Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

hi guys:wavey:
i will be 20 weeks post on friday & hope to transition for at least 18 months, but preferably 24. we'll see how that goes:rolleyes:
ETA: i am currently wearing my hair in kinky twists & i will take these out after a month, wash, steam & then get a weave.
I think I'm going to take a break from Senegalese Twists for a while. I'm going to remove these in a few weeks, Henna, then probably wear my har straight for a while. (I would like to test out my new Maxiglide). When I decide to try another PS, it will probably be a sew-in.
Hi, ladies!

Just checking in; I have been in braids for about a month and a half. I'll take them out after Easter, rest, and then have them reinstalled. I'm currently doing a pre-poo with EVOO, EVCO, honey, castor oil, aloe vera juice, and liquid shea butter. :lick:

I'm happy to report that I am 11 months post :bouncy:, and may straighten in April to see where I am, but am not certain about that; I haven't had any heat in my hair for almost a year (except drying Curlformers under the dryer)!

I want to BC so bad and I'm only 15 weeks post lol. I'm not having trouble dealing with my new growth I'm just sick of having hair right now....IDK what's wrong with me because I would hate being nearly bald...maybe I should get braids and keep it in a bun because I get annoyed whenever my hair touches me...maybe cause it's getting warm outside :-\
I haven't relaxed in 7 mos. and I'm not sure I'm transitioning. I have approx. 5" of new growth and it's actually behaving better than my relaxed hair. So far I haven't had any major issues other than having to tweak my regimen and add more oil/moisturizers. Not sure I'll BC either.
I was going to BC this weekend bought the shears and everything but...all my female family mem scared me pretty bad. They kept saying my DH will leave me if I cut my hair. Which is not true but it still really scared me!

So I'm trying to long term transition now. Using daily cowashes to get my hair into a smooth bun.
^^It takes patience to transition without the BC. I didn't have that before. I'm glad this thread is here to keep me focused :-).

This time is not so bad because I know how to control/tame my NG and thank God for protective styling! When the weather gets warmer, I'll do a couple BKTs to help keep things better under control. During the colder months I'll let my hair rest. This working out well, I have a lot of new growth!
washed hair and am currently airdrying in bantu knots
probably will wear it up for the next 2 weeks.
getting senegalese twists again end of march
^^It takes patience to transition without the BC. I didn't have that before. I'm glad this thread is here to keep me focused :-).

This time is not so bad because I know how to control/tame my NG and thank God for protective styling! When the weather gets warmer, I'll do a couple BKTs to help keep things better under control. During the colder months I'll let my hair rest. This working out well, I have a lot of new growth!

Amen to the bolded!:yep:

cutting tonight .....
Good luck to everyone.

Congratulations. I can't wait to see pics!
I'm 10 months post, kinda wanna chop my hair off but I'm not sure it would suit me. The two textures are not a problem at all but I just want a change. My brother warned me not to, he says I'll hate short hair and the natural hair will keep growing no matter what so why rush, he's probably right. Le sigh.
Hi ladies, i havent checked in in a while cuz i've been really busy with work. I'm 21 weeks post now and still going strong, i keep my hair in plaits most of the time so i'm not having any issues yet.
:wave: Hi yall. I decided to transition around New Years (it wasn't a resolution, just a decision) and the past weekend was one of the first times that I'd seen my hair since it's been weaved up. It's grown quite a bit and it's at SL now. For me, that's long. I am wondering if after 1 year if I will be able to cut my hair off. I haven't gotten rid of my tub of Linange relaxer yet (maybe it's a crutch)

I'm so tired of cutting my hair off, but I told myself this would be the last time (when I BC)

I'm afraid by the time I'm ready to BC I won't want to because my hair will be the longest it's ever been. Cutting off all that progress will be hard. :ohwell: DH is super excited for me to be natural again (I was natural when we first met) but I wonder if I will be able to last this transition.

Maybe I will have to start cutting off the relaxed ends so I don't get tempted by length. I will continue to lurk in this thread too. :lol:
Hi y'all.

I've decided to give transitioning another try. I only lasted 2 1/2 months last time.

I've never really had short hair outside of a haircolor mishap which melted ALL of my hair off. My hair has always been APL- past BSL, and this is kind of scary, although I've ALWAYS wanted natural hair.

Well, I'm gonna try it again. This time I'm going to put all of my relaxers in the garbage, or give them away so that I can't be tempted by them.

I'm gonna need help though. lol
Can someone with shoulder length hair please share braidout pics/technique???? Mine was very bushy!

I have no idea how long my hair is bc I'm texlaxed, have 8 months worth of new growth, and airdry :lachen: but I think I'm at least SL. Anyways are you using a holding product (ie, butter or gel) and are you using rollers on the end?
^^^^^^^ITA w/ the above^^^^^^^^

I use shea butter which helps with the definition and hold. I do 8 cornrows going back on moisturized hair (I moisturize with shea butter and scurl/water mix) and put rollers on the end.
I have been in transistion since May of 09, what I have found that helps me is washing my hair using the crown and Glory method, and my denem brush, I have 4a hair and have not found it difficult managing to two textures as long as I use the Crown and Glory wash method!!! Also i wear a bun, and oil my scalp with olive oil, and use hollywood olive oil cream on the ends, my hair loves it!!
I thought I joined this one but I couldn't find my post. Maybe I'm trippin.

I'll be 35 weeks post on Saturday, and so far so that I've learned to work with my hair and not against it. However, I don't really feel like I'm retaining any length, or maybe I just can't see it. My friends say my hair has grown, but I feel like I've been APL for like 6 months now.

I'll be taking more pics on wash day.
Oddly enough, I can't even go a week without washing and finger combing my hair. My last wash was Sunday and I've kept my hair in 4 braids this entire week while wearing a bonne and beret over it. So I took down a braid to do a braidout today and my hair was sooooo tangled and dry (even though I just moisturized Wednesday). I don't know how that hair managed to tangle up after being braided for a week but lets just say I will go back to co-washing twice a week because this is not cool. So I'll pre-poo with Lustrasilk Mango today to detangle and then wash with CON and condish with Naked Naturals. Hope everything goes well :-)....I'm 16 weeks post today yaaay!