I posted this in RT but probably should have posted this here...
Do you all believe the below statement and am I missing something? It was stated to me on social media:
Hair would grow more if you cut the relaxed hair if you're not going to relax again. She tells her clients the hair will cut itself if you don't cut it.
My response....doesn't hair grow the same regardless...wouldn't it be the retention that differs due to breakage?
I've heard something similar from a stylist early on in my transition. I was prob about 7-8 months post and he told me that my hair would break off and that I should either chop it then or do braids/protective styles something.
Honestly, I see the truth in what he said. I knew I wanted to be a long term transitioner, but I wasn't one to stress myself out about preserving the length of my relaxed ends. As my transition went on my relaxed ends became even more struggle, struggle, struggle looking. I'd dc as usual and my hair just started to not make sense lol. I either would slick my hair back in a bun and tuck the ends, or do a braid out and wear it out.
Unpopular opinion, I don't think long transitions are that great. I know there are quite a few of us who have had successful 2+ year transitions and do cute styles, etc... but IMO, when you cut off the relaxed ends you really get a feel for your natural hair and how to manage it, it's easier to wash, it feels unburdened by the struggle straight ends, it just feels like it's ready to thrive
. I chopped at 17.5 months, I had planned on going longer, but I'm glad I chopped when I did. I think it all depends on your hair and your hair type honestly (Another unpopular opinion).
So I say all this to say, while I don't fully agree with your stylist, I totally understand and it makes sense to me. I do think hair grows regardless of whether you cut it or not, but transitioning hair at the same time is not the healthiest/strongest so it will inevitably break off ... protein treatments be damned lol. I don't think there is a one size fit all routine for transitioning. Some people can get away with buns/twist outs/bantu knots, etc, some are better with weaves/wigs b/c their strands simply cannot handle the manipulation of the two textures.