens.:wacky:

Thanks for the belly laugh, that was funny. Maybe that's why I get so many stares. What with my horn bantu knots and my BIG hair.
transitioning AGAIN!!! I was natural for 2 yrs n 7 mos. then I texlaxed bc I was in an accident, had no one to do my hair and to be honest I was just simply TIRED!!!! Now my scalp is a hot I am going natural again :) not to mention I just learned that I am having thyroid issues! I don't plan to big chop but you never know
I'm officially one year post relaxer! Still in braids, and have been taking them out gradually until weekend after next when I can take them all out! I'll get 'em redone about a week or two after. Transitioning is good for me when I can't manipulate my hair, but those few weeks when it's out are rough. I guess since I haven't cut off the relaxed ends, it makes the curls clump together and are hard to detangle, like another poster said, but I'm dealing with it.

One year down, one to go!

:grin::grin::grin: Thanks!! I love smileys:D

What did/are you all do to help get past the 8, 10th week, 6 month hurdles??

What tools did you use?? Products that help with detangling??

And what was/is your staple transitioning style(s)??

I've used braids for the first five months, and now I'm co-washing and bunning. I'll likely go back to braids for the summer. I love my whipped shea butter, and I'm really loving Tresemee Naturals Moisture Conditioner for co-washing. I'm also a BKTer, so I think that has help as well, especially for my straight styles. I also use an oil mix with wheat germ oil, argan oil, coconut oil, avocado oil, and grapeseed oil, and I use long aid activator gel for some moisture, or a cheapie conditioner. I got a lot goin' on, LOL.
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I'm 16.5 months post, and I go back and forth almost every day on whether or not to do the BC. I'm trying to wait until after my friends wedding, because I'm not sure what I would do with a head of short natural hair at a formal event... We'll see!
What did/are you all do to help get past the 8, 10th week, 6 month hurdles??

What tools did you use?? Products that help with detangling??

And what was/is your staple transitioning style(s)??

I'm almost 26 months post so over the course of my transition, I've been using protective styles to cut down on manipulation. For the 1st 10 or 11 months, I wore curly, full head sew-in weaves. From month 11 til now, I've been wearing wigs that I make on my own. I plait my hair in like 4 to 6 braids, wear a wig cap, and then the wig. I wash and DC my hair in those same plaits and only detangle then redo them after the 3rd or 4th wash.
Am I the only one that doesn't wash in a bunch of sections? I have a natural part down the middle of my head, so I just wash from right to left, and condition from right to left.

It doesn't get really tangled, either.
This Thursday, April 22, I will be 9 mos post! I can't believe it!
Originally Posted by SmilingElephant
Thanks!! I love smileys

What did/are you all do to help get past the 8, 10th week, 6 month hurdles??

Lawd knows that months 4.5-6.5 were the hardest! Matts and tangles er'where! I just washed once per month, and still only wash once every 3-4 wks (:yep: cuz it takes too much work), braided while damp, and air-dried. I wore my hair in plaits underneath my wig cap and then applied my wig (still do this). I only wear one when leaving the house, so that my hair can breathe 10-24 hrs a day, (if I don't go anywhere for the latter). I'm using the same technique still, and will continue to use until May or longer, depending on my mood & whether I feel like dealing wit this head! :)

What tools did you use?? Products that help with detangling??

I use a wide-tooth comb by Goody (extra long teeth, not the regular-sized combs), shea butter, olive oil, and mango butter creams, curl activator/moisturizer products like S-Curl and Hawaiian Silky 14-N-1 (<--most recent hair saviour), hair straightening serum to seal & help with detangling, natural shampoo bars, and if using any liquid shampoo, I dilute with tons of water in a color-applicator bottle (like a 1/2 dollar-sized dollop to about 6 ounces water), then squirt it through my hair and scalp in the shower. It cleanses very well, and leaves my hair moisturized. I use the same technique for clarifying shampoos, as well as baking soda/ACV/herbal powder washing and rinses.

Diluting the shampoo really helps to keep my hair from getting too stripped and tangled (I'm not one who can do without shampoo & just CW scalp would be an itchy, flaky mess)! I also wash my hair in 4 sections, applying conditioner thoroughly to the NG thru to the ends. Other important things are: doing oil rinses after my condish is rinsed out to help with slip, and I MUST comb my hair out while DRY BEFORE EACH WASH, b/c I will have serious tangles if I don't. I just apply a light moisturizer to prevent breakage and proceed to comb out shed hair from the root.

And what was/is your staple transitioning style(s)??

My staple style is the plaits underneath the wig. I can change my wig to fit my mood, most ppl think the ones I have chosen to wear are my natural hair, and my hair is protected. I don't have to spend precious time dealing with my hair when I have to get up and go quickly. Since the weather is getting warmer, I may transition to using a quick weave (lighter weight, more air flow to scalp during wear--sold in packs like wigs), or using sew-ins, crochet braids, or cornrows with extensions to get me seamlessly through the summer! Then, come Sept. 2010, I will be back in my traditional wigs/LF's God-willing, with some more healthy NG and length retained to boot! :)
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Can anyone recommend a good DC? I used to swear by ORS Replenish Paks, but this was when i was totally relaxed. Now that I have a good amount of NG it seems to make my hair feel like crap :(
Can anyone recommend a good DC? I used to swear by ORS Replenish Paks, but this was when i was totally relaxed. Now that I have a good amount of NG it seems to make my hair feel like crap :(

I have had success with the ors in a bottle (old formula, I stocked up way back) while relaxed, texlaxed, and now transitioning. I also love NTM dc and Pantene Relaxed and Natural dc. I use them all interchangeably and haven't added much protein in my routine either.
Can anyone recommend a good DC? I used to swear by ORS Replenish Paks, but this was when i was totally relaxed. Now that I have a good amount of NG it seems to make my hair feel like crap :(
I like Elucence Moisture Balance and Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner..these are 2 of my favs :yep:. ORS (for me is a light protein con and while I still need balance I focus more on moisturizing conditioners)
Thanks for the belly laugh, that was funny. Maybe that's why I get so many stares. What with my horn bantu knots and my BIG hair.

LOL. Glad to share. I am 2 months post and feeling the joy of poofy hair this week. My SO is liking it a lil TOO much tho:blush:
On the 31st I will be 6 months post. I parted my hair ear to ear and chopped just the front. :lol: I left the back in case I chickened out and I did! So I gelled the front back and now I have it in a bun. I MIGHT do the rest next week. You can't even tell I did it. Ecostyler gel is the truf!
On the 31st I will be 6 months post. I parted my hair ear to ear and chopped just the front. :lol: I left the back in case I chickened out and I did! So I gelled the front back and now I have it in a bun. I MIGHT do the rest next week. You can't even tell I did it. Ecostyler gel is the truf!

LOL.. OMG :lol: you gotta post pics..
Great! It's good to know I have a transitioning buddy, because I don't have a clue what I'm doing! LOL!!!

Hahaha are you having trouble right now? Or are you anticipating trouble? I have a plan girl and I hope I can stick to it! I'm in this for the long haul. How long do you want to transition?
No trouble yet except for dryness and sometimes my new growth feels hard. So that usually means that I need to up my moisture and deep conditioning treamtments. I don't really have a regimen, outside of what I've been doing for my relaxed hair. I need to find styles that hide my new growth. In a way I'm anticipating trouble, because I think the longest I've stretched is almost 6 months and then I usually give in to the creamy crack. But, I'm determined to transition.

My dh is looking forward to seeing my natural hair, but he still has questions. Like, how am I going to wear my hair when it's natural. I told him I would still wear it straight sometime, but not from a relaxer.

I think very soon, I'm going to get some cornrows put in my hair, then maybe some kinky twists or a weave. I have fine hair and my edges are prone to breakage so I really have to make sure I choose the best option.

I must say though, I am loving the way my new growth feels. I play in my new growth all of the time.

I'm not sure how long I'm going to transition, I guess as long as I can stand it!:grin:
I'm officially one year post relaxer! Still in braids, and have been taking them out gradually until weekend after next when I can take them all out! I'll get 'em redone about a week or two after. Transitioning is good for me when I can't manipulate my hair, but those few weeks when it's out are rough. I guess since I haven't cut off the relaxed ends, it makes the curls clump together and are hard to detangle, like another poster said, but I'm dealing with it.

One year down, one to go!


Congratulations on making 1 year post!

I'm like 40 weeks post and in love with my hair. It's being so cooperative, I'm almost scared to mess with it. I can't wait until I'm able (i.e. ready) to BC.
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