Transitioning without BC'ing Support Thread

How do u like the Shescentit conditioners? i've seen them mentioned a few times and was thinking about trying it. I am in desperate need of a deep moisturizing conditioner that consistently gives results. Most just sit on top of my hair and won't sink in to really moisturize.

I hear ya'

I have very dry, dense hair and have used a ton of products over the years and most don't do anything to my hair. I started using Shescentit's products about 2 years ago and am very happy with them. For one, I use her deep conditioning and since I have a TON of new growth and just all around naps, using this product makes it easier for me to comb and plait my hair. It also makes it very soft. When I was relaxing, I used the deep conditioner and then would do a roller set. My curls would be so soft and bouncy and silky, you couldn't tell me anything cause I know my hair looked good!

I also got fantastic results from her Fortifying Mask (which is actually the first product of hers that I tried). I was using this for about 6-8 months before it dawned on me that this was not a deep conditioner but it still gave me great results: silky hair, soft etc. I then stopped using it and switched over to the deep conditioner.

I recommend her products because they worked for me. I learned the hard way that what works for one person might not work for someone else.
I'm 7 mos, 3 days in! I would love to try Silicon Mix, but I am trying hard to keep the PJ in me under wraps! I've got a list of stuff I'd like to try, but so far my best friends have been Aussie Moist Condish, VO5 Strawberries 'n Cream, S-Curl, my sulfur treatments, and shampoo bars. I am loving the way my hair is thickening and growing so well without the chemicals.
I'm at 4 months! This is the longest I've ever transitioned for!:bdance::lachen: I might make this a long transition after all.:yep:
I'm taking my braids out this weekend and letting my hair rest for a week, then back in braids I go.

I may do another mini chop.. those help me a lot! :grin:
Haven't been on in a while and just saw this thread. I never bc'd. I use to get relaxers twice a year (maybe three times a few times) and one day realized it had been a year since the last time I had relaxed (I did them myself). So, I stopped. It wasn't a big deal to me and I didn't think much about it at all.

It worked for me. My hair reacted the same way from what I remember (it was so long ag). Never did mini chops either. Apparently I was blessed.
aren't the ors pak a mild protein treatment? I think I used this years ago one time and it did not moisturize my hair at all. my hair does not like protein

I like the intense hydrating masque by Moroccan Oil, its pretty moisturizing.

I do mini-chops of 2 inches every three months and maintain a length of about 7 inches in the very back. Since I am so tall, 7 inches is a little past shoulder length for me. I have been transitioning for just over 9 months and I now have more natural hair than relaxed. I hope to be completely natural at 15-18 months with about 7-9 inches of hair.
Yes I do mini chops every 6 weeks and since I ahve started my hair has been growing so much fuller and longer!
What are some good products to use if you have 4A hair that gets thin when you use heavy products on it? I need some suggestions for some light treatments because my hair gets easily weighed down.
I wished that I never relaxed, I just can’t deal with summer reversion (sp??).

Are there any other ballet dancers here that are natural or transitioning? If so, how do you keep your bun from looking like a poofy HAM!!!!
6 months!!! , 6 more to go

Got my second trim for the year, prob my last for the year. My hair is now fully covering my tattoo. Should have posted pics but by the time i remembered my hair went...poof.
I wished that I never relaxed, I just can’t deal with summer reversion (sp??).

Are there any other ballet dancers here that are natural or transitioning? If so, how do you keep your bun from looking like a poofy HAM!!!!

Former ballet dancer here, I was natural when I danced. Since I'm bunning now as a protective style I found a great way to keep it smooth. I cowash, put my leave ins on, then I take a small bit of smoothing cream *usually used when your straightening with a blow dryer*. I put that on the new growth, then I use a boar bristle brush to smooth the top. Twist in a bun *I don't tie it up, that never works well for me. And I use hair pins to keep it up :)
The smoothing cream makes the top sleek and smooth and the bun last for two days as long as you put the scarf on at night to cover.
HTH! :)
What are some good products to use if you have 4A hair that gets thin when you use heavy products on it? I need some suggestions for some light treatments because my hair gets easily weighed down.

I would like to know this as well! I have 4A fine hair and I made the decision to transition about two weeks ago!
subscribing to this thread...I'm 12 weeks post relaxer and just beginning my transition journey!
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OK, so I yesterday I took my braids out. It took all of 2 1/2 hours. I'm loving the NG and lookin at the relaxed ends like :nono:!

I'm holdin on....:fistshake:
My newgrowth is loving Nexxus Luxxtress watery leave-in. I spray just before bed, seal my ends with oil, then tie my scarf. :love: :love2: :love3:

My usual style is a curly ponytail with a party down the middle.
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I'm not officially in this challenge but I needed to vent. I am currently 5 months post relaxer and am trying to transition to naturalwhich I've never done before or heard of b4 here. Currently I am still trying to find products and a regimen that will work for me and will give me maximum growth and health. I am in a sew in that I'm not really liking cause the leave out hair is not the same texture/straightness as the hair. When I wash my hair I can see where the new growth is and the relaxed ends are even though there's tons more relaxed hair. Sometimes I want to cut some of the relaxed ends just to see what my natural hair would look like but I don't want to bc or have a twa or less. My so makes comments about my hair sometimes cause he can't see the big picture as I can't either cause of course right I just look like someone that needs a perm. I am also style challenged so I can't wear things like twist outs braid outs as I can't cornrow, twist, flat twist, anything my own hair.I can't flat iron that well yet I constantly am to make my hair straight and/or blend and look decent. I'm trying to stay positive and believe that one day I'll have the hair I want.
laurend085--I can not cornrow or flat twist but I can do braid outs and twists out. Braidouts can be done with plaits and twistouts can be done with double strand twists.
Heeey all!!! Im in... currently about seven months in and waiting til june 11' until I chop. It'll be my 30th bday present to myself.